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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi I am writing to ask how many days/weeks/months gap should you take when changing homeopathic remedies ? I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

  a.jaffryhotmail.com on 2020-07-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Abbas, In sub acutes the gap would be hours; in acutes it'd be a matter of days; in chronic that do not warrant any urgency, matter of weeks and at times months.
maheeru 4 years ago
Hi Sorry I dont quite understand ? how many days should I wait to change homeopathy medicines ?
a.jaffryhotmail.com 4 years ago
There is no standard answer. Rather than write pages
About this- just explain:

1. What you are taking- potency and dose schedule.
2. Why you want to change it.
3. What do you want to change it to?
simone717 4 years ago
Hi originally I took arsenic album 30C for 2 months and wanted to change this to china 30C so how long should I wait to switch over ? as I believe that these medicines dont even go together because they antidote each other. I look forward to your reply.
a.jaffryhotmail.com 4 years ago
I would wait a week to start China.

First , you want to determine what has gone on with
Arsenicum. 1. Having good effect and then no effect?
Try going up to 200c , one dose and wait for a week
To see effect.2. Having good effect and then new
Symptoms? -Too many doses, stop and wait
For new symptoms to stop, and good effects
To start and do not dose until effects have stopped.

Sometimes people have the right remedy,
But Discard it because they need to
Up the potency or dose less often .

Remedies are meant to match the problem-
Because the body will not tolerate a good match.
The body raises life force to clear the remedy
And target the real problem when the match is
Good. The goal is to need less and less
Of the remedy - because the remedy is
Triggering the life force itself to clear. If you have to take a remedy constantly to subdue the same symptoms- this
Is palliation, not cure. You are suppressing symptoms
Like allopathic medicine.

Everyone responds differently and dosing
Is unique to the person and how their body
Is reacting.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-07-08 20:06:32]
simone717 4 years ago
Hi thanks for this info. Arsenic has worked wonders no need to go up. however, you mentioned that if "you have to take a remedy constantly to subdue the same symptoms" what do you mean by this exactly ? what is the idea of a cure then ?
a.jaffryhotmail.com 4 years ago
Homeopaths look for signs of “Herings law of cure”
Please google and read some articles on this.
Symptoms of chronic disease reappear in reverse
Order taking about one month for every year of
Disease. Eventually you no longer have any problem.

This is different than having an acute illness,
Like a cold, or fever etc, which can be cured
In a few days with the right remedy.

For example take chronic allergies. Remedies
Can help with symptoms , but if a homeopath
Takes your complete case as a chronic illness,
It may take a year , but the allergies will disappear
Because your immune system will become strong
And no longer react to pollen , grass, etc as a
Threat to your system.

In your case, diet is very important- a lot of
IBS is inflammation from food allergies- dairy,
Gluten, eggs, etc.If you have not been tested
For food allergies , that would be a good thing
To do.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-07-09 13:32:41]
simone717 4 years ago
on a case by case basis how long does it take to cure IBS once and for all ? I have suffered with this for 4 years now. what do you mean by this "Symptoms of chronic disease reappear in reverse Order taking about one month for every year of
Disease" ?
a.jaffryhotmail.com 4 years ago
You need to read Herings law of cure and more
About how Chronic diseases are handled.
Every person is unique in their reactions-
You are looking at homeopathy thru the lens
Of western medicine treatment.

Google homeopathic cured cases of IBS - they
Will all be different. And correct diet will also
Play a part.
simone717 4 years ago
Ok will do thanks what I wanted to know is for china 30C how long should I take this for ? I usually do two months hope thats enough. The reason Im taking this is because my appetite is lost and I have a lot of trapped gas.
a.jaffryhotmail.com 4 years ago

You take ONE dose and wait until the next day.
See what your reaction is.
1. If symptoms get worse that is aggravation.
You wait until that leaves and see if there
Is improvement. If improvement again you wait
Until you feel you are going backwards and
Then try another dose. You dose by reactions.
2. If nothing happens , try another dose next day
And observe. If nothing happens after that try
One dose of 200. If nothing happens then remedy
Is wrong.
3. If you have improvement then wait until
That fades before another dose-
simone717 4 years ago
thanks for the advice. to avoid medicines from being antidoted I need to know should i take merc cor 30C before china 30C or after ? Also, just to confirm are you a homeopathic practitioner ?
a.jaffryhotmail.com 4 years ago
Click any user name and see their bio
And also all past threads on this forum.

The forum was set up as a place to exchange
Ideas about healing- not just homeopathy.
Any member may offer advice.

Right now, on the forum lately, Freehomeo
And Maheeru are homeopaths.

You seem to want to self prescribe and I would suggest you have someone else take your case and guide you.
Good luck.
simone717 4 years ago

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