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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Clinical Hormonal and Hashimo Thyroid Data - Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Treatment: Selenium and vit.D, Chronic Colitis - Diet; Height 162, weight - 52 kg, thyroid gland - 1 A soft elastic consistency, lower extremities - without edema, obtained on rashes on the inside of legs and ankles after bath.
Outcrops - TCX 6,57; TAT - 198; MAT - 113
Last year, TLC was 5.40 and in 2018 it was 4.40.
I'm 65 years old and I have no problems with weight, hair and nails.
In connection with hypothyroidism, I have not taken homeopathic remedies so far. I took Lachesis for the colitis and sore throat and the response was good at times.
I have had complaints for several years - 6-7, related to more irritability and nervousness caused by external irritants.
In the evening, I feel drowsy after 7pm.
Thank you very much!
  Tanikalima on 2020-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Need more history

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 5 years ago
Thank you,
Could you tell me what questions it is important for me to answer in order to better show my story?
Tanikalima 5 years ago
_A. K/C/O : [Duration is important. e.g.  HTN since 2 yrs. etc.]
B. Investigations :
Date :  Haemogram / Blood Report/ Urine Report/ CT scan/ MRI/USG Abdomen & Pelvis/ Thyroid       Function Test, etc.
C. Chief C/O: Write the complaints with sides & duration.
Give them separate nos. [e.g. 1] Abdominal pain(Rt. side)Since 8 days. Etc.
Please start with History of C/C : How complaints started?
H/o C/C : Write every complaint individually with-
·         Onset, decline, causation.
·         Side.
·         Location & Extension
·         Character of Pain.
·         Duration of Pain.
·         Sensation.
·         Modalities : Movements/ Positions/ Thermals/ Food Habits/ Seasonal/
¾     Concomitant.
Complain 1




