The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dog having seizures
I have a 5 year old female dog, no vaccinations for 3 years, no tick or flea treatment, no household/garden chemicals are used and she is fed a fresh food diet. Her first seizure was last October, it always happens when she is sleeping.13th October 2023 2.30am
13th October 2023 11 pm
15th February 2024 4.45am
16th February 1.15am and 3.00am
The seizures last less than a minute. Her whole body is stretched out and rigid. Her mouth wide open, gasping for air. Frothing from the mouth. She always urinates during the seizure. She has cried out once. Afterwards she is restless but aware of her surroundings. She wants to keep walking around the house.
This morning is the first time she has had two seizures so close together. I will be taking her to the vet for blood tests but cant get an appointment until next week.
Equoart on 2024-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
I have ordered it but it wont arrive until 5 days. My dog has just had another seizure whilst she was sleeping. I am taking her to the vets tomorrow morning but is there anything I can give her now or tonight before she goes to sleep? I do have a selection of remedies on hand. Would Belladonna 30c help?
Equoart last year
Belladonna 200 was found effective in controlloing seizures.You van give a couple of doses every day and see.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
I took my dog to the vet yesterday evening as I was worried she had so many seizures close together. Her blood results were all in the normal range, no fever, heartbeat good. She has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Epilepsy. I was given Diazepan in liquid form to administer rectally during a seizure and Phenoleptil tablets to give for one month which I do not want to start her on. Years ago I had another dog with epilepsy and the tablets didnt help so Id prefer to stick with homeopathy.
She had a peaceful nights sleep last night. I only had Belladonna 30 which I gave one dose before bedtime.
She had a peaceful nights sleep last night. I only had Belladonna 30 which I gave one dose before bedtime.
Equoart last year
The R33 has only just arrived. My dog hasnt had any more seizures. The last time I gave her a dose of Belladonna 30 was on Sunday. Obviously I dont know but I dont think she will have any more seizures for a few weeks/months. Should I wait until she has a seizure to start giving R33 or start now?. She weighs 7 kilos, would it still be 10 drops twice a day?
Equoart last year
♡ anuj srivastava last year
I gave my dog R33 as you suggested. She has been her normal self, hasnt had any more seizures. Should I continue administering the drops or should I stop now?
Equoart 11 months ago
I gave my dog the R33 for a month, she didnt have any seizures. On the 3rd of April at 4 am she had a mild seizure. I started giving her R33 again but I stopped a few days ago. At 2.30 this morning, she had another seizure. Should I re-start R33? Should I continue with it for a few months? Thank you for any advice you can give me.
Equoart 10 months ago
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