The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Enlarged Prostate gland and UTI (Anuj Srivastav)
Hi Dr Anuj.I have been diagnosed with Enlarged Prostate 3 years back. Since then have been on Homeopathic treatment. The prostate gland over the past years have been the same.
However one thing I have been facing is the recurring UTI. This typically occurs in October/November. Last year also the UTI occurred during this period. A few drops of blood also passed in the urine. Was on Antibiotics for a month. After that there was no occurrence of UTI until the last week. The UTI occurred 2 weeks back. Have been on antibiotics since then. The symptoms of UTI which I face is (1) inside knee or hollow of the knee pains (2) hollow of the elbow pains (3) lower back pains (4) fever. These were the symptoms which I faced 2 weeks back. Checked urine and there were numerous pus cells.
Have been on antibiotics since then. (2weeks) Checked urine and pus cells were 2-3%. The GP prescribed Antibiotic for a week.
Today again have a feeling that the UTI has not cleared. The hollow of knee, elbow and lower back pains resurfaced.
I went to a local Govt Homeopathic clinic. The Dr prescribed Thuja 1M, Conium 200 & Sabal Serrulata MT. Don't know if Sabal S agrees with me. The last time (2 weeks) back, Dr Kaps had recommended Sabal S 30C, the UTI occurred after that. Don't know if it's coincidence.
I am at my wits end. Scared of going under the knife for the enlarged prostate.
Don't know why UTI occors during Oct/Nov. I consume 6-8 glasses water excluding 2 times tea and at times a glass of fresh lime juice.
I am 63 years old male. Dark complexioned with High BP and cholesterol besides enlarged prostate of size 74cc.
Other than that, a constant shoulder neck pain and occasional body pains.
That's it.. Hope I have provided the details for taking up my case. Do let me know if any more details are required.
Thank you in advance.
pimathew on 2021-11-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr. Reckeweg R25-4 times daily 10-15 drops in some water half an hour before meals.
In addition Calc Phos 6x and Calc Flour 6x five tabs three times a day.
Feedback every 7 days.
In addition Calc Phos 6x and Calc Flour 6x five tabs three times a day.
Feedback every 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Dr Anuj,
A week since have taken R-25, along with Calc Phos 6X and Calc Fluor 6X.
Couple of good things have happened after taking these medicines.
1. Relief from body pains.
2. Urine stream has slightly improved.
3. Sleeping better. Earlier used to get up by 3 AM to pass urine. Now I get up between 4.30 AM to 5 AM.
Few things are very disturbing
1. Urine falls on my feet.
2. Urge incontinence
3. UTI bcoz of urine held up in bladder
4. Stool a bit hard in the morning. Pains a bit while expelling.
Do I continue with the existing medicines. Need to address on the enlarged prostate and urge incontinence.
Please advise
Best regards
By the way, is there any difference between Reckewegg R-25 and SBL Prostonum.
A week since have taken R-25, along with Calc Phos 6X and Calc Fluor 6X.
Couple of good things have happened after taking these medicines.
1. Relief from body pains.
2. Urine stream has slightly improved.
3. Sleeping better. Earlier used to get up by 3 AM to pass urine. Now I get up between 4.30 AM to 5 AM.
Few things are very disturbing
1. Urine falls on my feet.
2. Urge incontinence
3. UTI bcoz of urine held up in bladder
4. Stool a bit hard in the morning. Pains a bit while expelling.
Do I continue with the existing medicines. Need to address on the enlarged prostate and urge incontinence.
Please advise
Best regards
By the way, is there any difference between Reckewegg R-25 and SBL Prostonum.
pimathew 3 years ago
Hi Doctor,
Was continuing the medicines.
In the meantime caught UTI on Monday. Had to take Antibiotics since then. Have stopped R25 and the tissue salts.
Why does UTI occur in spite of regular intake of water. Is there any solution to it.
Before UTI, the urine stream had very marginal increase. Have to get up between 4-5AM early morning to pass urine. Sleep is much better. However in the day time have to go couple of times more. Post lunch it increases within a short time span. Bit difficult to travel as I need to pass urine frequently.
Please advise.
Was continuing the medicines.
