The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Occipital frontal and right temporal migraine
I have been suffering with migraine issues for a number of years now and i went to the doctor with no success. I then tried homeopathy which brought relief. To be honest i have taken many homeopathic preparations so far that it might seem pointless to list them out but my symptoms are that i have an recurring occipital headache with a right temporal migraine and a frontal migraine that keeps coming back no matter what i take. Please help and God will bless you :(.M4urice33 on 2020-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Need more info.
Your age? If you are female, are you going through menopause?
What types of pain is it?
And what makes it feel better or worse?
Do you also vomit when you get a migraine?
Is there any other symptoms or do you have any other health problems?
Are you taking any medications?
Your age? If you are female, are you going through menopause?
What types of pain is it?
And what makes it feel better or worse?
Do you also vomit when you get a migraine?
Is there any other symptoms or do you have any other health problems?
Are you taking any medications?
♡ Tui 5 years ago
25, male.
Dull pain that disappears but i can still feel it there. Same condition regardless of what i take so far. I have a bad odor coming from my mouth and stomach grumbling.
Frequent episodes of dreams of which i cannot control, evil in nature that is somehow related to my stomach since i feel it when im having these hallucinations.
Dull pain that disappears but i can still feel it there. Same condition regardless of what i take so far. I have a bad odor coming from my mouth and stomach grumbling.
Frequent episodes of dreams of which i cannot control, evil in nature that is somehow related to my stomach since i feel it when im having these hallucinations.
M4urice33 5 years ago
Start with Iris versicolor 200c one dose a day for 3 days as a test dose.
1 dose is 2 pills/drops.
And report back in a week.
Other possible remedies are; sepia, nat mur, picric acid and zizia aurea but you probably had those, maybe except zizia aurea.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-19 20:33:08]
1 dose is 2 pills/drops.
And report back in a week.
Other possible remedies are; sepia, nat mur, picric acid and zizia aurea but you probably had those, maybe except zizia aurea.
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-19 20:33:08]
♡ Tui 5 years ago
M4urice33 5 years ago
I don't know which potency you took, but if you took 30c and didn't work, try another potency like 200c or 1m or even higher because homeopaths often give the right remedy in the first place, but potency might be off and they keep prescribing a different remedy with no results and patients ended up taking many remedies but still having the same problem...
It could also mean that you didn't repeat a remedy long enough or didn't wait to see what it does.
It could also mean that you didn't repeat a remedy long enough or didn't wait to see what it does.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
M4urice33 5 years ago
♡ Tui 5 years ago
♡ Tui 5 years ago
You can repeat Belladonna until you feel much better. And start taking Calc 200c one dose weekly up to 4 or 5 weeks and report back if anything changes.
♡ Tui 5 years ago
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