The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Recurring mouth ulcers
My wife suffers from recurring mouth ulcers...shes 47 normalwt,no other med issues except shes on thyroid med.mouth ulcers bother her constantly...please advice some medicene..when these ulcers appear they emerge inside the mouth only and are sometimes more than 4 or becomes difficult for her to spk or eatandy_65_in on 2020-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ drjitesh 5 years ago
Pls indicate Location: tongue, gums and cheeks, mouth. Burning inmouth, throat and stomach
Tongue coated, color, taste; thirst etc
What period of year etc
This post is different.
[Edited by vishnu4 on 2020-02-29 03:52:09]
Tongue coated, color, taste; thirst etc
What period of year etc
This post is different.
[Edited by vishnu4 on 2020-02-29 03:52:09]
vishnu4 5 years ago
all over the mouth...they appear on/under the toungue,inside cheeks,inside the mouth.she feels thirsty during these times,toungue whitish,burning in stomach.appear anytime of the year without warning
andy_65_in 5 years ago
Then do the test ! Then consult
Im a clinical physician
Be practical investigations must be done first
[Edited by drjitesh on 2020-03-01 03:47:32]
Im a clinical physician
Be practical investigations must be done first
[Edited by drjitesh on 2020-03-01 03:47:32]
♡ drjitesh 5 years ago
Start with [Cornus circinata 6] two hourly for 2 days. If required you may have to observe for taste,heat,dryness,swellings,etc in the mouth.
vishnu4 5 years ago
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