The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Premature ejaculation, sensitive penis
Am 25 year old male used to musterbate 3-5 times a day since the age of 13.and suffering from premature ejaculation for more than 3 years.when I started musterbating after some time I started having nightfalls everynight without having any dreams. I consume tobacco, noise makes me irritable, even a little bit of sound awakes me from sleep.I thik about having sex alot but when I try to get intimate with my partner I get no erection then after some time I get erection but semen also comes out within 10-15 seconds.When I touch my penis I feel I will ejaculate immediately.My height is 5.9 and my weight is 65kg. Upper portion of my body is skinny like my hands, chest, cheeks but my legs, thighs have good mass.i drink hot tea alot. In the beginning my doctor gave Staphysagria 30 for 15 days, Agnus Castus 30 for 5 days, Titanium Met6 for 5 days 3 drops 3 times a day and Sulphur 2 dose weekly and Lycopodium 1M 2 dose weekly but no help. My problem remains the same.Now am taking Caladium 200 1 dose at night and SBL Bio Combination 27 4 pills 3 times a day but that also not doing any good to my problem. (self medication)
Am very frustrated with my condition that's why I have started self medication as my doctor has gave up on me
What should I do? Kindly help somebody
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2021-02-26 06:48:26]
Ronthedavil on 2021-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ronthedavil saidAm 25 year old male used to musterbate 3-5 times a day since the age of 13.and suffering from premature ejaculation for more than 3 years.when I started musterbating after some time I started having nightfalls everynight without having any dreams. I consume tobacco, noise makes me irritable, even a little bit of sound awakes me from sleep.I thik about having sex alot but when I try to get intimate with my partner I get no erection then after some time I get erection but semen also comes out within 10-15 seconds.When I touch my penis I feel I will ejaculate immediately.My height is 5.9 and my weight is 65kg. Upper portion of my body is skinny like my hands, chest, cheeks but my legs, thighs have good mass.i drink hot tea alot.I always feel a heavyness in my head .In the beginning my doctor gave Staphysagria 30 for 15 days, Agnus Castus 30 for 5 days, Titanium Met6 for 5 days 3 drops 3 times a day and Sulphur 2 dose weekly and Lycopodium 1M 2 dose weekly but no help. My problem remains the same.
Now am taking Caladium 200 1 dose at night and SBL Bio Combination 27 4 pills 3 times a day but that also not doing any good to my problem. (self medication)
Am very frustrated with my condition that's why I have started self medication as my doctor has gave up on me
What should I do? Kindly help somebody
[Edited by Ronthedavil on 2021-02-26 06:52:53]
Ronthedavil 4 years ago
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