The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Backache Causing Insomnia and Other Issues
Hello dr Anuj and anyone else that can help me.I have back pain in my lower back that started a week ago. I was lifting my dog out of the bath last Sunday and noticed a slight ache pain in my back. As the afternoon and evening came I had pain in lower back in middle and going over to the left side of back just above hip bone. It continues around to the front on the left side and goes down to the top of my leg and thigh muscle. My left knee is also sore too. I get relief only by sitting bent forward or drawing my left leg up. Heat also gives relief. During the evening and night the pain is worse if I am standing or walking to the point that it is almost unbearable. I take naps in a chair in the evenings but cannot sleep in bed because stretching out straight is painful. So I sit in bed and lean forward to ease the constant dull ache.
I have been taking Silicea 30c since my last post and it has been a great help to me but now I am wondering what remedy to take going forward. I’m feeling frustrated with getting little sleep and hope that you can help me. If you need more information let me know. Thank you for your help.
Alimp on 2023-11-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take There doses. Just THREE doses. NOT DAILY.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Take 20 ML of water in a water bottle (dont use any other bottle) put 5 drops of the remedy in it, hit the bottle atleast 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes and use 1 sip from it. do the same activity for next doses.
First dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (dont brush), take the remedy.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Third dose: 12 hrs after the second dose.
If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then don’t take the second dose.
Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Avoid eating/drinking any thing before or after 30 minutes of taking a dose.
During the treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.
Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.
A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.
Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
Other health problems: e.g. acne>Acne increased 60%
Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
And so on list all your complaints.
Any cure in homeopathic treatment will always follow this rule (Hering’s Law of Cure) otherwise it’s not cure, just palliation. The cure must proceed from centre to circumference. From centre to circumference is from above downward, from within outwards, from more important to less important organs, from the head to the hands and feet.
If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.
Dont drink water along with the medicine.
Note: Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.
Report back with the changes observed during this period.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2023-11-13 10:43:48]
Please take There doses. Just THREE doses. NOT DAILY.
Get the remedy in liquid:
Take 20 ML of water in a water bottle (dont use any other bottle) put 5 drops of the remedy in it, hit the bottle atleast 6 time (shaking the bottle is not enough) and keep it for 5 minutes and use 1 sip from it. do the same activity for next doses.
First dose: Early morning as soon as you get up, wash your mouth with plain water (dont brush), take the remedy.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Third dose: 12 hrs after the second dose.
If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then don’t take the second dose.
Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Avoid eating/drinking any thing before or after 30 minutes of taking a dose.
During the treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.
Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.
A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.
Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
Other health problems: e.g. acne>Acne increased 60%
Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
And so on list all your complaints.
Any cure in homeopathic treatment will always follow this rule (Hering’s Law of Cure) otherwise it’s not cure, just palliation. The cure must proceed from centre to circumference. From centre to circumference is from above downward, from within outwards, from more important to less important organs, from the head to the hands and feet.
If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.
Dont drink water along with the medicine.
Note: Avoid Strong smell, Coffee, Raw Garlic, Raw Onion, Hing and Tobacco in any form.
Report back with the changes observed during this period.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2023-11-13 10:43:48]
♡ HealthyWorld last year
Hello here is my feedback.
Main health problem. Sore back is 10% better during the day and 10% worse during the evenings. Also affects the front of left leg (thigh) and left knee 10% worse now. The pain started out as fluttering ache with some prostration and now all three areas are a cramp like ache that hits hard while standing longer than 10 minutes worse in evening. I am taking Tylenol 325 mg in day and 500 mg in evening. I’m also using Traumacare cream by homeocan 2 times per day. Both are helping somewhat.
Sleep Insomnia 40% better because able to sleep in bed and get some rest.
Emotions Happiness improved 40% because I have someone helping me and I don’t feel so alone. I am able to do housework and like to talk to family members.
Anxiety is 40% because I want to do more work but must tell others to do many of the jobs and they don’t get done as fast as I used to do them. Frustrating and the others get angry when I tell them what to do.
Other health problems.
New Pimple on each thumb sore 10%
New back of finger itchy with red bumps under the skin red. It was 20% now 10%.
New Loud Flatulance with no odour. This is quite frequent during day and evening.
New bowel movements soft with bad odour. With pain 10%
Hemorrhoids with bowel movements with pain only 10% and push back in easily.
Forehead itchy over left eyebrow with small bumps on skin 30%.
Eyes itchy in inner corners and on edges of lids. 30%
New tongue pain with bump on right side 30%.
Today tongue is pink.
