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water solution of remedy touched my hand - absorption?


I poured out my remedy solution in the sink, and some of it touched my hand. I washed off immediately, but only with water.
Do you think some of it might have absorbed through the skin?
I am asking, because I need to change remedy, and I am not sure, if it has been absorbed, then I guess, I should wait.

Thank you in advance for your help.
  lajhar on 2022-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What potency?
Kaps 3 years ago
[Edited by lajhar on 2022-02-22 06:41:51]
lajhar 3 years ago
Yes it will effect you
It may aggravate the symptoms it cures, if you have them, mildly.
The effect will stay for a short while and by now you wud have felt whatever I m posting , if not ,
Nothing will happen
Kaps 3 years ago
Thank you for your answer.
Sorry, I am not sure if I understand right your answer.

To be more clear: The remedy was prescribed by a homeopath, and she made me took it for 6 months, although the generalities did not improve. After 6 months (and no improvement), she finally admitted that a new remedy might be needed.
Unfortunately I am currently left with no homeopath, and I know I would really need to change the remedy.
[Edited by lajhar on 2022-02-22 07:46:39]
lajhar 3 years ago
Post symptoms
The remedy potency and frequency
The last day you took it
Kaps 3 years ago
I took Sepia 1M from approximately mid August 2021.
First it was prescribed every 2 weeks (to be taken for 2 consecutive days morning-evening, one sip from the water solution, the solution should be stirred every time). Then it was modified to every month.
In October I took 10M Sepia, then the homeopath took me back to 1M, every 4 weeks again(to be taken for 2 consecutive days morning-evening, one sip from the water solution, the solution should be stirred every time).

The last day I took it: 19-20January
I spillt the water solution by accident on my hand last Friday, 18February

I just would like to know how many days should I wait untill I can take a different medicine.
Thank you.
lajhar 3 years ago
You can take it anytime after 15-29 minutes of taking iSepia
Kaps 3 years ago
Sorry, I meant, when can I take a different homeopathic remedy?

I took Sepia 1M from approximately mid August 2021.
First it was prescribed every 2 weeks (to be taken for 2 consecutive days morning-evening, one sip from the water solution, the solution should be stirred every time). Then it was modified to every month.
In October I took 10M Sepia, then the homeopath took me back to 1M, every 4 weeks again(to be taken for 2 consecutive days morning-evening, one sip from the water solution, the solution should be stirred every time).

The last day I took it: 19-20January
I spillt the water solution by accident on my hand last Friday, 18February
lajhar 3 years ago
You can take any remedy any time you want to take now
Hope I m clear
Kaps 3 years ago
Yes, thank you very much for you help, it is clear.
lajhar 3 years ago

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