The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Herpes cure Arnica, Arsenic and Ledum
Hello,I read in the book Like Cure Likes that the cure for herpes is Arnica Arsenic and Ledum 200. But it doesn't clearly say for how long, and how often you have to take them. Can any homeopath tell me how I have to take it, daily or weekly and for how long?
Here is a link to the book :
And a copy paste of the paragraph which talks about the treatment :
Herpes is a disease in which blisters form along the course of the
nerves. The skin becomes raw. The patient feels severe burning
sensation, discomfort and pain. Herpes is of two types. Herpes Zoster
or “shingles” appears due to the affliction of nerves with the virus.
The blisters burst open and promote further spread of blister
formation. The other type of herpes is genital herpes, which results
from improper sexual behaviour. It tends to recur frequently and is
related to external genitals. It is a very painful disease. Once
established, the disease lasts forever. Graphites has a special merit for
the treatment of this type of herpes. However, Graphites alone is not
enough. Some other medicine also needs to be used along with
Graphites. I have devised a standard formula for the treatment of all
kinds of herpes. This includes Arnica, Ledum and Arsenic. This formula also offers cure for snakebite. The prescription is very useful
when the pain has started in the previously afflicted snakebite wounds,
associated with burning, sensation of heat and the involvement of
nervous system. With these medicines, herpes gets cured fast. The
genital herpes being very obstinate with the probability of recurrence,
the treatment must be continued for about six months with intervals of
seven to ten days in between.
♥ syria on 2019-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Syria,
Herpes is a virus. The virus is handled by a strong
Immune system. The traditional homeopathic
Way to help a person with these things is to
Take a detailed case study and find the
Overall matching remedy for all symptoms.
One may have to go thru some different layers
Of remedies- but.. each person would have
Individualized medicine.
I looked at the book briefly - and it seems
That this dr. Has devised a protocol , as
You have said. I would try to get in touch-
Write to the publishers and ask for contact info.
This dr writes that he believes in taking a detailed
Case to find the unique remedy for the patient—
EXCEPT he does not have the time with all
His duties to do that. So he is using protocols.
The other drs who do similar are the Banerji’s-
Pbhrfindia dot org. They have a huge database
Of decades of patients using their protocols-
They did not set out to do this from lack
Of time. They want to cure cncr- using remedies
And they are famous worldwide for their
Work- they share data with md anderson( USA
Largest cncr hospital.)
If you want to try the Banerji protocol for
Herpes simplex or zoster-
First they say do not put ANY creams on the skin-
For cracked skin you can use only olive oil
Or coconut oil.
First line treatment
Antimonium crudum-6c - one dose every 3 hours
For high temp- belladonna 3c LIQUID every one hour
Acute pain- hypericum 200c one dose each hour
second line treatment
Thuja occidental 30c and arsenicum 200c
Alternate every 3 hours
Burning pain-hypericum200c one dose every 2 hours till relief
Third line treatment
To relieve post herpes neuralgia-
If hypericum fails for Acute pain-
Use Rhus tox 30 AND hypericum 200 - Alternate every 3 hours.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-08-16 01:37:47]
Herpes is a virus. The virus is handled by a strong
Immune system. The traditional homeopathic
Way to help a person with these things is to
Take a detailed case study and find the
Overall matching remedy for all symptoms.
One may have to go thru some different layers
Of remedies- but.. each person would have
Individualized medicine.
I looked at the book briefly - and it seems
That this dr. Has devised a protocol , as
You have said. I would try to get in touch-
Write to the publishers and ask for contact info.
This dr writes that he believes in taking a detailed
Case to find the unique remedy for the patient—
EXCEPT he does not have the time with all
His duties to do that. So he is using protocols.
The other drs who do similar are the Banerji’s-
Pbhrfindia dot org. They have a huge database
Of decades of patients using their protocols-
They did not set out to do this from lack
Of time. They want to cure cncr- using remedies
And they are famous worldwide for their
Work- they share data with md anderson( USA
Largest cncr hospital.)
If you want to try the Banerji protocol for
Herpes simplex or zoster-
First they say do not put ANY creams on the skin-
For cracked skin you can use only olive oil
Or coconut oil.
First line treatment
Antimonium crudum-6c - one dose every 3 hours
For high temp- belladonna 3c LIQUID every one hour
Acute pain- hypericum 200c one dose each hour
second line treatment
Thuja occidental 30c and arsenicum 200c
Alternate every 3 hours
Burning pain-hypericum200c one dose every 2 hours till relief
Third line treatment
To relieve post herpes neuralgia-
If hypericum fails for Acute pain-
Use Rhus tox 30 AND hypericum 200 - Alternate every 3 hours.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-08-16 01:37:47]
♡ simone717 5 years ago
Thank you Simone.
