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Gum Bleeding and receding

I have severe bleeding all the time. I have used numerious homeopathic medicines but no benifit. I have used 200, Mers Sol 30/200, Mer corr 30/200, Keriosote 30, Bio No 18, , Flr 6x, /30, Calendual Q, Echinicea Q etc. I am still using Carb Veg but blood is not stopped. I have no sugar/blood pressure. Doctors diagnosed and periodontitis. They told to remove front 3-4 teeth but I am not agree. I regular go to dentist for scaling. I have used all famous toothpaste and powder. Now there is redness on front teeth as i have posted my teeth pic. This redness and swelling is not healing. It looks bloody all the time and blood comes on this place regularly. Sometimes I am scared when i see too much blood. Whenever i spit it has blood. I do not use smoking, pan, chalia etc.I regular brush my teeth 3 times a day with flossing. I gargled salty water and do everything for best of my gums and teeth but blood is stopping. I have strong believe on homeopathy Kindly select any good medicine for my problem. Iam 47 years old male. Gums are also receding and have gape among them.
  ahmedkhan1 on 2021-07-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Massage gums with a pinch of POTASH ALUM,three to four times a day.

Merc Sol 30 five pellets three times a day.

Avoid using tooth brush,and use homeopathic tooth powder,WHEEZAL.

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I have mixed Potash with salt and daily massage it and also massage mustard oil. I have used Mer Sol 30 and also 200 but it did not work for me. I also used Mer cor 30.
ahmedkhan1 3 years ago
Only bleeding? No pain or inflammation?
mrmhm 3 years ago
Hepar Sulph 30 and SILICEA 6X,three times a day.Continue massaging with Potash Alum.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I have no pain but a minor swelling like boil on gums (but it is not boil it is only swelling) and it looks red. I thought it might be due to brushing but this redness and minor swelling on uper front teeth side is still there.
One doctor suggested me to take Kali phos 6x, Silicea 6x, Calc Flour 6x, Calc Sulf 6x (2-2 tab) thrice a day and I am taking it and have minor relief.
I will start your prescription from tomorrow. Should I continue other salts or stop them and should use only Silicea 6x and Hep Sulf 30?
[Edited by ahmedkhan1 on 2021-07-30 19:48:57]
ahmedkhan1 3 years ago
As of now only Hepar Sulph and Silicea.

Stop using brush.

WHEEZAL homeopathic tooth powder be used instead.

anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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