D. Ask for any recurrent complaint. Ex. Fever, Cold, Coryza.
E. Past H/o : Any major illness (along with side if present) e.g. H/o Typhoid/ Malaria / Jaundice/
Fracture/ Fall/ Injury/ Accident.
And  H/o Vaccination – Hepatitis B / Dog bite Vaccination, etc.
Blood Group :
F. Family H/o
G. Physical Generals :
·         Habit : Alcohol / Drugs/ Smoking/ Tobacco, etc. (Since how many tears?)
·         Diet : Veg./ Mixed.
·         Appetite : Any alteration?
            Whether patient can tolerate hunger?
·         Desire : With reference to taste and not any particular food item. e.g. Sweet, Pungent, Spicy,
Sour, Fatty(Oily, ghee), Non- veg, milk, milk products, tea, coffee, Vegetables, Fruits, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks etc. is important. Also ask for any desire for indigestible food items.
·         Aversion : Main taste e.g. Sweet, Sour, Fatty, Non-veg etc. is also important.
·         Food :
·         Head :
·         Eyes :
·         Ears :
·         Nose :
·         Mouth :  any odour
·         Tongue : Dry/Moist/ Coating/ Cracked/ Fissured/ Imprints of teeth
·         Thirst  : Thirsty/ S.Q.S.I./L.Q.S.I./Thirstless.
·         Teeth : Carries of  teeth.
·         Gums : Bleeding Gums.
·         Taste : Any particular taste in mouth
·         Throat :
·         Chest :
·         Stomach/ Abdomen :
·         Bowel : Character of stool is important. Dry/ Hard/ Soft/ Loose. Color, Smell, Straining or not?  Etc.
·         Bladder:
·         Skin :
·         Chest & Back :
·         Extremities:
o   Upper Extremities:
o   Lower  Extremities :
·         Perspiration :
o   Scanty/ Profuse. On which part of the body?
o   Stain /Odour.
o   Hot/ Cold sweating.
·         Sleep :
o   Time : Daytime any sleeping habit / Night time sleep hrs.
o   Sound/ Natural
o   Refreshing/ Unrefreshing
o   Startles/ Snoring
o   Position : Whether lies on back / sides-which side ?
o   Covering
o   Bed+ Pillow
o   Talking/ Walking sleep during?
o   Eyes open / closed sleep during.
·         Dreams :
·         Female:
o   Menstrual History
i.                     Menarche
ii.                   Duration of cycle
iii.                  Color of discharge/ Any clots, etc.
iv.                 Smell
v.                   Any pain Before / During etc.
·  In General Discharges : Color/ Smell/ Quantity –scanty/ profuse etc. (very important)
H. Mind :
·                     Education :
·                     Occupation : (Working / Retired)
·                     Childhood at which place? –City/ Town
·                     Marital Status : Married / Unmarried
·                     Childhood :
o Family : Joint / Separate
o Financial Condition : Sound/ Poor/ Rich etc.
o About Study:
o Nature : Obstinate/ Mild/ Pampered/ Short Tempered/ Irritable.
o Desires Company or Not?
o Close to?
o Fear of/ Stage courage
o Playful/ Studious.
o Any impactful/ disturbing incidence in childhood.
o Angry when? How is it expressed ?
o Timid / Daring.
o Ambition.
·         After Marriage.
(Suppression injustice and relation with inlaws, Adjustment)
·   NOW :
o   Specially ask about main feelings : Anger, Sadness, Hypocrisy, Jealousy, etc. (Please, write in Rubric form)
o   Family: Joint / Separate
o   Financial Condition : Sound / Poor/ Rich etc.
o   Mild/ Short Tempered
o   Angry when ? How is it expressed?
o   Talkative/ Less talkative.
o   Jolly- Jesting/ Submissive
o   Affectionate / Reserved/ Censorious.
o   Reaction to Jesting
o   Reaction to Criticism.
o   Reaction to Reprimand
o   Reaction to Mortification
o   Any major conflicts
o   Sympathy about ?
o   Helping nature?
o   Desires Company?
o   About Cleanliness.
o   About Time Punctuality.
o   About Religiousness.
o   Reaction to Lie & Injustice.
o   Fears ? (Being alone, Dark, Water, Height, Quarrel, Exam, Robbers, Animals, Downward  Motion)
o   Sensitive (Physically & Emotionally)
o   Happy When?
o   Sad when?
o   Weeps when?
o   Consolation.
o   Hobbies?
o   About Social Activities.
o   Lazy/ Workaholic.
o   Industrious ?
o   Duty Bound?
o   Relation with others :
¾     Husband/ Wife
¾     Son / Daughter.
¾     In-laws.
¾     Friends.
¾     Colleagues, etc.
·         A/F :
o   Anxiety about what ?
           Loan, Court case, Money, Future, Health, Disease, Death, Job, Settlement, Children.
o   Any Anticipatory Anxiety
o   Death of Relatives :
               Reaction : Grief, Sad, Forsaken, Helpless, Weeping.
o   Any Insecurity
o   Perfectionism.
o   Fall/ Accident/ Injury/ Fracture/ Sprain/ Loss of fluid.
o   Overexertion.
o   Brooding.
o   Suppression of anger.
o   Any major setback in life.
Your Observation(Physical Appearance/Dressing).
Thermals :
                                    Summer                                          Winter
Bathing                        Hot / Cold /  Luke Warm              Hot / Cold /  Luke Warm
Fanning                       requires or not?                                             requires or not?
Covering                     Thick / Thin? (1 or 2,etc)                Thick / Thin? (1 or 2,etc)
·         Open air : desires or not
·         Require Sweater in Winter ?
·         Chills begin from which part?
drjitesh 5 years ago
Start Iodum 6 four-hrly for 3 days and tell. This is not drjitesh. So make your choice.
vishnu4 5 years ago
Dear Vishnu4
You are free to advice
But never question my identity
You must be doing this i know you are not even a doctor and doing homeopathy.i dont care

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 5 years ago
Dr. jitesh- Vishnu means that HE is not You-
That his post and prescription is from himself-
So that hopefully the patient will not think
The prescription is from yourself.

