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Chronic constipation after started Pravachol cholesterol lowering med

Hello Dear homeopath,
I am a 68 years old female.I have been suffering from chronic constipation after I started Pravachol in 1998 and now continuing for 21 years. Tired of over the counter laxatives, I started senna tea, that is also a laxative. I have stopped to taking any cholesterol lowering drug in 2008, however never I have gotten relief from constipation. If I do not take senna tea I do not have any bowel movement at all for weeks and I suffer hemorrhage, this has been my situation.It feels the drug destroyed my intestinal ability of normal mucus secretion.

After reading Asa's homeopathic book in September of this year 2019 I started to take Nux vom 30C once a day at night and after three weeks I felt I do not have to drink senna tea. I had enough mucus secretion and have no problem bowel clearing two times a day. However, I did not know if I have to stop taking Nux so I continued. As result after a month in November 2019 constipation came back. With out senna tea I have no bowel clearance. Please provide suggestion for a permanent solution.
  HAAS on 2019-12-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If Nux vomica worked in the past, you can first try with a different potency like 200c. Take 1 dose a day for a few days and see if it helps your constipation.
If not, there are other remedies such as Alumina, Plumbun and Opium. If you have homeo books, read the remedies and see if any one of them would match your symptoms.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you. I do not have 200C potency Nux, however, I have Alumina 30C. I need to order 200c Nux. I am not taking any remedy at this time. Should I wait until I receive 200C Nux?

HAAS 5 years ago
If you have Alumina 30c, try that first. You can take it 3 times a day for 3 days and see how it goes.

1 dose is 2 pills.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you for your kind description on how to take Alumina 30C remedy. I have just ordered Nux Vomica 200C. This is a quite high potency. I will receive the remedy next week.I would like to be patient. After suffering for 21 years I have become little impatient, please forgive me. Please guide me on how to take Nux 200C when it arrives.

HAAS 5 years ago
take 1 dose a day for a few days and see how you feel.
21 years of constipation will not going to solved by taking a few doses of Nux-v but if it helps, you can continue with it by taking a few doses weekly.

1 dose is 2 pills.
[Edited by Tui on 2019-12-15 03:04:34]
Tui 5 years ago
Dear Homeopath ,
Thank you for your sincere and practical comments. I have taken Alumina 30C on Dec 14,15 and 16 as you have suggested; today is 5th day after stopping Alumina. There is no response so far. I even have to increase senna tea from half to one whole cup. Yesterday 12/20/19 I have received Nux 200C. Please let me know how long do I have to wait to start with Nux 200C?

HAAS 5 years ago
If Alumina didn't work at all, you can start with Nux now.
Tui 5 years ago
Thank you.I will then start Nux 200C today.
HAAS 5 years ago

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