Fingers have small red mark infections around them and around the nails. 10%
Toenail fungus right big toe. 80%
Back of neck bumps itchy scabs 10%
Both hands show fingers drifting badly from Rheumatoid arthritis wi some strength but it looks so bad to me. 80%
I wear wrist splints at night which helps a bit. 2%
Both feet have toes pushing inwards making bunions 40% I wear Velcro toes to pull the toes which helps 40%.
I am under extra stress right now 60% because I have to buy a car. My car got damaged in a storm recently. Once I have another car I will feel better with my independence back.
I looked up a remedy for sore back on the site and got Agaricus Muscarius. I wonder if this would help me?
When I took Silicea 30c after awhile all of the symptoms matched to the book.
The numbers are a great idea. Makes it easier.
Thank you for your help. If you need more information please let me know.
Main health problem. Sore back is 10% better during the day and 10% worse during the evenings. Also affects the front of left leg (thigh) and left knee 10% worse now. The pain started out as fluttering ache with some prostration and now all three areas are a cramp like ache that hits hard while standing longer than 10 minutes worse in evening. I am taking Tylenol 325 mg in day and 500 mg in evening. I’m also using Traumacare cream by homeocan 2 times per day. Both are helping somewhat.
Sleep Insomnia 40% better because able to sleep in bed and get some rest.
Emotions Happiness improved 40% because I have someone helping me and I don’t feel so alone. I am able to do housework and like to talk to family members.
Anxiety is 40% because I want to do more work but must tell others to do many of the jobs and they don’t get done as fast as I used to do them. Frustrating and the others get angry when I tell them what to do.
Other health problems.
New Pimple on each thumb sore 10%
New back of finger itchy with red bumps under the skin red. It was 20% now 10%.
New Loud Flatulance with no odour. This is quite frequent during day and evening.
New bowel movements soft with bad odour. With pain 10%
Hemorrhoids with bowel movements with pain only 10% and push back in easily.
Forehead itchy over left eyebrow with small bumps on skin 30%.
Eyes itchy in inner corners and on edges of lids. 30%
New tongue pain with bump on right side 30%.
Today tongue is pink.
Fingers have small red mark infections around them and around the nails. 10%
Toenail fungus right big toe. 80%
Back of neck bumps itchy scabs 10%
Both hands show fingers drifting badly from Rheumatoid arthritis wi some strength but it looks so bad to me. 80%
I wear wrist splints at night which helps a bit. 2%
Both feet have toes pushing inwards making bunions 40% I wear Velcro toes to pull the toes which helps 40%.
I am under extra stress right now 60% because I have to buy a car. My car got damaged in a storm recently. Once I have another car I will feel better with my independence back.
I looked up a remedy for sore back on the site and got Agaricus Muscarius. I wonder if this would help me?
When I took Silicea 30c after awhile all of the symptoms matched to the book.
The numbers are a great idea. Makes it easier.
Thank you for your help. If you need more information please let me know.
Alimp last year
Hello here are the changes during this period.
The pain in my back has moved down to lower than the top of the hip bone. It is in the buttocks muscles and has lessened in the back to 20% and has moved to the front at the top of my left leg where it was before but now is 40% worse there. It goes down the front of my leg to my knee also at 40%. The pain is 10% when I get up from sitting and walk but after walking and standing for 4 minutes it goes up to 60%. I must stop and either sit down or draw my left leg up and place my foot on a shelf or a step.
Immediately because it’s so bad. These bad ones happen mostly in the evening and night.
When sitting I can have no pain by drawing up my left leg and keeping warm too.
New tonight there is ringing in my ears 30% feels like right ear. Sounds like hissing or constant distant ring.
New right ear has swelling 39%in front of ear canal near cheek. With some pain 10%
Old Jaw makes cracking noise when open to chew. 40%
New had cramp in stomach 20%and had to have bowel movement late in evening which is unusual. Had movement that was soft with some form and was coming bright red blood mixed in. Wiped and blood stopped instantly. No pain just old hemorrhoids pain 10%.
Felt much better after 40%. But was a bit nervous about blood 40%.
New throat sore 30% mostly on right side.
New tongue purple under 30%
New biting inside of lip right side swollen sore 40%
New lower lip dry and chapped 30%
New my family members said that I am being mean to them today because I must be feeling better. I am telling them to be careful playing and not hurt themselves. And watch the baby so he doesn’t fall. All this is 40% increased.
New I have been drinking one large cup more each day and it helps me feel better 30% takes away stress feeling.
New while watching tv or talking to people the pain is less 30%.
It makes me nervous 50% waiting a few days without a remedy but I am doing it to see what happens. We are so used to taking remedies to take away every symptom like we have been taught.
