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3 year old enlarged adenoids, snoring, mouth breathing, wakes up constantly crying
I have boy/girl twins who turn 3 in April. My daughter is fine but my son has issues. They were born at 37 weeks 4 days via scheduled c-section. My son had torticollis as a baby and went through physical therapy to correct neck issues and limited range of motion for neck. He snores at night, mouth breathing, constantly waking up, and ever since starting school he has had chronic ear and sinus infections. Please help!1. Age: 3 years old (2 years 11 months to be exact)
2. Sex: male
3. Build up: tall and thin
4. Complexion: white
5. Country: USA
6. Mind: high energy, cranky, emotional. Naps once a day. Falls asleep quickly, moves a lot in bed.
7. Stool: loose or normal. 1-2 per day
8. Urine: normal
9. Sweat: sweats during sleep especially head
10. Sleep: snoring loudly, back sleeper, sleeps with open mouth, moves a lot in sleep, falls asleep quickly but wakes up a lot (sometimes screaming/crying) and then wakes early
11. Appetite: Strong appetite. Eats a ton of fruit. Zero to little sugars. Diet mainly vegetarian, cheese, only drinks water.
12. Thirst: normal
13. Cravings: fruit. Constantly wants apples
14. Aversion: chicken/meat in general
15. Skin problems: no
List out all your PROBLEMS with its since how long, which part is affected, which side, what you feel during complaint etc:in an order(which came first then which came? Specify the year of onset.
- Enlarged adenoids (diagnosed via X-ray, surgery recommended to remove them)
- Snoring and sleeps with open mouth on the back, moves all night in sleep not a sound sleeper. Due to enlarged adenoids he has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
- Has always slept with mouth open since he was a baby.
a) Worsening factors for each complaint: started school in September 2023 and started getting sick. If he gets a cold, it’s really bad because nothing comes out because of enlarged adenoids which then turns into a middle ear infection and often a sinus infection as well.
b)When Its Better – when he’s on amoxicillin for an ear/sinus infection as it helps with the inflammation of the adenoids allowing mucus to pass through his nose
c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem? Enlarged adenoids. I would like to avoid removing them.
[Edited by twinmama4321 on 2024-03-02 15:49:25]
twinmama4321 on 2024-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Agraphis Nutans 30 two pills every 2 hours.
In addition Calc Phos 6X three tabs three times a day.
Feedback after 7 days.
In addition Calc Phos 6X three tabs three times a day.
Feedback after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava last year
This helped a little and then stopped working. Should I start again for a week or try something else?
twinmama4321 10 months ago
ONE DOSE OF Tuberculinum Bovinum 200.
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
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