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Wife has Neck, shoulder and arm pain. Feels stiff. Physio helped but pain is back

My wife has suddenly neck and shoulder pain. Physiotherapy eases pain but issue is coming back(chin tucks, laying on foam roller with hand movements). Pain not as severe but it started this way and got worse. Dr said try physio or chiropractor. Posture issues. Before we try chiropractor on neck, want to try homeo which is non invasive after experiencing surgeries and compilations. Please suggest remedy if possible. She used to do yoga suryanamaskar and stopped that now.
1. Age: 42
2. Sex: Female
3. Built up: 5'1 130 pounds.
4. Complexion: brown
5. Country: Virginia, USA
6. Occupation: IT for past 15 years.
7. List out all your PROBLEMS with its since how long,which part is affected,which side,what you feel during complaint etc:
3 weeks ago neck pain, then right hand pain and tingling is entire arm. hand/Fingers became dark and swollen. Severe arm pain. Went for physiotherapy still continuing exercises. It took a week and pain went away. From last night again neck pain pain in the hump, mild pain in back of head, both shoulders pain and left hand pain. left back part of neck pain was paining more. Added pillows to support arms and shoulder all night and pain is better.
Sleeps on floor/carpet (no bed, mattress for years) and very thin pillow, moves in all directions in sleep, mostly side and stomach sleeper, but trying to sleep on back with pillows, back uncomfortable due to these changes.
Elevated work platform to lift head, chair changes did not help much.
a)Worsening factors for each complaint: Working on PC, sitting for long. COVID wfh
b)When Its Better – Sleeping, pillows supporting arms taking pressure of shoulders.
c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem? Working on PC.
8. Surgery: 2 c sections, hysterectomy at 38 years (ovaries not removed). Feels tired easily nowadays.
9. Mind. – sensitive, little short tempered, stay alone with kids and family not too many people. Likes visiting temples.
10. Thermal: which weather do you prefer hot or cold? hot

11. Do you have Frequent or occasional nausea,vomiting to any food,headache,mouth ulcer,, sneezing,gas trouble - no

12. Stool: regular

13. Urine: regular

15. Sweat – normal

16. Sleep: some snoring

17. Appetite: 2 meals

18. Thirst: how many glasses – 2-4 glasses, extra depending on weather

19. Cravings: spicy food

20. Aversion: salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc. - None,

21. Intolerant foods if any which might be your favorite or not - None

24. Do you have any skin complaints- Dark circles around eyes

25.Your skin type: oily or dry - normal
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-02-22 17:11:09]
  ariesboy on 2021-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Calc Phos-12x 3 pallets twice a day
2. Rhus Tox-200 6 pills twice a day
Pl keep 30 to 40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
pl take above treatment for 10 days and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 4 years ago
Taking the prescribed medicines form past 7 days. She again had right hand fingers cold, numbness and tingling and severe arm shoulder pain. The hand is always supported by a pillow to take off strain but that day we had to go out for a few hours. Just an update to see if we need to continue or change remedy.
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-03-02 16:30:18]
ariesboy 4 years ago
Please advice.
ariesboy 3 years ago
In place of Rhus Tox-200 please take Causticum-200

Take revised treatment for one week and then give feedback.

homeo helper
homeo_helper 3 years ago
I have causticum 1M at home, can that be used by any chance? Else will need to wait for order. Thx.
ariesboy 3 years ago
if it is 1m then take only one dose of 6 pills at bedtime.

homeo helper
homeo_helper 3 years ago
Neck pain gone, arm and shoulder reduced, any little strain/work triggers more pain. but feeling much better than before
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-03-18 16:07:03]
ariesboy 3 years ago
Please continue the medicines for next 15 days

homeo helper
homeo_helper 3 years ago
Pains reduced a lot very mild pain remains. She cut an onion thinking all is well and part between thumb and fore finger got swollen and painful. Thumb was also painful with movement. Just info so any strain makes it worse again.
ariesboy 3 years ago
Pl do not take any strain again for some days and continue the treatment for next 15 days and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 3 years ago
Just slight pain in right shoulder, arm and upper right back. Feeling much better. Thanks for the remedy.
ariesboy 3 years ago
Her pain is back but tolerable but has pins and needles sensation in entire right hand (from upper arm all the way to fingers with shoulder pain) as if its going to sleep suddenly. Cold makes it worse even hand is exposed to a fan. She is taking Causticum 1M daily and turmeric supplement, B12 vitamin D, yoga, carpel tunnel exercises which has helped all this time. But numbness has become worse at night. Hot bath makes it better Can someone please help suggest a medicine?
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-06-30 16:33:45]
ariesboy 3 years ago
Dr Anuj or homeo helper can you advice please?

pain in arm joint, arm, inner and outer wrist, thumb and 2 and fingers and tingling and numbness more in morning. Pain around upper elbow into arm and upper/outer (not armpit) arm shoulder joint. I don't know if its carpel or tennis elbow or ulnar. Hand is weak. Cannot grip open or open a bottle. Sometime trembling hands. Cold makes it worse. Again please help.
[Edited by ariesboy on 2021-07-04 21:13:02]
ariesboy 3 years ago

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