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Sudden deterioration of dad’s mental state after Covid/Pneumonia Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need some guidance.
I ordered the ipecac Q, but it won’t be here until the 27th.

I gave him ipecac 30 I mistakenly thought it was ipecac 3c.
I am admittedly exhausted.
Is this okay? It seemed to help, but he wanted to eat beef again (small portion) for a late dinner, and every time he eats beef he struggles afterward. Early this morning he did have a bowel movement he really needed, but he’s too foggy to do that efficiently with total awareness. Needing help with the whole process of a bowel movement happened prior to his recent improvement too (from the 17th to the 20th).

So going into today, I’m not sure if the ipecac was a problem or if that meal was a problem, or if this climb toward potential improvement is very slow. He awoke with no appetite other than popsicles, and he’s kind of disengaged but making more sense than not.

With 2 doses of the Nux 30 yesterday, and 1 dose of the accidental ipecac 30 last night, so far he is more consciously awake, but not quite grounded.
Cosmosis 11 months ago
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.

Is this okay?NO ISSUES.

potential improvement is very slow. MAY TAKE A COUPLE OF MONTHS TO RESTORE THE HEALTH.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Thank you, doctor!

Today is day 2.5 on the Nux 30c (3xday) and the Ipec 30c (2xday).

*How long do I continue?
This prescription has done beautiful things in slow motion as you expected!

*Can we continue this to be sure his emotions are able to purge? As I understand it we are to stop dosing when we see progress, but my greatest fear is him shutting down overnight again- as he did when I stopped Nux 30 most recently.

*He has to continue taking the opiates at the lowest effective dose, and I believe the Nux and/or Ipec is supporting his body through these and 2 other meds with sedative side effects.

*I may be misunderstanding the mechanism entirely, and your confidence will always take precedent over my projections.

((The ipec Q is impossible to get before mid-April, so I’ve ordered Ipec 6x as an alternative))



-Yesterday he was stressed and scared about the brain fog.
Re-realizing his status, and inching toward reality again.
I was there to support him so he could feel as safe as possible entering his fear and anger.

-He released many emotions, cried a few separate times, and we talked through it best he could.

-He was awake more often yesterday.

-He had been only willing to eat beef and icecream pops for days (when he WAS hungry), and I feared no food wasn’t an option so we relented in small portions. LAST NIGHT, he was lucid enough for me to explain that beef is too hard on his body. We’ll see how it goes!

-He doesn’t have an appetite this morning, and when I asked him if his stomach hurts, he said “no, I’m just angry”. He’s communicating that his strong emotions are in the way of his self-care needs and functions!!! I did not ask a question about his feelings, and he found those words himself!!


-His tremors have stabilized significantly!


+Personal thoughts+

I am so impressed with this process, and my dad’s ability to grind through it with your careful assistance.
I think I understand why this has to be a slow crawl to improvement. The first time he must have improved too quickly, then backslid quickly considering existential emotions, and nearly fell to his end with such whiplash. But you’ve thrown us a life jacket with your guidance.

Thank you.
I don’t know what time we have with him, but I see his mind coming back to reality, willing to face his anger, having faith that he CAN handle his difficult circumstances. He doesn’t need to shut down or evade if he can confront it— and he’s improving as he confronts.

This is an experience that transcends all stress, grief, joy, and pride I’ve ever felt.
I am seeing why this became my Dad’s (and our family’s) fateful obstacle.
I now embrace the lessons we’re learning together and individually.

Thank you for providing this foundation for us. You, a stranger who compromises much to heal many, will always be an integral part of our family’s story.

I’ll be in touch as you request. <3
Cosmosis 11 months ago


anuj srivastava 11 months ago
I apologize, doctor; one more question—
*Should I instead begin dosing him the Ipec 6x that arrived today per any nausea?

6x was the best potency I could access, and while he was doing great on Ipec 30c, today it seemed to correlate with an agitated mood following both doses.

(your instructions have been aligning//foreshadowing what transpires, and it’s quite fascinating)



*Progress is slow as you say, but the ‘swings’ between his changeable moods, feelings, and reactions to pain are narrowing and slowing- far less whiplash between the good/bad.

*He’ll be physically and mentally capable of this grind if he finds his soul to be invested in this battle.
For now, he seems to be testing his fortitude on the landscape of his circumstances.

*He is interested in physical therapy to address the moderate atrophy in his legs! That’s a loaded development, and I am impressed with this effort for self-improvement. The PT trainer said that he can indeed help him.

*He’s struggling to believe his chronic symptoms can improve from Covid and/or chemo treatments.
He’s no longer getting chemo, but having treatments for months on end have convinced his mind that cancr is the cause of his misery, when it’s actually the treatments that were degrading his health.

Now that he is no longer doing them, I hope he can soon sense a semblance of relief to foster that faith. He’s on the cusp of a boost in quality of life, but this must be on his time.

