The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica for thinning hair questions
I have read about how arnica can help with hairloss so I bought some, unfortunately it was only the pellets of 200cc. What's the recommended dosage for hairloss or thinning hair? Thanks a lot.Karrot13 on 2006-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c has been tried by many and they have reported that this is the best potency to arrest hair loss.
Arnica 200c is quite useless.
Please follow my instructions which are based on actual experience from the response on many patients.
Also use the Arnica Q with Coconut Oil massaged into the hair as this too has been found to regenerate hair growth.
Arnica 200c is quite useless.
Please follow my instructions which are based on actual experience from the response on many patients.
Also use the Arnica Q with Coconut Oil massaged into the hair as this too has been found to regenerate hair growth.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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