The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bleeding gums while Brushing & Puffy gums
I have read few articles that Carbo veg is the best remedy for bleeding gums while Brushing teeth. I just want to know that, is it safe to use during PREGNANCY? Is there any other remedy I should prefer or I should go with Carbo veg? What will be the potency and frequency of the remedy for how long?noordgp on 2020-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
first tell. if you are pregnant ? then how many months
does your mouth stink ?
how much thirst do you feel???
Dr.Jitesh Sharma
does your mouth stink ?
how much thirst do you feel???
Dr.Jitesh Sharma
♡ drjitesh 4 years ago
Dr. Jitesh, actually my wife is 5 months pregnant. She is facing the gum bleeding only while brushing. She always has a bad taste in mouth. She don't drink much water nowadays.
noordgp 4 years ago
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