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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Recurrent cough cold fever, continuous cough since 2 months

Dear Homeopaths plz help me.
I am a mother of twin kids.
My twin 1 is continuously sick since past 2 months..already 4 times high fever with cold and cough..
Continuous cough since past 2 months.
At present he is having intermittent cough with mucus sound at back of mouth and thraot, which never comes in mouth , chest clear, nose stuffed with yellowish mucus,
Sleeping time cough increases, Nux help him to sleep.
I already tried kali carb, nux arsenic, sulphur but nothing helped him.
Every evening his cough increases as it rain and become cold.
He is thin, like warm food, cough better with warm water, not much thirsty.
likes sweet food, doesn't like butter or fried or salty things, doesn't want to chew food.
Due to cough he can't chew also.
I have stopped his milk, ghee,fruits, mutton soup as per dr advise since 2 months, still cough doesn't go.
Whenever i wash his head his fever comes back.
Plz help.
His last medicine yesterday was Merc sol200 1 dose.
I am sure if something is bothering him, as at present i am giving him blend food only.
Every now and then he is having gas, nausea, stomach pain specially at night.
His appetite very low. He has tendency to vomit food due to reflux.
He had hernia before which we got operated.
He is very active and friendly boy, but now a days become little dull.
He is very cranky, and love to linger on me always. He want sympathy, love and he is very crying and irritable always.
  ahila on 2019-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz suggest any remedy for his chronic cough with upper respiratory infection and mucus in back of mouth and throat.
And solution for his recurrent fever and cold, which increases with head wash, damp cold environment.
ahila 5 years ago
In last 2 months his weight reduces by 1.5 kg.

Myself has history of tuberculosis. So i get his x ray done but his x ray is normal.
ahila 5 years ago
Plz respond here.
ahila 5 years ago
Is there any fever now?
You have told there is infection.
Give full details.
Is there any ulceration in mouth, throat, tongue?
Is there any swelling in throat?
Is he coughing with very loud sound?
Is there any sound from his chest?
Is his discharged mucus is hard?
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-01 12:58:19]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
At present again nasal congestion started, no running nose, but continuous sud sud from nose,
Today wake up after aftrrnoon nap with full crying loudly, nose sud sud, eyes watery, no fever, coughing with mucus sound..
Very irritable now.
After 2 dose of merc sol cough same, and nasal congestion comes back ( may be because i offer him his powder milk today).
These days he is passing poop every second day, not daily, but passing silent foul gases.
Sometimes night crying a lot for stomach pain.
His upper respiratory issues are seems like never ending now.
This is happening for past 2 months, before that it was not like that.
I started him school which he went for few days only then stopped, and i started bone soup for him. Is this can be reason to trigger something in his body to lower immune system? Or he is showing sign of genetic tuberculosis?
ahila 5 years ago
No swelling in throat, no redness.
His paediatrician told there is viral upper respiratory infection, no influenza, no fever at present.
No ulcer in tongue or mouth.
Tongue whitish and yellowish.
Suddenly since last 15 days his front 2 tooth become yellow, although he brush everyday. Is it related to his illness?

Thanks a lot for giving your response.
ahila 5 years ago
Voice hoarse and loss of voice.
His worst time for coughing is after morning get up.
Evening he usually cough more as weather become cold and damp,
Cry a lot daily aftr 5 pm after get up from afternoon nap.
ahila 5 years ago
There is no discharge of mucus from cough, it never comes in mouth, only sound can be heard like it stuck back of mouth,
From stuffed nose watery thin yellowish mucus, when i wipe his nose that time i see in tissue yellowish water.
Cough is not from chest.
Its from thraot, but he put efforts to cough,
Cough is not long spell, 3-4 cough in one spell, then again after some time.
ahila 5 years ago
Ok give him:
Spongia 30
5 drops+ 50ml water
Shake the bottle 12 times for every dose

5ml 3 times a day in empty stomach.

Continue this till he starts coughing violently with loud sound.

Keep in hand: Hepar Sulph 200
5 drops+ 100ml water
Shake the bottle 4 times before every dose.
5ml in the morning and 5ml in the evening
2 days only
When he starts cough violently with loud sound:
Stop Spongia 30
Then Start Hepar Sulph 200 accordingly
Give feedback when he starts coughing violently with loud sound.
* If any fever, don't give him Spongia.
Give him Aconite 30 accordingly.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-01 13:18:12]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Sorry sir,
I am not able to understand your prescription.
U prescribe aconite and spongia and Hepar for rayaan dry croupy cough so same can be given to ayan for loose mucus cough?