In the meantime caught UTI on Monday. Had to take Antibiotics since then. Have stopped R25 and the tissue salts.
Why does UTI occur in spite of regular intake of water. Is there any solution to it.
Before UTI, the urine stream had very marginal increase. Have to get up between 4-5AM early morning to pass urine. Sleep is much better. However in the day time have to go couple of times more. Post lunch it increases within a short time span. Bit difficult to travel as I need to pass urine frequently.
Please advise.
pimathew 3 years ago
Ones the symptoms subside have Bacillus Coli Dilution 30 one dose two times a week.
Stop R25,cell salts to continue.
Weekly feedback.
Stop R25,cell salts to continue.
Weekly feedback.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Doctor,
Do I start Bacillus coli 30C, after completing my antibiotic course. How long should I take the med.? Would it reduce the prostate gland size?
Best wishes
Do I start Bacillus coli 30C, after completing my antibiotic course. How long should I take the med.? Would it reduce the prostate gland size?
Best wishes
pimathew 3 years ago
Start after completing the antibiotic course.Timeline cannot be predicted.Prostate will be addressed after you get rid of the UTI.
Chimaphila Umbellata.Q,TEN DROPS three times a day be started after a week for your prostate.
Chimaphila Umbellata.Q,TEN DROPS three times a day be started after a week for your prostate.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Dr.
Just completed the antibiotic 2 days back. Got my urine checked.
The report in brief is given below:
Pus cells - 0-2/HPF
RBS - Absent/HPF
Bacteria - Occasionally.
Is it ok if I start taking Bacillus coli 30c from Sunday or should I start today.
Is Chimaphilla to be taken after a week of taking Bacillus coli (2 times in a week)
Please advise.
B Wishes/ Mathew
Just completed the antibiotic 2 days back. Got my urine checked.
The report in brief is given below:
Pus cells - 0-2/HPF
RBS - Absent/HPF
Bacteria - Occasionally.
Is it ok if I start taking Bacillus coli 30c from Sunday or should I start today.
Is Chimaphilla to be taken after a week of taking Bacillus coli (2 times in a week)
Please advise.
B Wishes/ Mathew
pimathew 3 years ago
Is it ok if I start taking Bacillus coli 30c from Sunday or should I start today. YES.
Is Chimaphila to be taken after a week of taking Bacillus coli (2 times in a week)-3 TIMES A DAY.10-15 DROPS ONE DOSE.
Is Chimaphila to be taken after a week of taking Bacillus coli (2 times in a week)-3 TIMES A DAY.10-15 DROPS ONE DOSE.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Forgot to add. My right knee is paining severely. Even while sitting on my haunches, the pains are unbearable. The pains are around the complete knee. The pains started 2/3 days back. The pains earlier always occurs whenever I get UTI.
Please advise.
Forgot to add. My right knee is paining severely. Even while sitting on my haunches, the pains are unbearable. The pains are around the complete knee. The pains started 2/3 days back. The pains earlier always occurs whenever I get UTI.
Please advise.
pimathew 3 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Doctor,
Wishing you a very happy, prosperous & Healthy New Year.
I took a dose of Bacillus Coli 30C on Sunday and then again on Wednesday. Took Nat Phos 6X and Calc Fluor 6X in between. Whenever I take cell salts, I tend to have mouth ulcer on the tongue tip.
As you have advised to take Bacillus twice in a week, as well as to start Chimaphila MT (daily 3 dose) , do I continue bacillus coli and also start Chimaphila from tomorrow.
Please advise.
Wishing you a very happy, prosperous & Healthy New Year.
I took a dose of Bacillus Coli 30C on Sunday and then again on Wednesday. Took Nat Phos 6X and Calc Fluor 6X in between. Whenever I take cell salts, I tend to have mouth ulcer on the tongue tip.
As you have advised to take Bacillus twice in a week, as well as to start Chimaphila MT (daily 3 dose) , do I continue bacillus coli and also start Chimaphila from tomorrow.
Please advise.
pimathew 3 years ago
Thanks.Same to you and your family.
Bacillus not to be taken as of now.Stop NP.
Start Chimaphila MT .