If you need more information let me know. Thank you.
The pain in my back has moved down to lower than the top of the hip bone. It is in the buttocks muscles and has lessened in the back to 20% and has moved to the front at the top of my left leg where it was before but now is 40% worse there. It goes down the front of my leg to my knee also at 40%. The pain is 10% when I get up from sitting and walk but after walking and standing for 4 minutes it goes up to 60%. I must stop and either sit down or draw my left leg up and place my foot on a shelf or a step.
Immediately because it’s so bad. These bad ones happen mostly in the evening and night.
When sitting I can have no pain by drawing up my left leg and keeping warm too.
New tonight there is ringing in my ears 30% feels like right ear. Sounds like hissing or constant distant ring.
New right ear has swelling 39%in front of ear canal near cheek. With some pain 10%
Old Jaw makes cracking noise when open to chew. 40%
New had cramp in stomach 20%and had to have bowel movement late in evening which is unusual. Had movement that was soft with some form and was coming bright red blood mixed in. Wiped and blood stopped instantly. No pain just old hemorrhoids pain 10%.
Felt much better after 40%. But was a bit nervous about blood 40%.
New throat sore 30% mostly on right side.
New tongue purple under 30%
New biting inside of lip right side swollen sore 40%
New lower lip dry and chapped 30%
New my family members said that I am being mean to them today because I must be feeling better. I am telling them to be careful playing and not hurt themselves. And watch the baby so he doesn’t fall. All this is 40% increased.
New I have been drinking one large cup more each day and it helps me feel better 30% takes away stress feeling.
New while watching tv or talking to people the pain is less 30%.
It makes me nervous 50% waiting a few days without a remedy but I am doing it to see what happens. We are so used to taking remedies to take away every symptom like we have been taught.
If you need more information let me know. Thank you.
Alimp last year
Hello here is my report back.
New I am unable to get any sleep in my bed lying down so I sleep sitting up in a chair. I sleep for 4 short 1-2 hour periods each night. I feel 50% rested each day and can carry on 60% of my daily activities.
New I have pain in the front of my left leg in thigh from hip joint to the knee joint at 70% level. It makes me stop what I am doing and draw up leg to place foot on a step or shelf. It is worse in evening and night 80%.
The pain has moved down to my leg and out of my back.
New there is a feeling of anxious prostration with the pain. 70% level. In evening.
When I am out socializing with people the pain disappears or is only 10%.
As soon as I am back home the pain starts again just as strong as before. My friends and family don’t believe me and said that it’s all in my head. Makes me angry to 60% level. I feel very happy while socializing to 80%. When I’m alone I feel sad to 60%.
Standing is the worst position for me.
Old jaw pain in right jaw so cannot open mouth wide. To 60% level.
New fingers are all painful and swollen and unable to perform simple tasks. To 80% level.
New palms of hands red to 30% level.
New toes are painful and swollen and red to 60% level.
I wine and cry when unable to do simple tasks til someone comes to help me. To 80% level.
When asked to do things I say that I’m to busy and in pain to 60% level.
I hope this describes my symptoms fully. If you. We’d more information let me know. I am very thankful for your help. It has been very hard these last few days to 70%. I am trying to be successful with this.
New I am unable to get any sleep in my bed lying down so I sleep sitting up in a chair. I sleep for 4 short 1-2 hour periods each night. I feel 50% rested each day and can carry on 60% of my daily activities.
New I have pain in the front of my left leg in thigh from hip joint to the knee joint at 70% level. It makes me stop what I am doing and draw up leg to place foot on a step or shelf. It is worse in evening and night 80%.
The pain has moved down to my leg and out of my back.
New there is a feeling of anxious prostration with the pain. 70% level. In evening.
When I am out socializing with people the pain disappears or is only 10%.
As soon as I am back home the pain starts again just as strong as before. My friends and family don’t believe me and said that it’s all in my head. Makes me angry to 60% level. I feel very happy while socializing to 80%. When I’m alone I feel sad to 60%.
Standing is the worst position for me.
Old jaw pain in right jaw so cannot open mouth wide. To 60% level.
New fingers are all painful and swollen and unable to perform simple tasks. To 80% level.
New palms of hands red to 30% level.
New toes are painful and swollen and red to 60% level.
I wine and cry when unable to do simple tasks til someone comes to help me. To 80% level.
When asked to do things I say that I’m to busy and in pain to 60% level.
I hope this describes my symptoms fully. If you. We’d more information let me know. I am very thankful for your help. It has been very hard these last few days to 70%. I am trying to be successful with this.
Alimp last year
Hello here is my feedback.
