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Bloating with weight gain, edema around ankles, GERD, anemia, low libido and bone spurs in toes Page 2 of 3
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ok, thank you! Last week you mentioned stopping FERRUM PHOS for a week. Do I now re-start FERRUM PHOS again, or just continue with CALC FLOUR, NAT PHOS and KALI MUR? Thanks again.
vw123 3 years ago
Weekly feedback:
Previous acne almost all gone, no additional ones appeared.
GERD/acid reflux is so much better.
No low energy. No brain fog. Minimal hair loss - normal.
No PMS in terms of irritation.
Menstrual cycle is back to 26 days, which is normal for me.
Related to my cycle and hormones:
- Bloating in my stomach with 4 lbs weight gain still persists.
- Edema around ankles is there but less now that I am taking cell salts.
- A bit of tenderness in both breasts prior to period, but much less than before.
Libido still very low.
Bone spurs painful when walking but less than before. Toes feel sore when walking.
Iron supplements are giving me constipation, so I stopped taking them, but I suspect I still have anemia.
New eyesight symptom this week - it's a bit difficult to see smaller font when reading.
Thank you!
Previous acne almost all gone, no additional ones appeared.
GERD/acid reflux is so much better.
No low energy. No brain fog. Minimal hair loss - normal.
No PMS in terms of irritation.
Menstrual cycle is back to 26 days, which is normal for me.
Related to my cycle and hormones:
- Bloating in my stomach with 4 lbs weight gain still persists.
- Edema around ankles is there but less now that I am taking cell salts.
- A bit of tenderness in both breasts prior to period, but much less than before.
Libido still very low.
Bone spurs painful when walking but less than before. Toes feel sore when walking.
Iron supplements are giving me constipation, so I stopped taking them, but I suspect I still have anemia.
New eyesight symptom this week - it's a bit difficult to see smaller font when reading.
Thank you!
vw123 3 years ago
As of now same protocol for a week and feedback.Iron does not suit many and constipates them.
Will review after a week.
Will review after a week.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Am I still pausing Ferrum Phos? Thank you!
vw123 3 years ago
A couple of acne spots this week - neck and lower part of face, but much improvement. Everything else remains the same like last week.
Noticing recurring chin hairs. They come back in a day or two after removal with tweezers. I read this "Hirsutism may be caused by high levels of androgen, menopause-related hormone changes, or disorders of the adrenal glands or ovaries."
Would the cell salts I am taking help eliminate this? Thank you so much!
Noticing recurring chin hairs. They come back in a day or two after removal with tweezers. I read this "Hirsutism may be caused by high levels of androgen, menopause-related hormone changes, or disorders of the adrenal glands or ovaries."
Would the cell salts I am taking help eliminate this? Thank you so much!
vw123 3 years ago
PCO also causes facial hair.
Have bi weekly dose of LACHESIS 200.CELL SALTS TO CONTINUE.
Have bi weekly dose of LACHESIS 200.CELL SALTS TO CONTINUE.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Just to check...I took Lachesis 200 bi-weekly for 3 months. It made my acne worse than now and my periods irregular, so you recommended I stop taking it. Are we expecting a different result this time?
Also, I have no thyroid, but take daily thyroid replacement hormones, so I am wondering if these symptoms are related to the absence of thyroid gland. Thanks a lot!
[Edited by vw123 on 2021-12-28 08:09:44]
Also, I have no thyroid, but take daily thyroid replacement hormones, so I am wondering if these symptoms are related to the absence of thyroid gland. Thanks a lot!
[Edited by vw123 on 2021-12-28 08:09:44]
vw123 3 years ago
HAVE GRAPHITES 30 three times a day.Do not take lachesis.
Cell Salts to continue.
HAVE GRAPHITES 30 three times a day.Do not take lachesis.
Cell Salts to continue.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Started taking GRAPHITES 30 along with cell salts. By day 2 old and new symptoms showed up.
Old symptoms being additional acne and breast tenderness (getting close to my period so it may be why as well). Also blurry eye sight.
NEW symptoms are odd and uncomfortable - pulling like, pulsating pain on the right side of my body (on the right side of rib cage); smelly stools with small feces and burning at the rectum;
Super heavy eye lids as if it's hard to keep them open;
bouts of tiredness during the day and in the early evening but then sleeplessness at night (insomnia) and it's as if I don't go into deep sleep;
Feels like my tongue is swollen or larger, I accidentally bit it so hard that tears came to my eyes and it left a dark bruise inside my mouth - it took a couple of days to heal and it is all gone now;
Also feel hot in the afternoon and night but no fever.