If yes then first hepar or spongia? And when to give aconite?
Till now he took 2 doses of merc sol.
ahila 5 years ago
His cough is not loud, not deep,
But tearing type like having sore throat, with mucus sound at back of mouth or throat, mucous never comes up in mouth, and he never try to cough up mucus.
ahila 5 years ago
Continue Spongia 30 accordingly.

Knock me when cough becomes violent with loud sound.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok sir..i got it..
Now start spongia till his cough become loud, then inform you and start hepar for 2 days.
Now no fever, but nasal congestion, watery eyes and dull, irritable, not active.
So aconite yes or no today?
One more thing i will get spongia tomorrow only.
That time will give to both the kids.
ahila 5 years ago
His head is little hot, temp 99.5,
Palm and feet cold.
I will get spongia tomorrow afternoon.
I have aconite 30 and hepar 200 now.
Can i give anything now?
ahila 5 years ago
Don't give Hepar 200 without confirmation.
His cough in chest becomes very hard. Should separate it at first.
Give full details when violent cough starts with loud sound.
Then i'll tell you when you can give Hepar 200.
Also observe carefully in her throat if any swelling, redness, ulceration appears.
He is suffering for 2 months. You should do good observation.
If you can give accurate report, he will be cured soon I think.
May God Give Your Child Full Cure.

You may give Aconite 30 accordingly.
3 doses then stop.
Every dose should given with 4 hours gap.
* Don't give Spongia 30 when temperature is above: 100'F
Continue Aconite 30 till his body temperature becomes normal.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-01 14:17:07]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Thanku so much for your help and concern.
Yes will try to observe more and post it here.
ahila 5 years ago
Hello sir,
I gave aconite to ayaan for 1 day..he git relief in his night cough.
Next day i gave 1 day 3 doses spongia.
Now his cough frequency is little less..buy cough remain same..lot of mucous sound..i don't think the sound is from chest..it is not very loud sound but yes mucous sound and i think near to mouth mucous which he is not able to spit. No running nose.
Shall i give him spongia today also? Or start hepar 200?

Do u have any opinion about Sangarian candlysis? I just read on internet about this for mucous cough.

Can anything be given to ayaan for his respiratory immunity like i had tuberculosis and my grand father also had.
So like bacillinium or tuberculinum?
Plz suggest further.
ahila 5 years ago
Continue Spongia
Give feedback next day.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello sir,
Ayaan got some relief from aconite, but spongia no improvement, rather today his condition become like before taking arnica.
He is again coughing a lot, and same mucus sound from thraot, seems like lot of sore thraot also.
I will give 1 dose spongia at night also if u suggest.
Plz confirm me further treatment
ahila 5 years ago
Who told you to give Arnica?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Continue Spongia accordingly. Give feedback next day.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Sorry by mistake i wrote arnica..its aconite
ahila 5 years ago
I think i was not able to explain present condition properly.

Hello sir,
Ayaan got some relief from aconite in his night cough specially, also his day cough frequency reduced, but after starting spongia no improvement, rather today his condition become just like before starting aconite .
He is again coughing a lot, and same mucus sound from thraot, seems like lot of sore thraot also.
I gave 1 dose spongia at night.
Plz confirm me further treatment for tomorrow morning.
ahila 5 years ago
Continue Spongia 30 accordingly.

3 times a day.
Give feedback next day.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
No improvement aftr 2.5 days of spongia.
He got improvement in cough frequency aftr aconite,but aftr spongia situation becomes like before. He is coughing lot, sleeping time again starr coughing.
Coughing with mucus sound from throat, but loud irritating cough, seems like sore thraot,
After spongia his appetite become very less.

One more thing these days painting work is going in our condo..my kids already respond bad to dust allergy. Is it possible this sore throat, running nose, irritaion is due to painting fumes allergy.
I read an article about this.
If you have a family history of tuberculosis then u are suspectible of dust and painting fumes allergy.
They pointed out few homeopathy medicines for allergic cough and cold in this particular situation.
Plz spare some time to think in this manner too and let me know further medicines.
Thanks for ur time.
ahila 5 years ago

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