The pain has now moved down to my left knee 40% and is also starting in my ankle 40%.
New pain in both hands first finger knuckle at 80% with swelling in the first and second finger.
New left thumb swollen around knuckle below nail at 80%.
New hands pink palms and burning feeling at 50%
New feet red and burning feeling at 40%
New sore feet around knuckles both feet at 40%
New feeling of prostration with aching pain. 90% which started after taking a bath tonight at 10 pm.
This pain is keeping my from doing anything. Watching tv does not take mind off the pain. Pressing on my hands relieves the pain slightly.
I have had the pain for 3 weeks and I’m wondering if Bryonia is still working. What is the next remedy to take?
Many thanks to you.
The pain has now moved down to my left knee 40% and is also starting in my ankle 40%.
New pain in both hands first finger knuckle at 80% with swelling in the first and second finger.
New left thumb swollen around knuckle below nail at 80%.
New hands pink palms and burning feeling at 50%
New feet red and burning feeling at 40%
New sore feet around knuckles both feet at 40%
New feeling of prostration with aching pain. 90% which started after taking a bath tonight at 10 pm.
This pain is keeping my from doing anything. Watching tv does not take mind off the pain. Pressing on my hands relieves the pain slightly.
I have had the pain for 3 weeks and I’m wondering if Bryonia is still working. What is the next remedy to take?
Many thanks to you.
Alimp last year
Hello here is my feedback.
My back is much better sore 10%
My hip is sore in the front 20%
My thigh is sore in the front 30%
My left knee is sore 40%
All are worse in evening and at night 40% and better when sitting on a couch with a blanket over legs and feet. If I sweat under the blanket I feel even better.
While sweaty I feel my skin on my breast and stomach and the outer layer is cold 40%. But I am not cold.
Both hands are painful in the joints of the thumbs and first two fingers during the day and worse at night 70%. Palms turn red at night. 40% and feel hot 30%.
Loud flatulence has stopped and bowel movements are not liquid but soft formed. The pain after going is now 20%.
I have been doing house chores myself and not asking for help. When people are around I talk more now 60% and answer back if there is a disagreement.
I am taking less Tylenol. Just morning evening and night skipping doses during the day.
I am feeling happier 60% being able to walk more and focus and talk to my family and grandkids.
I do get dizzy when walking for more than 5 minutes 50%.
If you need more information let me know. Thank you.
My back is much better sore 10%
My hip is sore in the front 20%
My thigh is sore in the front 30%
My left knee is sore 40%
All are worse in evening and at night 40% and better when sitting on a couch with a blanket over legs and feet. If I sweat under the blanket I feel even better.
While sweaty I feel my skin on my breast and stomach and the outer layer is cold 40%. But I am not cold.
Both hands are painful in the joints of the thumbs and first two fingers during the day and worse at night 70%. Palms turn red at night. 40% and feel hot 30%.
Loud flatulence has stopped and bowel movements are not liquid but soft formed. The pain after going is now 20%.
I have been doing house chores myself and not asking for help. When people are around I talk more now 60% and answer back if there is a disagreement.
I am taking less Tylenol. Just morning evening and night skipping doses during the day.
I am feeling happier 60% being able to walk more and focus and talk to my family and grandkids.
I do get dizzy when walking for more than 5 minutes 50%.
If you need more information let me know. Thank you.
Alimp last year
Hello I just remembered another symptom.
Dry mouth and throat when I wake up from a nap or in the morning 90% so dry that I can’t get it moist for a few minutes. Thanks.
Dry mouth and throat when I wake up from a nap or in the morning 90% so dry that I can’t get it moist for a few minutes. Thanks.
Alimp last year
Hello here is my feedback.
Back, hip, thigh no pain 0%.
Left knee sore 20% notice it mostly in bed it’s painful to lie with knee directly down towards bed.
Take Tylenol only at night.
Over the past 2 weeks had stuffy nose and runny nose with no cough. It has been many years since I had a runny nose like this. I always get a cough but not this time.
Joints had less pain during the stuffy nose 20%. Now that the nose is better the joint pain is worse 50% and pain feels like I did lots of exercise and have sore muscles and joints after. It started yesterday evening and feels like bruising or too much exercise.
New - I am able to stretch my legs, arms, and torso body completely now like many years ago. 100% better.
New - stiffness at back of legs in lower calf and ankles is much less. Only 10%.
New - dizzy walking for 5 minutes is 10%.
One day before the stuffy nose I was very high energy and nervous with great anger and talking fast and loud to everyone in my home telling them all the rules.
