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Male. Faty liver issue since 2018 and ulcer in mouth

Dear doc. I have faty liver issue since 2018. I used to have pain on my right side at liver below ribs. I often suffer an amount of pain. I want to get rid of it.

Also i have started suffering from mouth ulcers.

I went to homoeo store and i was given Cholesterinum 0=2x and Mercurius Solubilis hahnemanni 30. Both medicines are by Dr Willmar Schwabe.

Kindly tell me which medicine is used for what purpose. And will i get cured bybusing these two. ?
[Edited by brave on 2022-02-20 18:54:35]
  brave on 2022-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You just went to store and get medicine
Are you kidding ??

Tell me your symptoms
Usg report
Lft test report

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
M.D ( Homeopath)
drjitesh 3 years ago
Hi doc. I have attached my reports. I dont have reports of faty liver. But i had got lab test done in 2018 and i was told i had faty liver. I was told to drink ample of water. Problem did not end enirely. I often suffer from same pain. My belly has grown in size. I have developed tires around my waist. Rest of the body is slim.

About ulcer i would say that if i get any spicy meal i get buldges on incer side of my mouth around left of lower lips. Often then get unjured while chewing food which becomes very painful. I was told that i have ulcer.

My doc said that lipid profile is high due to disturbed faty liver state and there is no cure in halopathy for faty liver.

So i went to homeostore. They say these medicies will cure lipid profile ulcers faty liver and plasma glucose. Advise plz
brave 3 years ago
Plz c my report and advise me
brave 3 years ago
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ie Arnica, Acne, Abdominal pain, etc

Male. Faty liver issue since 2018 and ulcer in mouth
Dear doc. I have faty liver issue since 2018. I used to have pain on my right side at liver below ribs. I often suffer an amount of pain. I want to get rid of it.

Also i have started suffering from mouth ulcers.

I went to homoeo store and i was given and Both medicines are by Dr Willmar Schwabe.

Kindly tell me which medicine is used for what purpose. And will i get cured bybusing these two. ?
[Edited by brave on Sun Feb 20 2022 23:54 Pak]

on 2022-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You just went to store and get medicine
Are you kidding ??

Tell me your symptoms
Usg report
Lft test report

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
M.D ( Homeopath)

♡ yesterday
Hi doc. I have attached my reports. I dont have reports of faty liver. But i had got lab test done in 2018 and i was told i had faty liver. I was told to drink ample of water. Problem did not end enirely. I often suffer from same pain. My belly has grown in size. I have developed tires around my waist. Rest of the body is slim.

About ulcer i would say that if i get any spicy meal i get buldges on incer side of my mouth around left of lower lips. Often then get unjured while chewing food which becomes very painful. I was told that i have ulcer.

My doc said that lipid profile is high due to disturbed faty liver state and there is no cure in halopathy for faty liver.

So i went to homeostore. They say these medicies will cure lipid profile ulcers faty liver and plasma glucose. Advise plz
brave 3 years ago
You can click on dr jitesh name and see his email.
Reports are not showing up. If 2018 ? They are too old. You can email him and put your thread title and user name in the email.
simone717 3 years ago
Get new reports and LFT test
drjitesh 3 years ago

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