The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nat phos 6x - baby silent reflux
Hi, really need some guidance here.7-week-old baby was experiencing silent reflux that was starting to affect his breathing. Did some research and decided to try Hyland’s Nat Phos 6x - 1/2 a tablet dissolved in milk after every feeding. The first night was amazing, he was sleeping well, less reflux, breathing extremely well and burping more easily. On the second day I noticed that after a dose he would be extremely fussy, squirming, arching back, and seemed to have trapped gas. Because of this, I stopped giving the nat phos and his silent reflux seems to have gotten even worse than it initially was and breathing and mucus has gotten worse as well. Any insight? Should I have stopped on the first night when I had improvement? Did I give too much/too frequently? Should I continue giving it even though I stopped?
Christinaramos820 on 2024-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you so much for your response. So far seems to be an improvement after just giving 1/2 a tablet. I’m just trying to understand why his symptoms were exacerbated previously. Could it have been from giving too much nat phos? Nonetheless will keep you posted after 4 days.
Christinaramos820 last year
i tried hylands nat phos 6x with my baby and he instantly didn’t feel well. i noticed one of the ingredients were lactose and he has a cow milk protein allergy. i went back to the ones this page sells. i found the exact ones on amazon and it came sooner so i got it.
ccm30515 last year
My LO is 9 weeks and is suffering from silent reflux and severe reflux (especially during the evenings). I have purchased the Tissue Salts Nat Phos 6X tablets and gave a quarter mixed in with milk twice today. His reflux seems to be triggered and symptoms are worsening. Should I continue giving to him after feeds?
My LO is 9 weeks and is suffering from silent reflux and severe reflux (especially during the evenings). I have purchased the Tissue Salts Nat Phos 6X tablets and gave a quarter mixed in with milk twice today. His reflux seems to be triggered and symptoms are worsening. Should I continue giving to him after feeds?
Ivanamaree 10 months ago
Which one did you exactly get ? My son has a cow allergy too
Dolcegia 7 months ago
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