Bacillus not to be taken as of now.Stop NP.
Start Chimaphila MT .
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Doctor,
After clearing UTI, I took Bacillus for a day. Stopped it on your advice and continued Chimaphilla MT 15 drops 3 times a day along with Calcarea Fluorica 6X.
The latest symptoms are in the night between 11.30 PM and 6.30 AM, the frequency of passing urine has increased. Earlier before the UTI attack, I used to pass urine only once between 4 AM and 6.30AM. After waking up at 6.30 AM, I immediately pass urine and go about my work. Now between 11.30PM and 6.30 AM, I have to go twice or 3 times in the night. The flow compared to earlier is a bit better.
However the past 2 days more urine in the day time within a span of 10-15 minutes. Also there is a bit of starting trouble along with diminished flow.
What could the reason be for the change.
Please review and advise.
Thanks very much.
Best regards.
PS.. Where do I get Postash alum ( rock Or granules).Do we get in homeo stores. Homeo store here does not have MT, but 30C & 200C is available.
After clearing UTI, I took Bacillus for a day. Stopped it on your advice and continued Chimaphilla MT 15 drops 3 times a day along with Calcarea Fluorica 6X.
The latest symptoms are in the night between 11.30 PM and 6.30 AM, the frequency of passing urine has increased. Earlier before the UTI attack, I used to pass urine only once between 4 AM and 6.30AM. After waking up at 6.30 AM, I immediately pass urine and go about my work. Now between 11.30PM and 6.30 AM, I have to go twice or 3 times in the night. The flow compared to earlier is a bit better.
However the past 2 days more urine in the day time within a span of 10-15 minutes. Also there is a bit of starting trouble along with diminished flow.
What could the reason be for the change.
Please review and advise.
Thanks very much.
Best regards.
PS.. Where do I get Postash alum ( rock Or granules).Do we get in homeo stores. Homeo store here does not have MT, but 30C & 200C is available.
pimathew 3 years ago
Repeat Bacillus coli 30C one dose only.
Cell salts to continue.
Potash Alum is available in some grocery stores.Get in rock form and get it grinded at home.
Cell salts to continue.
Potash Alum is available in some grocery stores.Get in rock form and get it grinded at home.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Doctor,
Many thanks for the prompt reply.
Will stop Chimaphila MT and take a single dose only of Bacillus 30.
Another problem is when I took cell salts, mouth ulcer surfaces and then for the next 3-4 days have to bear the burning pains.
Please advise
Best wishes
Many thanks for the prompt reply.
Will stop Chimaphila MT and take a single dose only of Bacillus 30.
Another problem is when I took cell salts, mouth ulcer surfaces and then for the next 3-4 days have to bear the burning pains.
Please advise
Best wishes
pimathew 3 years ago
Stop NP.continue CF and give a feedback.
♡ anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Dear Doctor,
Took a dose of Bacillus 30 yesterday. Continued CF. However the QOL has not improved as of now.
As already mentioned, passing of urine is now obstructed, (not a smooth flow) besides yesterday and today have been passing urine very frequently (within 15-30 minutes) and a minimum of 3 times between 3 and 6.30 AM in the night. Somehow the wellness which was before contracting UTI has gone.
Now there is a slight pain on lower back both sides and a burning pain in the front glans.
Every thing has gone downhill within 10 days. In these 10 days am in quarantine because of my daughter and am unable to go about my morning walk which I have been doing for the past couple of years.
Please do review and advise. I am at my wits end.
Best wishes
Took a dose of Bacillus 30 yesterday. Continued CF. However the QOL has not improved as of now.
As already mentioned, passing of urine is now obstructed, (not a smooth flow) besides yesterday and today have been passing urine very frequently (within 15-30 minutes) and a minimum of 3 times between 3 and 6.30 AM in the night. Somehow the wellness which was before contracting UTI has gone.
Now there is a slight pain on lower back both sides and a burning pain in the front glans.
Every thing has gone downhill within 10 days. In these 10 days am in quarantine because of my daughter and am unable to go about my morning walk which I have been doing for the past couple of years.
Please do review and advise. I am at my wits end.
Best wishes
pimathew 3 years ago
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