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Boiron Arnicare ® Arthritis:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



Dear Doctor,
My sister have arthritis since 2007 but from last one year it becomes more complicated. Hand fingers deformated and swellen wrist and knees. She has much pain in knees difficult to move from sitting position to standing position.

Please look into matter as soon.

  Amar Jeet on 2021-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.


The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.

What stands out are the most striking, uncommon, peculiar, rare and strange characteristic signs and symptoms, which indeed are the pointers towards individualising a person, the key for the selection of the most suited medicine ..PQRS or Rare,Uncommon,Peculiar, Striking ((RUPS)


Difficult respiration, lying while, on the left side, ameliorates.

Ulcers in mouth aggravation before menses.

Itching in anal region aggravation before menses.

Sleep on knee chest position.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Usually she sleep lying on left side. has/had No mouth ulcers.
She was slim but during 2004 at another posting place her overall body mass much increased gained too much weight like hypothyorised people.
She went next posting to other station where had accident on road during crossing from one side to another (three wheeler striked her) in year 2006 got fracture In leg. She medicated with allopathic but she took homeopathy medicines Ruta, symphytum.

On this station the water was salty. She becomes thin got arthritis in 2007 but no problem faced in any physical activity. In 2011 her condition became very poor in every expect. She got red rashes on skin on whole body, hair falled out. She took several homeopathy medicines but not cured. Had much pain in body.
So she took posting to other place. She found relief there some how.
Strange character of her was that she could sleep in too much hot night without fan in summer even mosquitoes bite her. But this character of her now changed.
She got arthritis attack now about every year.
For relief pain with homeopathy medicines she taking several other things too. Some times she took honey with lemon water. Castor oil. Ashwagandha, ayurvedic medicines.
Her behaviour is always misrable. She helped those people with money who are wrong.
She always buying unnecessary items. Like clothes, utensils, kitchen items etc. She never helped her blood relatives on time but helped unknown persons.
Even she has huge collection of expensive dresses she wear poor dresses. She only made collection of them.
In other words we can say she only doing collection of things from grocery to every thing.
Today she took silicia 200, and asked me for natrum mure. Yesterday she took other medicines. Tomorrow she will took other.
Her mind remain always wandering.
Amar Jeet 3 years ago

Joint is red and very sensitive to touch.

Pains are worse with any motion and better when lying still.

Big toe or heel so painful that the person cannot bear to have it touched or moved.

Joints are red, hot and swollen. The pain is often worse in the evening and at night. Pains are worse in cold, damp weather and flare-ups may occur with weather changes or in the spring.

The joints are very sensitive to touch and may scream with pain when contact is made with the affected joint. These types feel worse at night, from movement or exertion, and with the odour of cooking.

Highly coloured and offensive urine.

The pain is likely to start at the feet and gradually move upwards, affecting the knees and legs.

Difficult to tolerate any kind of external warmth. The pain improves by cold applications. The ankle balls or big toe may be swollen.

Gastric symptoms along with joint pain and inflammation.

Increased craving for food and hence, several problems occur due to overeating. Pain is experienced in the heels and fingers.

Uterine symptoms are experienced along with the basic symptoms of gout. Shooting pain is experienced in the toes and heels. The joints get swollen and look red and shiny.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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