So this protocol has to be taken at every outbreak right? Meaning that the virus cannot be cured, we can only alleviate symptoms with homeopathy right?
Also, I did not understand first line treatment and second line treatment. I should first try the first one, if it fails then the sdcondt one, or I should take both together?
So this protocol has to be taken at every outbreak right? Meaning that the virus cannot be cured, we can only alleviate symptoms with homeopathy right?
Also, I did not understand first line treatment and second line treatment. I should first try the first one, if it fails then the sdcondt one, or I should take both together?
♡ syria 5 years ago
Try the first line and if no results then try the second line.
The virus can stay dormant with no outbreaks
If your immune system is working well.
For example, everyone who has had chicken pox
Has the virus dormant in their nervous system.
People who never had chicken pox never get
Shingles because they do not have the virus
In their system.
I have seen people with HPV Virus use a naturopathic
Protocol , using vitamins, stopping sugar and
Junk foods, getting regular sleep times, women using
Vitamin c suppositories etc... within 2 months
No tests showing hpv, and 10 years later still
All checkups Clear of hpv.
You have to work on good diet, regular healthy
Lifestyle that makes you strong. The people I know
With shingles, all were stressed out, eating badly,
Overdoing things. Remedies can not counteract
Lifestyle choices.
Try the first line and if no results then try the second line.
The virus can stay dormant with no outbreaks
If your immune system is working well.
For example, everyone who has had chicken pox
Has the virus dormant in their nervous system.
People who never had chicken pox never get
Shingles because they do not have the virus
In their system.
I have seen people with HPV Virus use a naturopathic
Protocol , using vitamins, stopping sugar and
Junk foods, getting regular sleep times, women using
Vitamin c suppositories etc... within 2 months
No tests showing hpv, and 10 years later still
All checkups Clear of hpv.
You have to work on good diet, regular healthy
Lifestyle that makes you strong. The people I know
With shingles, all were stressed out, eating badly,
Overdoing things. Remedies can not counteract
Lifestyle choices.
♡ simone717 5 years ago
Simone The said person---i.e author of the book was not a doctor. He was spiritual head of a religious section and had experience in treating people--used combinations as he mentioned due to lack of time.
Syria's case is seriously botched up with quite a deal of suppression. His case requires a lot of individualisation and clearing of suppression and retracement of suppressed ailments before he can be CURED.
Self medicating or B protocols or anything suggested on the fly would only exacerbate his problems. His case requires a moral discipline on his part, a lot of patience and really good advice. Unfortunately when I tried to extend my helping hand, he shut the door on me and has continued his march downhill.
Syria's case is seriously botched up with quite a deal of suppression. His case requires a lot of individualisation and clearing of suppression and retracement of suppressed ailments before he can be CURED.
Self medicating or B protocols or anything suggested on the fly would only exacerbate his problems. His case requires a moral discipline on his part, a lot of patience and really good advice. Unfortunately when I tried to extend my helping hand, he shut the door on me and has continued his march downhill.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
Hi Maheeru,
Thanks for clearing up the “dr” part.
After reading how interested he became in homeopathy,
And his subsequent studies, I thought the “dr”
Title was a homeopathy title.
Syria does what he wants- I agree with you
On your assessment of what he “ should” do-
But that probably will not happen. I was hoping
At the least, he would avoid trying to take
A protocol that has no directions.
Thanks for clearing up the “dr” part.
After reading how interested he became in homeopathy,
And his subsequent studies, I thought the “dr”
Title was a homeopathy title.
Syria does what he wants- I agree with you
On your assessment of what he “ should” do-
But that probably will not happen. I was hoping
At the least, he would avoid trying to take
A protocol that has no directions.
♡ simone717 5 years ago
I have read the said book in full in my earlier homeopathic days and have used some of the information present in there to good effect. I have not referenced this book in a long time.
On Syria--surprisingly even Reva's work was not satisfying on this case. Recently he wrote somewhere he was recommended Tuberculinum 1M. I was aghast, had he only taken one NOSODE relevant to sycosis in the same potency and waited for some time without putting in so many others at the earliest, he would have seen plenty of improvement and would have aborted the whole arthritis/rheumatic suffering and would not have gone in circles for months and even for a few years. But it's all destiny I guess that people make their choices.
