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Parasympathetic nerve weakness.

I get vasovagal attack that causes fainting. I have been through so much trauma and stress since childhood. When I am physically weak - recovering from an intense viral flu - 3 weeks (current)- overwork and stressed in office - i get vasovagal attack.

- Extreme tiredness - as I do not eat well when this happens due to stomach getting bloated and no appetite - worse if I eat or don't eat
-confusion, lack of coordination and difficulty to look into the light - sunlight bothers and hurts eye during this time
- nostrils close as if in sinus congestion but there is no phlegm - dry crusts inside the nose.
- symptoms are better around nature, barefoot walking, hugging trees.
- extreme stress and worries about - job, money etc
-dry throat
-feeling tired and gasping for breath when this happens
-Dizziness and light headedness resulting in fainting if there is a stress trigger.
-feeling of heaviness in the heart region as if there is some weight.
- Gently tapping on chest and massaging the tummy results in belching lots of air and relief which last for no more than 5 minutes.
-pulsations all over the body
-giddiness when getting up from the chair or while walking for 15 minutes
- ears closed during this attacks with ringing.
- Extreme coldness of hands and feet when this happens
- Brain goes numb and cold after fainting
- No apetite
- Symptoms worse after 2:00 pm
- gas in the stomach putting pressure on the chest and hits the brain causing panic, shaking, dizziness
- Feel better lying with legs up, drinking lemonde with salt.
-Prefer soft foods and fluids
- on medical diagnosis result: - Physical exhaustion, pressure was very low when this attack happens, heart beats faster, palpitations my face extremely tired and unwell. Palpitations. Medical test results : Blood,Ecocardigram, and X-everything normal - no anaemia.
- This is preventing from engaging in my life fully.
- I can remember this since I was 5 years old - where I used to faint no matter wherever I was - during emotional trauma in the home, death of someone close, physical abuse etc.
  gmikhael on 2020-09-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Argentum Nit. 30 BD for a week.

Report then
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
Thank you & what is BD?
gmikhael 4 years ago
BD means two times a day. Morning and evening. For your kind information, Homeopathic remedies in potency are always sublingual , so while taking the remedy, your tongue should be clean, and don't take anything half an hour before and after you take remedy.
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
Thank you very much. I will try and let you know.
gmikhael 4 years ago
How many granules is one dose?
gmikhael 4 years ago
30 number Granules ---- At least 8.
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
gmikhael said How many granules is one dose?

If its liquid how many drops?

Thank you very much.
gmikhael 4 years ago
Either two drops directly on tongue or 10 drops in 30 ml water, stir and sip.
Pramod Jha 4 years ago
Thank you very much Promod. I have ordered it. I will get back to you ASAP.
gmikhael 4 years ago

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