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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Food Allergy

Dear Doctors,
I have a condition of allergic. I am allergy for food, especially spice food that includes tomato, eggplant even for sauce normally eaten with pizza like food like a dip. I am also allergy for anti-biotics. Once I ate such food I get swelling or boiling on my tongue, cheek and starts itchy just below waist and hands at the roof of little figures at same spot of both hands.
I had a condition called Urine Incontinence treated by Dr. Anuj last year but Dr. Stopped I haven’t hear from them since then. Please see https://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/592... for further info in this regard.
I appeal to any doctor who is willing to help me on these issues.
Thank you,
  Samel on 2021-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Samel I did not stop treating you.At times due to some tech issues mails from ABC are not received.In your case also did not receive any mails.

You may like to consolidate all your symptoms and pen them down.


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER.


Pulsatilla 30 five drops in an ounce of water three times a day.

In addition Kali Phos 6x and Nat Mur 6x five tabs of each three times a day.

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2021-02-04 11:20:44]
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Good Evening Dr. Anuj,
I am glad to have you back. I thought of that you have had trouble with COVID-19. Thanks, that wasn't the case.

I shall try this prescription, may take a few days to get the remedies.
My present symptoms:
1. Hypertension (under control with western medicine)
2. Constipation (under control with life style chances (lots of fiber, fruits and vegetables, water and a moderate exercise)
3. Food allergy - as described in this threat
4. Urine incontinence continues (experienced nose bleed a couple of times)
5. Arteritis, shoulders and soles both loge.

I am taking medication only for my Hypertension.

I am happy to answer question if any.

Thank you and take care

Samel 4 years ago
After the allergy problem is resolved,start LACHESIS 200 THREE TIMES A WEEK.And give a feedback.Only one dose per day.
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Oh Dear, Lachesis?,
I shall do
Thank you,
Samel 4 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj, Good Evening
I hope you are doing well.
Today is my 5th day. I have a felling that some thing is happening but could not specify.
Energy level has increased slightly. Other than that everything else stays same.
Nux 200 is not new to my body to make any excitement. I used it for my arthritis a few days ago.
I could have increased its potency slightly high and taken it at first, but I have missed it.
I continue with the prescribed remedies.
Thank you and take care.
Samel 4 years ago
I have the same problems. I have мedicines that are very good at helping to cope with this, but the cost is not small. I will write PM with more details.
CarolynDavidson 4 years ago
Hi Carolyn,
I do not know who you are, I not even know how did you get into my post. You are trying to solicit something to sell. It's against the rule of ABC Homeopathy.

Thank you for your offer. I am not interested in any type of medication other than Homeopathic remedies which I understand a little bit and I am happy to try it for my troubles. A knowledgeable homeopathic doctor Dr. Anuj is helping me through.

Samel 4 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj, Good Afternoon,
I hope you are doing well and keeping safe.
I am sorry I do not have much to report for this period.
Still, I can share with you some symptoms I experienced on 4th, 5th & 6th days after Nux I had a pain at the base of my middle figure of right hand at mid night. The pain disappeared. I am sure the pain was related to my arthritis. This was a new symptom I never experience such a pain before.
I have dry throat and mouth, but not bad. Itchy spell continues at its cause without any disturbances. If I enter into a building from cold out site, I must go first to a washroom, I can’t postpone or hold it for a few minutes at least. The same effect that happens when I touch water, (washing hands, plate etc.) These are old complains, nothing new.
Please advise.
I continue with the remedies as prescribed.
Thank you,
Samel 4 years ago
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj, Good Evening,
I hope you are doing well and keeping safe.
In terms of my complains and the remedies I used until today, it becomes clear that we are not moving anywhere, still sitting on the same spot. I understand the task we undertaken is not that easy to fix overnight, have to go a long way. I am prepared to see its bottom as much as you are willing to help me out. I abused Sulphur 1M a couple of years ago, am not sure that is sitting on the way.
I am continuing with the remedy and tissue salts.
Please advise.
Thank you,
[Edited by Samel on 2021-02-27 15:27:17]
Samel 4 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj, Good Evening,
I submitted a reply on Feb. 27, 2021, not sure that was missed for some reason or you are busy otherwise.

I was forced to stop from taking Pulsatilla 30 since last Monday. I experienced increase in itchy skin and a head ache was developed.
The Nux seems to be a most better fitting remedy for my symptoms, but it did only a little on my arthritis spell. There is no change in symptoms, all goes the same way they were before.
I have Lacheses 200 and waiting for your instruction.
Thank you,
Samel 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj,
Thank you for your response.
I shall follow your advise and report as requested.

Samel 3 years ago
is puls good for food allergy
kohler 3 years ago
fatty food, cakes and ice cream, with bloating, belching and slow digestion.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
thank you
kohler 3 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj, Good Evening.
I hope you are doing well.
This report is for after Lachesis. I took the first dose on 19th March 2021 evening. Second dose on 21st Sunday. Monday night (4th day) I got an ear pain (left ear) 2 am and solely subsided it off after 4th day. This symptom is totally new, never had before. A headache was appeared on 7th day (Thursday) and it was somewhat moderate I ended up taking a pain killer. My arteritis came back (right sole) still I have it and looks like it continues. I took Lachesis 4 doses only, and I stopped taking it after my headache. Please let me know how should I proceed.
Thank you,
Samel 3 years ago
Who directed you to have four doses of Lachesis?

You were supposed to give a feedback after one dose.

Stop all remedies as of now and give a feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
After the allergy problem is resolved, start Lachesis 200 THREE TIMES A WEEK. And give a feedback. Only one dose per day.

Dear Dr. Anuj, Thank you for your reply.

As per your advise above, I started with Lachesis 200, one drop a day, every second day (Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday. Actually it was 3 doses, not 4 doses. It was my mistake sorry about that.

I already have stopped Lachesis after 3rd dose, and shall report to you in week.
Thank you,
Samel 3 years ago
We will wait and watch.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj, Good Morning,
This report is for the week-end of 3rd April 2021.
1. A definite improvement on my Arthritis pain, especially shoulder pain has subsided considerably.
2. Itchy spell has increased on left side for unknown reason, and continues.
3. Everything else stays the same.
No remedy or tissue salt was taken during this period.
For your information and necessary advice.
Thank you,
Samel 3 years ago
Any good reason for not taking tissue salts?
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thank you for your reply.

The instruction was to take Lachesis 3 times a week. I stopped after first week once experienced symptoms and reported to you for further advise. Your advise was to stop all remedies and feedback after 7 days. I simply followed your instruction.

Thank you,
Samel 3 years ago
Dear Dr. Anuj,
I hope you are doing well and keeping safe.
This report is for the 2nd week after Lachesis.
There was an intense itchy spell broke out at extremity on 9th of April after midnight and disappeared.
Water impact was heavy the same day morning hours. Six calls were answered every 20-30 minutes from 7am to 10am. Afterward, it continues with a lesser frequency. Once I touched or closed to water the urge for urination sets immediately and must go to washroom, no delay would help.
Please advise.
Thank you,
Samel 3 years ago
Stop all remedies and give a feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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