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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation and performance anxienty


Last May my 10-year relationship ended.
Last 2 years of my relationship where not so good in the sexual area, not much sex and not very satisfing.
During the last years I was watching porn for very long sessions (even hours), often without ejaculating.

Sometimes when particularly stressed and/or in "visually stimulating" sexual position I experienced premature ejaculation.
This situation aggravated my insecurities in this area, feeling not able to satisfy my woman.

I’ve stopped watching porn since the end of relationship, relapsing only 2/3 times.

I have not had sexual relations or experiences from May until a few days ago, when I’ve experienced difficult getting erection (never happend before but I think it's due to performance anxienty) and premature ejaculation.

The days and ours before meeting her I experienced very strong performance anxienty.
Now I think that deep in my subconscious I know It'll happen again.
  akkar on 2019-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take:

Acid Phos 200

5drops+ 250ml water
shake the bottle 4 times before every dose.

5ml from the bottle every morning in empty stomach.

Give feedback after 5 days about your mind.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
You mean mind during sexual act or in general?

Cause I'm not currently dating any woman
akkar 5 years ago
Please start. I didn't want to mean anything. It will help you. At first you may see a good result in your mind.

Start soon.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hi, this is my 5th day.

I didn't noticed anything in particular.

What should the effect of this be?

akkar 5 years ago
Stop Acid Phos Now.
Take a dose of Lycopodium 1m
3drops+4 spoons water
In the morning in empty stomach.
Then no medicine within 15 days.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
In my country I don't find 1M dilutions, only ch... what is the corresponding dilution for me?

Also, do you mean 3 pellets and 4 spoons of water?
You mean to be swallowed or to let it dissolve in your mouth?

This for 1 day than stop for 15 days?
akkar 5 years ago
Did you take Acid Phos in pallet form?
I told you to make dilution.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I took Phosphoricum acidum 200CH, 5 pallets dissolved in 250ml of water.

5ml every morning for 5 days

In your link it shows pallet products, not drops
[Edited by akkar on 2019-11-25 11:12:25]
akkar 5 years ago
Please give me some answers now.
1. Isn't there any change of your mind after taking Phos Acid?
2. What is about your sexual thirst?
3. What is about your excitement during sex?
4. What is about your penis condition during sex?
5. What is about your erection? Do you think you need more times to erect? Or do you lose penis strength before erection?
6. Do you have any other problems? Give full details. Don't skip single one.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
As I said before I'm not dating any woman now so it'll be a bit difficult to answer, this is my attempt though:

1. No, nothing that I notice. I'd like to see that girl again but I think that but what keeps me back is anxiety about performance
2. My sexual thirst is right now is medium/high
3. That last time wasn't particurarly high. I haven't had sex since that last time a few weeks ago
4. That last time I had difficult to get erect, however my penis felt very sensitive and after penetration I lasted maybe 1min or less.
5. I'm not experiencing any problems right, In the morning and during night I get erect multiple times.
The last sexual event I talk about in my original post was the first time I have experienced been able to get erect after 30/40 minutes, or more.
6. If you mean phsical, no.
akkar 5 years ago
* In the morning and at night you get erection multiple times. How? Do you please explain this?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I mean that when I wake up in the morning my penis is erect.

Also during night if I wake up to urinate or just to change sleeping position a lot of times my penis is erect.

In July I also did blood tests for an annual checkup with various data, including testosterone. If this can be helpful.
akkar 5 years ago
Got It.

Caladium Seguinum 30
6 pills 3 times a day.

Report after 7 days.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-25 12:45:05]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Caladium Seguinum 30CH? 6 pellets?

What should I report about? mind?
[Edited by akkar on 2019-11-25 12:57:36]
akkar 5 years ago
Take it in pill form.
6 pills 3 times a day.
If in pallet form:
3 pallets 3 times a day.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I can find only pellet form, so I'll use that
akkar 5 years ago

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