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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica Montana for Emergency!!

I would like information on using Arnica Montana for traumatic brain injuries. I know western medicine has no real treatment. I have a 22 year old son who is an amateur boxer, and I would like to be prepared in case of emergency. Should I keep 200C or 1M in emergency kit? What manner should it be administered? If there was a traumatic blow to the head, should a higher dose be administered first then followed with 30C possibly? Any advise will be greatly appreciated!!
  HPRigby on 2019-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Keep 200c and 1M. But it won't be the only one needed. From time to time, you will need Symphytum (eye injury), black eye injury (Ledum), Hypericum along with arnica, Ruta (periosteum bruises).

Unless you know what you are doing, use 200c first---if bruises are minor 30c could also be used. General practice is to go gradually up or use the same potency (based on tolerance either dry or in wet dose), or give high potency followed up with low potency.
maheeru 5 years ago
Thank you so much!! I was thinking that 200C first, followed by 30C. If it was a situation of an emergency nature, would it be prudent to give the 30C every 2 hours until symptoms subside or just give 3 times a day? I have used homeopathy successfully for over 20 years, but I have never been presented with an emergency. I will definitely get the others as suggested. He has dealt with bruising on his ribs. The only thing modern medicine suggested was Ibuprofen and rest....
[Edited by HPRigby on 2019-10-18 22:36:29]
HPRigby 5 years ago
For moderate pain and bruising, 30c would do, if huge swelling is there and pain is heavy then 200c would be the right potency----if one potency is going to be used stand-alone.

There are various strategies like making use of more than one potency. If it's an emergency and the vitality is good(likely with his age vitality is good) 1M could also be given first then followed up with 200c/30c---but 1M is a bit powerful, that's why I said if there is a fair knowledge and experience 1M could be employed otherwise lower would do. Like you said the same could be done with 200 and 30 as well.

It depends on severity, intensity and the sensitivity. Sensitive individuals should also use less than 1M.

If something is very acute, dosing interval could be two hours, one hour as well. I have given these in multiple and complex fractures every 15 to 20 minutes till pain factor was largely reduced and a doctor's service could be employed for casting/slinging etc----sometimes mechanical manipulation(including surgery) would be needed to set bones in order.

Another thing to be used during emergency is ice-packs.
maheeru 5 years ago

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