The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Head ache due to nasal polyp in type1 diabetic girl
Dear doctors!My 15 year old daughter has been suffering from head ache since around 1 year which is may be due to nasal polyp existing in right side. She is type 1 diabetic, using insuline pump. Please advice to cure her headache and nasal polyp. Thanks in advance
pradeepx28 on 2019-06-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the following questions. And how do you know she could be having nasal polyps on right side? Was there any test done to rule in or rule out?
1) What are the complaints and any known cause for such complaints.
2) List out locations and sensations associated with complaints if any
3) Write down worsening and bettering factors and any associated symptoms about these complaints.
4) Details about emotional state, personality, temperament, fears/anxieties.
5) Details like cravings/aversions, climate/temperature preference, thirst/hunger/sleep/sex/discharge issues and about physical appearance and nature of occupation.
6) Any other miscellaneous details including past history of diseases, medicines taken and diseases running into family.
1) What are the complaints and any known cause for such complaints.
2) List out locations and sensations associated with complaints if any
3) Write down worsening and bettering factors and any associated symptoms about these complaints.
4) Details about emotional state, personality, temperament, fears/anxieties.
5) Details like cravings/aversions, climate/temperature preference, thirst/hunger/sleep/sex/discharge issues and about physical appearance and nature of occupation.
6) Any other miscellaneous details including past history of diseases, medicines taken and diseases running into family.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
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