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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ED with Loss of Libido

Hi Sirs,
I am suffering from ED with loss of libido. My age is 42 years. I never realised that i was suffering from such problem until i got married 1 year back (Jan 2020). after that i have been taking Sildenafil tablets (50mg/100mg) & Tadalafil (5mg/10mg) till November 2020 as per doctor's advice. After that i learned about the side effects of the medicines and stopped it. A friend of mine advised to try homeopathic treatment as such medicines have no side effects. Accordingly i consulted a good homeopathic doctor of our region and he has prescribed the following medicines (screen shot attached )

Its already 15 days of taking medicines and i am not feeling any improvement. Only improvement what i have observed is a mild improvement is sex drive (libido) but not helping in erection. Earlier no sexual thoughts came to my mind. But now sexual thoughts are coming to my mind occasionally. I am planning to continue with the medicines and treatment.

My only question is that can i take sildenafil/tadalafil tablets when situation arises along with homeopathic medicines?
  RAVI16 on 2021-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
extremely sorry for double post
[Edited by RAVI16 on 2021-02-26 18:35:17]
RAVI16 4 years ago

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