Thus far— he’s venting, crying, expressing doubts, fears, uncertainty, considering what control he has over his fate, wanting to talk to close family on the phone, and peering into many other facets of emotion and human connection— this process appears to be inching him closer to his identity, sense of purpose, and yesterday he spoke about himself being involved/present for a future scenario.


Thank you for your time reading some of the nuanced descriptions and changes I’ve chosen to share with you.
In case any of these small shifts can help you guide us, I want them to be known.

We sincerely value your time, attention, and the increasing security we are feeling for your guidance.
I’ve already learned much from your approach, and I’ve decided to find formal education after 3 years of disjointed research and “self-teaching”.
Cosmosis 11 months ago
Thus far— he’s venting, crying, expressing doubts, fears, uncertainty, considering what control he has over his fate, wanting to talk to close family on the phone, and peering into many other facets of emotion and human connection— this process appears to be inching him closer to his identity, sense of purpose, and yesterday he spoke about himself being involved/present for a future scenario.

The trauma,pain and agony associated with the ailment,he only knows and he should be allowed to do it with full moral support.

Give IPECAC 6.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Thank you, Doctor.
I am enforcing that message to my dad, myself, and my family in different ways at every opportunity.

-The ipec 6x dose I gave him the night of the 26th lead into a twilight sleep again starting in the afternoon of the 27th. He was stuck from 1pm to 11pm. I dosed him the Nux 30 and Ipec 30 while he was sleep-stuck, as he was aware enough to say “mmhmm” and pull in the pellets I put on his lip.

-He woke at 11pm last night where he left off in his progress, speaking clearly, thinking clearly, and his physical symptoms the same level of difficulty.

-Since late last night, he’s had Nux 30 and Ipec 30 as directed.
His nausea has increased somewhat today.
He requires Ipec 30 twice daily for now.
He’s feeling very uncomfortable, but his words and reactions to it are determined and he’s slowly embracing the grinding process he needs to feel.


Important Question:

—Is it ethical of me to ask your thoughts on mistletoe extract/Iscador? I am experienced in some of the administration techniques that were listed.

—I am asking this for quality of life, especially.
Whether it be now, or possibly later after this current 60-day regimen to which we’re dedicated. If you feel it is most beneficial to have patience with this slow improvement process right now, that’s what we will do. I’m looking to be informed and assured I’m using this crucial time properly.

If this inquiry is an inappropriate one to ask of you, could you please direct me to the next best step in learning how it could apply to him?


It is clear to me my Dad has a lot of personal energy to fight within him, and he’s finding even more as he releases his anger and self-destruction. Considering his love and clarity is fueling his life, I am still looking for surrounding treatments to support healing no matter the “unlikely” situation.

He’s willing to take risks for experimental healing, and I’m going to enable his will best I can.

Thank you so very much for your effort and attention.
Cosmosis 11 months ago
—Is it ethical of me to ask your thoughts on extract/Iscador? I WILLL NOT BE ABLE TO COMMENT,BECAUSE OF MY POOR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE EXTRACT.


ossibly later after this current 60-day regimen to which we’re dedicated. If you feel it is most beneficial to have patience with this slow improvement process right now, that’s what we will do. I’m looking to be informed and assured I’m using this crucial time properly.-EXTREME PATIENCE WILL HAVE TO BE EXERCISED TO BOOST HIS MORALE.

If this inquiry is an inappropriate one to ask of you, could you please direct me to the next best step in learning how it could apply to him?HE SHOULD BE INTRODUCED TO PRANAYAM.CAN START WITH TWO TO THREE IN THE BEGINNING.DURATION CAN BE INCREASED SUBSEQUENTLY.GOOGLE.

It is clear to me my Dad has a lot of personal energy to fight within him, and he’s finding even more as he releases his anger and self-destruction.THE ENERGY WILL BE UTILISED GAINFULLY BY DOING PRANAYAM.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Thank you, doctor!
We are slowly progressing. I want to update you for your assurance that we’re on track and maintaining our best efforts.


-His clarity is consistent, his memory is improving, his sleep schedule is slowly finding balance. He takes naps in daytime, and he can be easily aroused from them.
-He’s wanting to leave his bedroom more often.
-He’s battling against moderate atrophy, but his strength/balance are improving- most recently walking without the help of his cane.

::Physical Symptoms::

-He has very difficult bouts with his stomach and his severe shoulder/neck pain. I’m giving him Nux30 3xdaily with success. I’m giving him Ipec 30 2xdaily as we were initially because “as needed for nausea” required it twice daily. He also has bouts of his tremors worsening and improving. That said, the swings between the ups and downs are less and less harsh.

-Between yesterday and today, his stomach is finding some consistent relief. Since last night he responds, “it’s actually not that bad”.

*Last time I stopped the 2xdaily Ipec dosing his stomach lost momentum and tanked again, so I will keep it going for now?
(He is not currently experiencing mood swings after the Ipec doses as he did at first)

::Fears Evolving::

-As he is exploring his will to fight through this, he’s now finding himself fearful of losing his life in his sleep.
He’s wanting to be sure- just in case- that we know how much he loves us.
*We are sure to acknowledge those fears, and his suffering; we take his vitals to show him his body’s status as he requests, and we assure him that we know his love for us.

