The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Eczema caused my anabolic steroids
Hi,I paid a high price by taking a short cycle of anabolic steroids for body building in 2003. I developed a persistant rash on my cheeks. Went to see almost all the dermatologist I can get my hands on but to no avail.
Currently, I still have some red dry patches on my cheeks which is very stubborn. They look like dead skin but just stuck there for ages. I am very sensitive to heat and cold and will flush for hours if triggered. Some dermatologist mentioned I have rosacea but some rule it out. I guess I have mild rosacea at first but was triggered by by steroids intake and developed some form of eczema as a result.
Please help me.. I have suffered for 3 years and I feared to go out of the house everyday..
jason_wolver on 2006-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start with Belladonna-30 for immidiate relief.
Later on take a dose of Sulphur-30 at alternate day till your medicine lasts.
Later on take a dose of Sulphur-30 at alternate day till your medicine lasts.
kuldeep last decade
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