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Skin Complexion after prolonged illness

I have acquired very unclear facial skin with uneven pigmentation after 3-4 years of prolonged illness involving sciatica and cervical spondylysis like symptoms. I took Ranunculus Bulbosa, Natrum Muriaticum, Rhus Tox, and Colocynth.

Also ayurvedic medicines and home remedies. My eating habits are good and health is definitely.

My concern is my skin which I cannot help at all in any method. Any help.
  PatientPiriformis on 2019-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give full details of your present sufferings one by one. Don't skip any one.
Gender? Age?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I can feel nausea and uneasiness after tea and otherwise in stomach between ribs. Some burning during urination. Nothing more specific.

Skin complexion is very tiring issue.
PatientPiriformis 5 years ago
Gender: Female
Age: 40
PatientPiriformis 5 years ago
Any problem of periods?
If any givr full details.
Give full details about your mind.
Give full details about your sexual desire.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Last period was scanty with pain. Never had this issue before.

My mind feels lot of calmness. Since I am recovered from major conditions, I feel confident.

No specific sexual desire. I am unmarried and unactive female. I do get embarrassed at close moments depicted in shows, etc. I am comfortable with basic romantic scenes. I am quite happy and contended person.
PatientPiriformis 5 years ago
Is there any dark circle under your eyes?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
No dark circle below. The eyelids above are dark.
PatientPiriformis 5 years ago
Cantharis 30

5 drops+ 50ml water

Shake the bottle 12 times before every dose.

5ml from the bottle 3 times a day.

Continue it and give feedback after 7 days or if any changes is noticed.

The remedy will be finished within 3 days.
Make another bottle for next 3 days in the same way.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-06 14:30:26]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Thanks. I will follow the instructions and report in 7 days.
PatientPiriformis 5 years ago
I have some improvement over a week. My complexion is a bit improved but still unmanageable.

Burning during urination is over.

I got some huge pain beneath my right shoulder blade. I feel difficult picking something (some weight) from right arm. I took chelidonium majus 30 c. There is lot of pain.
PatientPiriformis 5 years ago

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