On Dec 28 I also had exposure to someone with confirmed covid on Dec 30.
Please advise, thank you!
[Edited by vw123 on 2022-01-04 02:04:53]
Old symptoms being additional acne and breast tenderness (getting close to my period so it may be why as well). Also blurry eye sight.
NEW symptoms are odd and uncomfortable - pulling like, pulsating pain on the right side of my body (on the right side of rib cage); smelly stools with small feces and burning at the rectum;
Super heavy eye lids as if it's hard to keep them open;
bouts of tiredness during the day and in the early evening but then sleeplessness at night (insomnia) and it's as if I don't go into deep sleep;
Feels like my tongue is swollen or larger, I accidentally bit it so hard that tears came to my eyes and it left a dark bruise inside my mouth - it took a couple of days to heal and it is all gone now;
Also feel hot in the afternoon and night but no fever.
On Dec 28 I also had exposure to someone with confirmed covid on Dec 30.
Please advise, thank you!
[Edited by vw123 on 2022-01-04 02:04:53]
vw123 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thank you for your reply, will do. So far all tests are thankfully negative but was told to quarantine for 14 days.
vw123 3 years ago
Latest update:
Thankfully no covid. All NEW symptoms described above disappeared once I stopped GRAPHITE 30 (and cell salts, too).
Feedback on OLD symptoms:
Acne cleared up. All that's left are a couple of faint, spots that are healing and will likely disappear in the next few days.
No water retention.
Mild breast tenderness before my period.
Period came in on day 30, which is so much better than before when it would come on day 26 or earlier.
Bone spurs in toes are now less painful, but still there.
GERD gradually came back, but mild.
No weight loss.
Vision still occasionally blurry - not all the time.
Libido still low.
Thank you!
Thankfully no covid. All NEW symptoms described above disappeared once I stopped GRAPHITE 30 (and cell salts, too).
Feedback on OLD symptoms:
Acne cleared up. All that's left are a couple of faint, spots that are healing and will likely disappear in the next few days.
No water retention.
Mild breast tenderness before my period.
Period came in on day 30, which is so much better than before when it would come on day 26 or earlier.
Bone spurs in toes are now less painful, but still there.
GERD gradually came back, but mild.
No weight loss.
Vision still occasionally blurry - not all the time.
Libido still low.
Thank you!
vw123 3 years ago
Only cell salts nat phos 6x and kali mur 6x three times a day,five tabs of each.
Feedback after a week.
Feedback after a week.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Started both cell salts and by day 2 and 3 face acne came back and still persist - chin and neck area. I found that Nat Phos helps with acid reflux. Should I try just Nat Phos 6X first by itself and see if acne get better? Thank you so much!
vw123 3 years ago
Hello, here is my latest feedback:
I was only taking Nat Phos 6X and then ran out of the pills a week ago - waiting for them to arrive.
No new acne showed up. The old ones diminished and are now darker spots that need time to heal.
Bloating is less.
Edema around ankles is still minimal to none.
Bone spurs in both big toes are no longer painful, but I can still feel they are there as I cannot fully bend my toes.
Hair loss is minimal to none.
In the meantime, I had blood test for my iron levels:
My iron levels have improved. In October my ferritin was 7, now it is 13 - still on the low side, but better than before.
No weight loss or gain. Is there a cell salt or remedy that would gently increase metabolism?
Thank you so much for all your help!
I was only taking Nat Phos 6X and then ran out of the pills a week ago - waiting for them to arrive.
No new acne showed up. The old ones diminished and are now darker spots that need time to heal.
Bloating is less.
Edema around ankles is still minimal to none.
Bone spurs in both big toes are no longer painful, but I can still feel they are there as I cannot fully bend my toes.
Hair loss is minimal to none.
In the meantime, I had blood test for my iron levels:
My iron levels have improved. In October my ferritin was 7, now it is 13 - still on the low side, but better than before.
No weight loss or gain. Is there a cell salt or remedy that would gently increase metabolism?
Thank you so much for all your help!
vw123 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Latest updates: added Kali Mur 6x to Nat Phos 6X and happy to report improvements - I lowered my daily thyroid medication dose because my body seems to be absorbing it better. All other previously described improvements are continuing. Had a mammogram and breast biopsy done for a "sclerosing lesion", "small intraductal papilloma" and "small calcifications." These changes occurred over the past 8-12 months. All findings are benign.
vw123 3 years ago
In addition add Calc Flour 6x to be taken with the current protocol three times a day.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Acne are re-appearing as of last week. No other changes to report. Thank you!
vw123 2 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 2 years ago
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