Insomnia happens every 3 nights, sometimes every 5 nights. I get up in the morning after having no sleep all night and do an almost normal day. I am tired that day by 50% and have to nap for 30 minutes in the afternoon on a chair with feet up. It surprises me that I can get up and feel ok after not sleeping all night.
Headache at the back of head 40% when tired.
New - I am feeling lonely 40% and am trying to meet new friends that I can talk to. My family doesn’t talk to me much and they are all much younger than me. I talk to some neighbours but I need more social outings to keep me happy.
If you need more information let me know. Thank you for your assistance. I am overall pleased with my progress.
Back, hip, thigh no pain 0%.
Left knee sore 20% notice it mostly in bed it’s painful to lie with knee directly down towards bed.
Take Tylenol only at night.
Over the past 2 weeks had stuffy nose and runny nose with no cough. It has been many years since I had a runny nose like this. I always get a cough but not this time.
Joints had less pain during the stuffy nose 20%. Now that the nose is better the joint pain is worse 50% and pain feels like I did lots of exercise and have sore muscles and joints after. It started yesterday evening and feels like bruising or too much exercise.
New - I am able to stretch my legs, arms, and torso body completely now like many years ago. 100% better.
New - stiffness at back of legs in lower calf and ankles is much less. Only 10%.
New - dizzy walking for 5 minutes is 10%.
One day before the stuffy nose I was very high energy and nervous with great anger and talking fast and loud to everyone in my home telling them all the rules.
Insomnia happens every 3 nights, sometimes every 5 nights. I get up in the morning after having no sleep all night and do an almost normal day. I am tired that day by 50% and have to nap for 30 minutes in the afternoon on a chair with feet up. It surprises me that I can get up and feel ok after not sleeping all night.
Headache at the back of head 40% when tired.
New - I am feeling lonely 40% and am trying to meet new friends that I can talk to. My family doesn’t talk to me much and they are all much younger than me. I talk to some neighbours but I need more social outings to keep me happy.
If you need more information let me know. Thank you for your assistance. I am overall pleased with my progress.
Alimp last year
Hello here is my feedback.
Insomnia every 4-5 days with 50% tiredness the next day. I loose my temper and quickly answer back to family the next day 80%.
Mouth pain and swollen inside including tongue, inside lips and cheeks 50%. Skin feels wet slippery and loose and squishy.
Jaw pain 80% on the left side with swelling of top and bottom gums. Cannot open mouth wide or chew food 80%.
Swallowing is hard with pain at base of tongue 60%. Food gets stuck when swallowing causing choking on small pieces.
Throat soar with some redness 40%. Feels like I’m swallowing a lump.
Headache at neck and back of head 60%.
Loud flatulence with diarrhea soon afterwards during am 70%.
Hemorrhoids stick out after bowel movement with pain 50%.
Outbreak on skin has now cleared up. Was boil on both elbows and then boil on each knuckle of last finger.
First finger of both hands is sore swollen 60% and crossing over the second finger which makes doing simple tasks more difficult 50%.
I had stomach upset 3 weeks ago which caused me to loose weight so I am trying to gain weight again using a low fat diet because of gallbladder sensitivity. Nervous about that 50% weight 94 pounds and very active always. Height 5’2”.
Teeth have decay on 4 teeth along base near roots. Front teeth are chipped with rough edges. 70%.
If you need more information please let me know.
Thank you.
Insomnia every 4-5 days with 50% tiredness the next day. I loose my temper and quickly answer back to family the next day 80%.
Mouth pain and swollen inside including tongue, inside lips and cheeks 50%. Skin feels wet slippery and loose and squishy.
Jaw pain 80% on the left side with swelling of top and bottom gums. Cannot open mouth wide or chew food 80%.
Swallowing is hard with pain at base of tongue 60%. Food gets stuck when swallowing causing choking on small pieces.
Throat soar with some redness 40%. Feels like I’m swallowing a lump.
Headache at neck and back of head 60%.
Loud flatulence with diarrhea soon afterwards during am 70%.
Hemorrhoids stick out after bowel movement with pain 50%.
Outbreak on skin has now cleared up. Was boil on both elbows and then boil on each knuckle of last finger.
First finger of both hands is sore swollen 60% and crossing over the second finger which makes doing simple tasks more difficult 50%.
I had stomach upset 3 weeks ago which caused me to loose weight so I am trying to gain weight again using a low fat diet because of gallbladder sensitivity. Nervous about that 50% weight 94 pounds and very active always. Height 5’2”.
Teeth have decay on 4 teeth along base near roots. Front teeth are chipped with rough edges. 70%.
If you need more information please let me know.
Thank you.
Alimp 11 months ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.