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Itchy ears at on the morning and it night 4


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Itchy ears at night Page 4 of 5

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I don't have 30cc only 200cc
alschneider 3 years ago
3pills in the morning and 3pills in the evening. Update after total 6 doses.
mrmhm 3 years ago
Thank you for getting back to me and thank you for your help!!
alschneider 3 years ago
Thank you for your HELP!
My medicine is arriving today. I will keep you updated!
Since you are treating me my health got better!! THANK YOU SIR
alschneider 3 years ago
Thanks for such message. Glad to know.
mrmhm 3 years ago
Almost no improvement pain shoots up to the roots. Cold hurts very much. Can't smoke pipe smoke hirts too.
alschneider 3 years ago
What is you continuing? Merc Sol 30 or 200?

Take Cell Salt Mag Phos 6x with that.
6tablets 3times per day. Drink a cup of warm water after taking Mag Phos 6x
[Edited by mrmhm on 2021-07-26 17:44:51]
mrmhm 3 years ago
Its 200cc for merc sol.
Mag phos I have in 30cc.
I will start right now. Thank you
alschneider 3 years ago
Mag Phos should be in biochemic tablet form. Potency should be 6x
mrmhm 3 years ago
Its is biochemical but 30. 6 takes a week to arrive. Can we work with 30?
alschneider 3 years ago
No. Need 6X
Should not apply 30X

Okay. Continue Merc Sol 200 only.
mrmhm 3 years ago
Ok thank you.
alschneider 3 years ago
The inflammation of the gum is getting better. The teeth still hurt inside and also the roots of the teeth are hurting, there is not improvement.
alschneider 3 years ago
Continue Merc Sol 200.

Add Cell Salt Silicea 6x
6tablets 3times per day.
mrmhm 3 years ago
gums look good but same pain is back that got better with arnica 200 and Hypericum 200.

Can I got back and take them for some time?
alschneider 3 years ago
You may take. Seems, Mag Phos 6x could give relief fast.
mrmhm 3 years ago
How is your bloating and groin pain at the time of taking Merc Sol?
mrmhm 3 years ago
Groin pain got only better with: Alumina 200
Merc Sol did help me with my bladder issues and less urine at night and of course with teeth.
Hypericum and arnica was best for inside teeth nerve pain.
I have flue currently and taking belladona and oscillococcinum.
alschneider 3 years ago
Tooth pain is back I spoke with the dentist and he says there is no information but it might be the nerves. I am taking arnica 200 and hypericum 200. But I don't see much process. Can you help please?
alschneider 3 years ago
Tell me how tooth pain aggavates? And how do you get relief?
mrmhm 3 years ago
It got bad after smoking to much.

Hot and cold food and liquid
Cigar smoke
Sweet and sour

Put my hand there
Hypericum 200 and Arnica 200 but not helps that much anymore
alschneider 3 years ago
Stop all.

Take a dose of Lachesis 30 in a morning in empty stomach.
Take 5 pills only.
Single dose only. Don't repeat.
[Edited by mrmhm on 2021-08-25 03:41:15]
mrmhm 3 years ago
Lachesis Mutus 30C okay I just orderd it will arrive friday. Thank you
alschneider 3 years ago
New and important update for you! I went back to see the dentist and he says it is nerve pain!
alschneider 3 years ago
Okay. Take single dose of Lach 30 not to treat only one symptom. This is for totality.
[Edited by mrmhm on 2021-08-28 19:01:41]
mrmhm 3 years ago
I saw dentist today. Tooth is infected at root. Needs to be pulled in 4 days. He gave me antibiotics to get the infection down.
alschneider 3 years ago

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