On Syria--surprisingly even Reva's work was not satisfying on this case. Recently he wrote somewhere he was recommended Tuberculinum 1M. I was aghast, had he only taken one NOSODE relevant to sycosis in the same potency and waited for some time without putting in so many others at the earliest, he would have seen plenty of improvement and would have aborted the whole arthritis/rheumatic suffering and would not have gone in circles for months and even for a few years. But it's all destiny I guess that people make their choices.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
Hello Maheeru, glad to read you again. :-)
I remember our exchanges during the most difficult period of my life when I caught hepatitis A.
I never shut doors on you, maybe the period I went through made me irritable and sensitive, and I might have said something that hurt you. If I did, i'm sorry for that.
What do you say if we start afresh? Would you like to take my case? :-)
Yes Reva's remedies did not really work well on me, suprisingly indeed as he did his best... Then another homeoapth from the UK advised a "protocol" for the whole arthritis symptoms, which I took, but I was also very surprised as he did not ask me any questions on the background of my case, and also, I thought he gave me too many remedies at thz same time for a very long period.
But I took them as I was in a very bad state mentally and physically and any help was welcome.
Maheeru, would you like to help me by taking my case?
I remember our exchanges during the most difficult period of my life when I caught hepatitis A.
I never shut doors on you, maybe the period I went through made me irritable and sensitive, and I might have said something that hurt you. If I did, i'm sorry for that.
What do you say if we start afresh? Would you like to take my case? :-)
Yes Reva's remedies did not really work well on me, suprisingly indeed as he did his best... Then another homeoapth from the UK advised a "protocol" for the whole arthritis symptoms, which I took, but I was also very surprised as he did not ask me any questions on the background of my case, and also, I thought he gave me too many remedies at thz same time for a very long period.
But I took them as I was in a very bad state mentally and physically and any help was welcome.
Maheeru, would you like to help me by taking my case?
♡ syria 5 years ago
Simone717, thank you for the concern also.
I tried a homeopathic medicine called Vaccinotoxinum sold here by Boiron in pharmacies.. It's made from anti small pox vaccine if I understood well.
It's a very famous remedy here, at the very first sign of an outbreak, you're supposed to take Vaccinotoxinum 9c twice a day for three days.
I took it one day and the next day, the herpes was almost gone.
Is it only suppressed once again? Did i do a mistake by taking it?
They also claim that if you take Vaccinotoxinum 15c or 30c twice a month for 6 months, it can cure herpes.
Maheeru, if you would like to help me with my case, I would be more than happy and grateful.
I tried a homeopathic medicine called Vaccinotoxinum sold here by Boiron in pharmacies.. It's made from anti small pox vaccine if I understood well.
It's a very famous remedy here, at the very first sign of an outbreak, you're supposed to take Vaccinotoxinum 9c twice a day for three days.
I took it one day and the next day, the herpes was almost gone.
Is it only suppressed once again? Did i do a mistake by taking it?
They also claim that if you take Vaccinotoxinum 15c or 30c twice a month for 6 months, it can cure herpes.
Maheeru, if you would like to help me with my case, I would be more than happy and grateful.
♡ syria 5 years ago
Syria, would be complicated and tedious to treat you now with the suppression taking many forms. However would still want to give it a try if you are OK.
The bone of contention was and will be: You need to acknowledge the vice after which you picked up all this. You can not hide behind the excuse saying the doctor said it's ok, all the youngsters are doing this. It was a bad habit--detrimental to health, definitely it has to stop and particularly during the treatment period you will have to stay away from this habit. Even after the treatment I would want you to stay away from this.
This is a typical sycotic/G discharge suppression. While we will be trying to reach the root, the discharge may be re-established, patience will have to be shown instead of resorting to short-cut measures or antibiotics.
If these are fine with you, we can try work through this challenge.
The bone of contention was and will be: You need to acknowledge the vice after which you picked up all this. You can not hide behind the excuse saying the doctor said it's ok, all the youngsters are doing this. It was a bad habit--detrimental to health, definitely it has to stop and particularly during the treatment period you will have to stay away from this habit. Even after the treatment I would want you to stay away from this.
This is a typical sycotic/G discharge suppression. While we will be trying to reach the root, the discharge may be re-established, patience will have to be shown instead of resorting to short-cut measures or antibiotics.
If these are fine with you, we can try work through this challenge.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
Maheeru, thank you, I am ready and will follow all your advice rigidously. Thank you for helping. How shall we proceed?
♡ syria 5 years ago
Decide if you want to go private or to be on forum, private means write to me on email(would involve a fee) if on forum means create a new thread with current symptoms and a glance into your history of diseases and a bit about your personality, fears, cravings, aversions and the things that make complaints worse and or better.
♡ maheeru 5 years ago
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