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Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Headache with neck tightness after Nux Vomica 200

26 years, male
For Acidity problem I was prescribed Nux Vomica 200 (4 pills twice daily) by a qualified homeopath. I took Medicine from 17/05/2021 to 22/05/2021 - total 12 doses. Relief in acidity seen but with some unwanted changes.
On second day of medicine i started getting headache with vertigo (head felt spinning). After stopping medicine the vertigo problem vanished but after few more days I started getting headache with tightness in neck(occiput area).
It has been more than a month now but headache problem is still there.i have following symptoms:
1. Headache on thinking about it.
2. Headache by looking down.
3. Headache after taking any Homeopathic medicines (even mother tinctures and combination syrups)
4. Headache starts with tightness in occiput area and reaches to forehead and sometimes vertex also.

Also i have problem of disturbed sleep at 4, 5 or sometimes 6 in the morning everyday after this medicine.

Keeping my mental Symptoms in view of Perfectionism/fastidiousness, the doctor advised me to take Arsenic Album 30 (2 drops - 3 doses for 3 days) as it will antidote Nux vomica also.

After taking this I got some relief in headache but complaints are not completely cured even after 15 days of taking Arsenic Album 30 (3 doses only).

Is 30 potency not enough to antidote 200 potency ?

What should I do next?
[Edited by Joy511 on 2021-11-23 08:10:43]
  Joy511 on 2021-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can antidote most homeopathic medicines by eating or drinking sour things like lemon or any other citrus fruits.
telescope 3 years ago

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