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High blood pressure, help Anuj Page 9 of 9

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I can only find silica 30c. Can I start with it until I get the silicea c200?
Taryu 5 months ago
Hi, I got a silica 200C from a friend.
Im sorry I posted an unnecessary message.
Taryu 5 months ago
The flu is over.
Now its dizzying. Feeling that the head is too full. The feeling of the rim on the top of the head. Nausea. Fear of losing consciousness. Feeling tired.
Legs weak.
Unreal feeling.
The toe of the right foot still hurts.
Taryu 4 months ago
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
I got a cold again. its been four days now. it was a little warm at the beginning. now all thats left is a dry cough. a hint of mucus is coming out, but nothing much. When you really cough, you get a headache. A little short of breath, especially when lying down. It touches the chest when I cough.
Taryu 4 months ago
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
The flu is finally over now.
I could do just fine now if I didnt have tinnitus. The machines ringing in the ears still continues. I have tried Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Calc Phos and Nat Sulph.
The tinnitus got worse during the flu because I coughed so much.
The tinnitus changes sides. Yesterday it was felt in the left ear, now in the right.
When the tinnitus is at its worst, I feel dizzy.
When the sound comes from the right side, the right eye feels strange.
Now I took Silicea, Kali Phos and Nat Sulph. I also made a cream/paste from the cell minerals in question and applied them to my neck, neck and face. It helped a little.
A creaking sound can be heard from the neck when turning the head. In addition, the necks are stiff. When I bend my head towards my left shoulder, my right shoulder hurts.
Im tired in the evenings, but when I go to bed I cant sleep. Im refreshing. However, Im not tired during the day, only if Im in the car. Then I fall asleep.
My mind is quite depressed and tearful (also angry) because this ringing in my head is taking over everything.
When I get really nervous and cry, I get hot.

The tinnitus (rumbling of the machine) is sometimes gone. I havent figured out what to remove it. Then you feel that everything is fine. And then it comes back and life starts to revolve around the tinnitus.
Taryu 3 months ago
Verbascum 30 once a day.

In addition Mag Phos and Kali Phos 6x three times a day.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-11-14 01:05:34]
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Ive had stress. I havent slept at night. I monitor and think about things. Heart beats fast. Last night I had a headache that started in the neck. It was accompanied by a strong twitching of the right eyelid. Also, a feeling that the forehead and nose are frozen.
Now the eyes are weak. Cold feeling in the neck.

I have been taking Verbascum and Mag Phos and Kali Phos regularly. I started Verbascum about two weeks ago because I had to order it from abroad because I couldnt get it in my home country.
At first I took Verbascum once a day and since the symptoms did not improve, I changed the dose to 3x a day. Three days ago I stopped using it because the noises in the ears (the rumbling of the machine) got worse. Then the sounds in the ears stopped.

But now last night they started again. Heart beats fast. As I mentioned at the beginning, I have a headache that starts in the neck. Necks are sore.
Taryu 2 months ago
Lachesis 200 on alternate days.Cell salts to continue.Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
Sorry, is it possible that Lachesis is making the condition worse. Its two in the morning and I cant sleep. Just when Im about to fall asleep, Im refreshed like a bolt from a clear sky. Its like the brain doesnt want to sleep. In addition, the sounds in the left ear (the rumble of the machine) got worse.
Taryu 2 months ago
I have taken Lachesis three times. I had severe heartburn after the last dose so I havent taken any more.
Ive been sleeping well now, so the Lachesis helped.
[Edited by Taryu on 2025-01-13 05:48:25]
Taryu last month
anuj srivastava last month
Thank you Dr. Anuj! I hope you are well.
I started a new thread because I thought you were no longer answering our questions. Im sorry it was a more serious matter.
You can find my new message thread:

Dr. HealthyWorld

So I had shown it to a new homeopath. Would you be so kind as to read the thread. My current situation has been updated there.

I fell a week ago while skiing and my coccyx and buttocks are sore. I bought a new medicine. Hypericum C30
I took it during the day and night yesterday. In addition, I have taken cell minerals. The coccyx and lower vertebra of the back are so painful that it hurts to stand up and climb stairs.

But the most important thing would be to read my new message thread.

Thanks. Good day to you.
Taryu last month
anuj srivastava last month
Buttock pain has eased. From time to time, you still feel a little pain when you make an effort to stand, for example.

The problem at the moment continues to be tinnitus in the left ear (machine noise). Tinnitus is sometimes also in both ears. In the mornings, the left nostril is blocked.

I went to naprapathy today. (Naprapaatti is an expert specializing in the examination, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal diseases and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.) He told me that I have a problem with my cervical spine. Muscles are tight throughout the upper back and shoulders. He recommended me to visit him several times.

What do you recommend in homeopathy?
[Edited by Taryu on 2025-01-29 14:49:44]
Taryu last month
anuj srivastava last month
Dear Anuj, I have been to the naprapati twice now. My neck is still stiff and tense.

My ears are blocked. When I hold my nose and blow into my ears, I hear a crackling sound. Now, in addition to the sound of the machine, I have also heard a ringing sound in my ear. I have ordered Mullei ear drops. I will probably get them next week.

I have had heart palpitations for a few days now. They come suddenly, just when I am sitting. A few rapid beats.

I have slept poorly since then. However, I am not very tired during the day. In the evenings I doze around five or six, but when I go to bed, I cannot sleep. I listen to music all night so that the noise in my ears does not disturb me.

I have a tingling sensation in my left shoulder and neck, like ants. A feeling of heat between my shoulder blades.

I feel irritable. I would like to do a lot of work, but the noise in my ears disturbs my quiet work.
[Edited by Taryu on 2025-02-13 07:09:46]
Taryu 3 weeks ago
Tearfulness. Swelling of the upper abdomen. Diaphragm tense.
[Edited by Taryu on 2025-02-13 07:49:19]
Taryu 3 weeks ago
Baryta Carb 30 three times a day.Mag Phos 6x and Kali Phos 6x in addition three times.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 3 weeks ago
I have been taking Baryta Carb c30 for six days. My heart palpitations have decreased and have sometimes gone completely. Today I have had heart palpitations since morning. This causes tension in the diaphragm. I feel very irritated. Baryta Carb slowed down my stomach.
The last two nights I have been sweating profusely.

A rash appeared on my left hand yesterday after handling onions.

Yesterday I took one dose of Aconite 200C because I was so nervous around a woman. I felt like my words were getting mixed up in my mouth and I had to really concentrate on talking. This happens every time I am with this woman. She is a very strong-willed woman and she questions all my thoughts. Usually I just go along with what she says.
Taryu 18 hours ago
Rash. I applied Calc Phos to the rash and today it is already better.

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Taryu 18 hours ago

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