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Nonverbal Regressive Autism Page 3 of 3

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Hello sir
It has probably been two week of Calc Phos 6x and Kali phos 6x.
My son has made some progress
- No spitting
-Eating well
-Less hyperactivity
-No cravings
- Eats his snacks
-No eloping
-Sleeps fairly well
-Less verbal and flap stims

Behaviors remaining
-No imitation
-No appropriate play
-Mouth breathing with left nostril blocked and white sticky drainage
-Drinks milk from bottle and cant go to sleep until he has his bottle
-unable to understand concept of potty train
-No attempts to speech
-Still destructive but much lesser
-Cant stay seated in class but gets up much less than before
-Laughs more at night time

Please help me understand what we need to expect or do from this point on?
Riya101 5 years ago
***Laughs more at night time. When it starts? Give full description. And continue the above.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I believe it started two days ago. He laughs hysterically and gets very excited and jumps occasionally until hes tired and falls asleep. He used to do this before when he regressed but this time he does probably for 5mins and then goes to sleep.

I also noticed he gets up around 3 or 4 and cries for milk. Once he gets it hes okay and goes back to sleep. We didnt have this for a long time so this is new and started around same time as laughing.

His school teacher also complained of him breathing through his mouth more labored breathing like. This is new. He was a mouth breather but we didnt notice labored breathing. His left nostril is blocked almost all the time.

Im not sure if any of this have anything to do with his laughing symptoms.

Please advise
Riya101 5 years ago
If we work with single symptom, we may lose our way. It's not an usual case. Wait for 7 days more and keep updating. I've asked so that, I may gather everything.

For Nasal Blockage and Mouth Breathe:
Give 3 doses of Sambucus Nigra 30
Take in pill form (Not in liquid or pallet or tablet)
3 pills 3 times a day 15 minutes before meal.
Give feedback next day.
Best of luck.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-01-31 14:26:07]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I tried to find pills and all thats available is pellets and liquid. On the pellets bottle it says "pills". Would this be same?
Riya101 5 years ago
Okay. 2 pallets 3 times a day.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello sir

The nasal drainage is less but hes still mouth breathing with mouth open.

These are our issues that still remain
-Laughing uncontrollably until falling asleep at night (new-- started with Calc Phos and Kali Phos)
- No attempts in speech
- No imitation
- Less hyperactive
- Dont know social boundaries and will sit on anyones lap or take anyones food
- Intellectually disabled (not able to learn letters, numbers, etc)
- Prefers to sit alone and play
- Still taps on objects sometimes
- Unable to potty train
- Sometimes squeezes his diaper onto shorts
- Plays with genitals when on toilet
- Takes shoes off in school
- Still drinks out of bottle and feels the need to suck on bottle throughout the night while twirling hair
- Takes our hand to point at things
- Destroys anything if left alone
- Screech screams in between (we had this earlier but it had stopped and now its back)
Riya101 5 years ago
Give a dose of Hyos 30 in the morning.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Okay will do. Thanks
Riya101 5 years ago
Hello sir
Other than the playing with genitals that stopped along with restlessness, we did not see any other difference after adding Hyos. Still no attempts in speech.
Riya101 5 years ago
Continue Cal Phos and Kali Phos accordingly.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Calc phos is giving us more hyperactivity and Kali phos is making him laugh at night.

Still no positives.
No speech attempts.
Nasal drainage mostly on left side and heavy breathing now
Mild to moderate hyperactivity
Eating less than usual which is okay because he is obese a bit
Less whining
Always loves to eat dates which is not bad
Tries to elope
Still does mischief like dropping water on carpets or destroying things
Still no IQ.
He seems neurotypical from far but if anyone interacts with him they know somethings different because he only follows commands and does not talk at all.

Are we able to do any other remedies? Im not sure what positives to expect frm calc and Kali Phos but its been more than few weeks and still no gains.
Riya101 5 years ago
Okay From Now:
1. Baryta Carb 30
3pills in the morning in empty stomach
2. Kali Phos 6x
4 tablets at night with a cup of hot milk or hot water
Give feedback after 3 days
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hello sir
We tried both rememdies. Again Kali phos was not helping; causing night laughter. Baryta Carb didnt do anything that we notice.

My sisters kids were taking Nux Vomica 200C and my son got into it too before I could get to him. But he calmed down so much with it. Can we give him Nux Vom 200C?

Please advise
Riya101 5 years ago
Start Hyos 30 and continue after every 4th day.
3pills only in the morning.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2020-02-27 10:11:16]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago

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