People often get confused when another
Person puts in a prescription- they do not
See the poster is a different person and they
Mess up their case.

Dr jitesh and his father dr Deoshlok Sharma,
Have contributed to this forum for many years.
They have a homeopathic hospital in India-
Usually they are very busy and are only on
Here when they have time. Dr Jitesh is
Doing a very complete case taking before
Prescribing, as he does at the hospital.

Please indicate who you want to follow.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-02-27 16:55:45]
simone717 5 years ago
Dear Simone
Thanks well its Dr Deoshlok Sharma not deepak sharma
Its okay
Vishnu4 i dint get your point but please take atleast some history then prescribe thank you 🙏

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 5 years ago
I want to follow Dr Jitesh Sharma.
I will send the information about me.
Thank you.
Tanikalima 5 years ago
Sorry dr Jitesh- I fixed the name. I wrote when
Not totally awake, and reading a Deepak Chopra
simone717 5 years ago
_A. K/C/O : [Duration is important. e.g. HTN since 2 yrs. etc.] Diagnosed with hypothyroidism since 2011
B. Investigations :
Date : 30 January 2020, Haemogram / Blood Report/ Urine Report/ CT scan/ MRI/USG Abdomen & Pelvis/ Thyroid Function Test, etc.
Complete blood count – normal; Thyroid-stimulating hormone – 6, 57; TAT - 198; MAT – 113, I have chronic colitis since 1980; I get migraines in magnetic storms
C. Chief C/O: Write the complaints with sides & duration.
Give them separate nos. [e.g. 1] Abdominal pain(Rt. side)Since 8 days. Etc.
1. colon pain left after eating certain foods since 1980; ; 2. chronic pharyngitis from the age of 6 years -
3. migraines in magnetic storms - mainly affects the eyes and scalp;
4. Hypothyroidism, Hashimo Thyroid Data -
Please start with History of C/C : How complaints started?
H/o C/C : Write every complaint individually with-
1. Onset, decline, causation
• Side. left
• Location & Extension - colon pain
• Character of Pain. dull pain
• Duration of Pain. after eating
• Sensation. depressing
• Modalities : Movements/ Positions/ Thermals/ Food Habits/ Seasonal/

2. • Onset, decline, causation. mainly in winter
• Side - the throat inside
• Location & Extension - throat
• Character of Pain. irritation
• Duration of Pain. 1 to 3 months or more
• Sensation. irritation
• Modalities : Movements/ Positions/ Thermals/ Food Habits/ Seasonal/
¾ Concomitant.

. 3. migraines in magnetic storms - mainly affects the eyes and scalp

4 Hashimo Thyroid Data - I have no problems with weight, hair and nails.
quite recently - thyroid gland - 1 A soft elastic consistency , - I have no pain
lower extremities - without edema, obtained on rashes on the inside of legs and ankles after bath;
more irritability and nervousness caused by external irritants.

D. Ask for any recurrent complaint. Ex. Fever, Cold, Coryza.
E. Past H/o : Any major illness (along with side if present) e.g. H/o Typhoid/ Malaria / Jaundice - at 6 years - hepatitis A viral/
Fracture - breaking a hand at play/ Fall - falling down stairs/ Injury/ Accident.
And H/o Vaccination – Hepatitis B / Dog bite Vaccination, etc.
Blood Group : A rf -

F. Family H/o
G. Physical Generals :
• Habit : Alcohol / Drugs/ Smoking/ Tobacco, etc. (Since how many tears?) No
• Diet : Veg./ Mixed.
• Appetite : Any alteration? normal

