The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dry cough
Age 42 years, height 5.9”, weight 71kg,Chief Complaint : Dry Cough from last one month. No fever.
Cough started before a month after profuse ropy mucus secretion from post nasal to throat and after 2 days voice hoarseness with mild cough . After treatment voice is ok but dry cough is there. Which is aggravated in morning and night . Amel. While lying down. Cough completely stoped after Sleep. sometimes there is clear ropy expectoration from lung which is difficult to raise. But there is always mucus accumulation in trachea and mucus secretion from post nasal area to throat . During cough dryness in throat and much flatulence. Patient is chilli .
Constipation -insufficient stool ++.
Mouth salivation ++
Anxiety during cough ++.
Want to cover feet while sleeping +
Fear of mishappening ++
Sleep not sufficient.
Kali Bich 30ch , belladonna 200ch helped slightly
The same happened before eight months that time it was cured in 15-20 days on 2020-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Which remedy have you taken when you got cured 8 months ago?
Briefly write down your medical history and any medications if you are currently taking.
Also, where the cough is coming from? From deep down the chest or from the larynx?
[Edited by Tui on 2020-04-23 23:37:57]
Briefly write down your medical history and any medications if you are currently taking.
Also, where the cough is coming from? From deep down the chest or from the larynx?
[Edited by Tui on 2020-04-23 23:37:57]
♡ Tui 4 years ago
Thanks Tui for replying . no record of last prescription of cough. cough is aggravated from upper respiratory tract . presently belladonna 200 taken on 22 April 2020.
otters symptoms
Fear of mishappening
Avoid quarrels
No family history of cancr, asthma. Sister (after marriage) was detected tuberculosis.
Stiffness of hands in morning.
Constipation - insufficient stool with Piles (not bleeding) that aggravate during stool.
Semen is thin and non sticky. Avoid fighting with people.Introvert
In past max problems occurred on left side.
Before 3 years problem of Palpitation of heart during sleep in night that is cured by Lachesis 200 single dose.
otters symptoms
Fear of mishappening
Avoid quarrels
No family history of cancr, asthma. Sister (after marriage) was detected tuberculosis.
Stiffness of hands in morning.
Constipation - insufficient stool with Piles (not bleeding) that aggravate during stool.
Semen is thin and non sticky. Avoid fighting with people.Introvert
In past max problems occurred on left side.
Before 3 years problem of Palpitation of heart during sleep in night that is cured by Lachesis 200 single dose. 4 years ago
Post nasal drip is one of the common cause of dry cough.
Read up on;
Populus canadicans
[Edited by Tui on 2020-04-24 10:04:05]
Read up on;
Populus canadicans
[Edited by Tui on 2020-04-24 10:04:05]
♡ Tui 4 years ago
Populus can seems to be the right remedy . though it does not cover the other symptoms other than cough. what potency and reputation do you suggest 4 years ago saidPopulus can seems to be the right remedy . though it does not cover the other symptoms other than cough. what potency and repeatation do you suggest 4 years ago
You know the sensitivity of the person and how he has been responding to your prescriptions.
Base on that, you decide the potency.
Base on that, you decide the potency.
♡ Tui 4 years ago
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