Whether patient can tolerate hunger? No
• Desire : With reference to taste and not any particular food item. e.g. Sweet, Pungent, Spicy,
Sour, Fatty(Oily, ghee), Non- veg, milk, milk products, tea - yes, coffee - yes, Vegetables - yes, Fruits - yes, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks etc. is important. Also ask for any desire for indigestible food items.
• Aversion : Main taste e.g. Sweet, Sour, Fatty, Non-veg etc. is also important.No
• Food :
• Head :
• Eyes :
• Ears :
• Nose :
• Mouth : any odour
• Tongue : Dry/
Moist - yes/ Coating/ Cracked/ Fissured/ Imprints of teeth
• Thirst : Thirsty/ S.Q.S.I./L.Q.S.I./Thirstless.
• Teeth : Carries of teeth.
• Gums : Bleeding Gums.
• Taste : Any particular taste in mouth
• Throat :
• Chest :
• Stomach/ Abdomen : normal
• Bowel : Character of stool is important. Dry - yes/ Hard/ Soft - yes / Loose. Color, Smell, Straining or not - sometimes? Etc.
• Bladder:
• Skin : Normal
• Chest & Back : normal
• Extremities: lower extremities - rashes on the inside of legs and ankles after bath;
o Upper Extremities:
o Lower Extremities :
• Perspiration : normal
o Scanty/ Profuse. On which part of the body?
o Stain /Odour.
o Hot/ Cold sweating.
• Sleep :
o Time : Daytime any sleeping habit / Night time sleep hrs.
o Sound/ Natural
o Refreshing - yes/ Unrefreshing
o Startles/ Snoring-yes
o Position : Whether lies on back / sides-which side ? more to the right
o Covering - normal
o Bed+ Pillow
o Talking/ Walking sleep during? No
o Eyes open / closed sleep during.
• Dreams : sometimes
• Female:
o Menstrual History
i. Menarche 12
ii. Duration of cycle 52
iii. Color of discharge/ Any clots, etc.
iv. Smell
v. Any pain Before / During etc.
• In General Discharges : Color/ Smell/ Quantity –scanty/ profuse etc. (very important) normal
H. Mind :
• Education : higher education
• Occupation : (Working-yes / Retired)
• Childhood at which place? –City-yes / Town
• Marital Status : Married / Unmarried
Childhood :
o Family : Joint-yes / Separate
o Financial Condition : Sound/ Poor/ Rich etc. . Average
o About Study: excellent
o Nature : Obstinate-yes/ Mild/ Pampered/ Short Tempered-yes/ Irritable.
o Desires Company - yes /or Not?
o Close to? parents
o Fear of the dark/ Stage courage
o Playful/ Studious. Yes
o Any impactful/ disturbing incidence in childhood. No
o Angry when? How is it expressed ? I was a quiet kid
o Timid-yes / Daring.
o Ambition.Yes

• After Marriage.
(Suppression injustice and relation with inlaws, Adjustment)
• NOW :
o Specially ask about main feelings : Anger, Sadness, Hypocrisy, Jealousy, etc. (Please, write in Rubric form)
o Family: Joint / Separate
o Financial Condition : Sound / Poor/ Rich etc.Normal
o Mild-yes / Short Tempered
o Angry when ? How is it expressed? I get angry at simple, illiterate people, various irritants. I make notes
o Talkative/ Less talkative. I am sociable
o Jolly- Jesting - yes/ Submissive
o Affectionate-yes / Reserved/ Censorious.
o Reaction to Jesting Yes
o Reaction to Criticism. Normal
o Reaction to Reprimand I didn't have
o Reaction to Mortification approval
o Any major conflicts No
o Sympathy about ? Defenseless, weak, elderly and children
o Helping nature? Yes
o Desires Company? Yes
o About Cleanliness. I keep the cleanliness and hygien
o About Time Punctuality. Accuracy
o About Religiousness. I believe in religious values
o Reaction to Lie & Injustice. I hate lies and injustice
o Fears ? (Being alone, Dark-Yes, Water, Height, Quarrel, Exam, Robbers, Animals, Downward Motion)
o Sensitive (Physically & Emotionally) Very sensitive
o Happy When? With my son and in nature
o Sad when? in the loss of a loved one
o Weeps when? in joy and sorrow
o Consolation. Yes
o Hobbies? I have not
o About Social Activities. Organizational skills
o Lazy/ Workaholic. I am a hardworking person
o Industrious ? Yes
o Duty Bound?
o Relation with others :
¾ Husband/ Wife No
¾ Son- Yes / Daughter.
¾ In-laws.
¾ Friends. Yes
¾ Colleagues - Yes, etc.
• A/F :
o Anxiety about what ?
Loan, Court case, Money, Future, Health, Disease - Yes, Death, Job, Settlement, Children - Yes.
o Any Anticipatory Anxiety
o Death of Relatives :
Reaction : Grief-Yes, Sad-Yes, Forsaken, Helpless, Weeping.
o Any Insecurity
o Perfectionism. good workability and time management
o Fall/ Accident/ Injury/ Fracture/ Sprain/ Loss of fluid.
o Overexertion. No
o Brooding. NO
o Suppression of anger.
o Any major setback in life.

Your Observation(Physical Appearance/Dressing).
Thermals :
Summer Winter
Bathing Hot-yes / Cold / Luke Warm Hot / Cold / Luke Warm-Yes
Fanning requires-yes or not? requires or not?
Covering Thick / Thin? (1-yes or 2,etc) Thick-yes / Thin? (1 or 2-yes,etc)

• Open air : desires-yes or not
• Require Sweater in Winter ? Yes
• Chills begin from which part?
Tanikalima 5 years ago
I guess this Q's holds from catarrh to C. I shall be obliged if drjitesh will share his analysis this Q.
[Edited by vishnu4 on 2020-02-28 05:02:03]
vishnu4 5 years ago


vishnu4 you can check my analysis

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drjitesh 5 years ago
Thank you very much d-r Drjitesh.
I have a question. Do I have to take pellets in just one day?
Tanikalima 5 years ago
Just twice a day. For 10 days
drjitesh 5 years ago
Dear d-r drjitesh,
I took my Sepia drops for 10 days.
Some symptoms have subsided - especially headaches.The pharyngitis has not completely subsided. With colitis I feel normal at this stage.
Thank you very much.
Tanikalima 4 years ago
Hello d-r drjitesh,
I took my Sepia drops for 10 days.
I have some improvements and I think they are due to Sepia. The headache is no longer severe. But for the 4th month, I have a problem with my chronic pharyngitis. My throat hurts, and then I feel better. And again this is repeated for months. How can I continue with homeopathy?
Thank you for your competent diagnosis.
Tanikalima 4 years ago
Wait for few days let me know
After 15 days
Till then gargle with hot water twice a day
Drink Ginger Tea twice a day

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 4 years ago
Thank you very much, Dr Jitesh!
Tanikalima 4 years ago
Hello,Dr.Jitesh Sharma,
Last year you were so kind to prescribe me the homeopathic remedy Sepia 30 for my complaints, for which I thank you very much.
I had some improvement, but since September I have had discopathy, and recently a stronger headache has reappeared, mainly related to atmospheric and other climate changes. As for the pharynx, it had calmed down, but since the winter I have felt a slight irritation in my throat almost constantly.
Would you recommend me a homeopathic remedy to improve my health?I will be very grateful if you take a moment to answer me.
Best regard!
Tanikalima 3 years ago
Yes tell me your complaint?

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 3 years ago
From September 2020 I received radiculitis in the lower waist (spondylosis and thorn below the left waist). Headaches associated with pain in the eyes and occipital region also continue, as does chronic pharyngitis, which is not in a strong form, but occasionally irritates my throat.
Can I take the same homeopathic remedy - Sepia 30CH (4drops x2) - you prescribed me the last year or will you be able to recommend me any another remedy?
Thank you!
Tanikalima 3 years ago
Three times a day

For 5 days
Then report me after 10 days
You will be completely fine hopefully 🙏

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 3 years ago
Thank you for your replay. I would like to know what the dosage is of KALI CARB 30. And is it drops or pellets?

Thank you!
Tanikalima 3 years ago
Anything would do
drjitesh 3 years ago
Thank you very much!
Tanikalima 3 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.