::Medication Changes::

-He’s recently hesitant to take certain medications (that seem to affect his self-control), so we’ve tailored his regimen to remove unnecessary sedatives, and he appreciates it. His body is telling him they aren’t good for him and his bad dreams, and he appears to feel better for it. (We’re also careful not to shock his body with sudden changes). For removing the sedative fog, he’s now navigating even more awareness of his pain and circumstances.


-He’s hesitant to try “new”, unfamiliar things. I’ve researched, and landed on 3 Pranayam exercises to start as a hesitant, physically fragile beginner: Bhastrika, Kapalbati, Anulom Vilom.

-However, he isn’t feeling emotionally or mentally ready for them. It truly is very “out of character” for him- which is why I agree he will benefit greatly.

-I have been casually offering Pranayam 3 times per day. I can feel he’s near willing— as I continue to respect his choice to wait, he appears to be respecting my gentle persistence. I’m excited for the potential of these exercises. We’ll get there soon.

-He’s been willing to try the Rescue Remedy twice now, and I could see that it supported his emotional state and therefor his pain. He’s still hesitant to take it regularly, but I will gently offer as I am with Pranayama.


I assume we will keep trying to utilize Pranayam and Bach flower for mental/emotional support through this difficult process.

Always and sincerely:
thank you for your time, attention, and support.
Cosmosis 11 months ago

anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Thank you for your specifics! I am offering Pranayam daily.

-His stomach has become his biggest issue again, and with that his appetite is affected, his morale, as well as his open-mindedness for aspects of healing (like Bach drops and Pranayam). I feel he will start Pranayam as soon as he finds some nausea relief. He can cope with a lot, but stomach issues really mess with his mind.

-We had some stomach improvement 3 days ago but that has backslid since.

-Near-constant low hum nausea, with waves of ache behind his belly button that make him still and withdrawn as he focuses through it. His entire life the following has been an issue and continue to be: he has gas that isn’t easily released, rumble noises, and bloating.


-The ipec 30 has been given as needed for nausea (which has been 2xday) in an effort to help, but it seems to be less effective now. Not seeing noticeable relief after taking it.
*Is it possible it has ‘crossed’ into agitating or less effective?
Guidance would mean much to us.

-Can I try “Gasalia” via Boiron for his stomach as needed?
It has Carbo Veg 6c; Lyco 6c; Nux Moschata 6c; Raphanus Sativa 6c.

-Do you have an opinion on Methyl Blue oral dosing?
I have 1% drops, and I’ve read it can help restore body after treatments among other things.


-Mental clarity and awareness is improving, almost no fog and no confusion. He is worried about being stuck in this stomach pain (and shoulder/neck pain but all other symptoms are more tolerable to him than stomach problems)

-He’s taking more efforts for self-care. Changing his clothes, asking for crackers in effort to help his stomach, and today he took the initiative to apply his o2 machine for resting.


Thank you, thank you.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
His stomach has become his biggest issue again-ARE YOU GIVING NUX DAILY THREE TIMES?


Can I try “Gasalia” via Boiron for his stomach as needed?YES YOU CAN.

Do you have an opinion on Methyl Blue oral dosing?NO.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Thank you, yes he is getting NUX30 three times daily.
He’s sometimes willing to do the water dose, other times it’s the pellet dosing.

We’re doing our best balancing his opiate pain medication and we are now sure- even after years of use and high tolerance- that he can no longer take morphine since he survived his Covid spiral.

His last morphine dose was at 6pm.
Starting tomorrow morning he will not be taking it in any form, any longer (but he has another opiate to support his pain and physical dependency).

I believe the Ipec and Nux will function better for removing it, and I think those remedies have been barely carrying him through the small morphine doses we all believed we had to give him.


Tonight, the Ipec is helping beautifully to get him through that twilight morphine causes him. I dosed him with the Ipec 5 times over 45 minutes and he’s doing better than he has in two days.

*His stomach is still unstable and his twilight state is still shifting in and out, but definite improvement.

*Should I dose him again if needed? This last morphine dose was a slow-release pill so I expect it to affect him for the next 8 hours, unfortunately.

We are relieved to have pinpointed the issue with confidence. Most importantly, my dad now understands he cannot take this pill and will not try to bargain for any moving forward. He is content with his other meds and is looking forward to feeling better.

We deeply appreciate your attentive responses.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Should I dose him again if needed?YES YOU CAN.

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-04-04 04:11:54]
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Hello, Doc- we require your guidance again if possible. >.<

Stomach details:
*aching described as churning, knotting, a “washing machine running with nothing in it”, coming in waves lasting 10min to 1 hour. Aching feeling, and nausea. We are recording his stomach pain intensify on a 1-10 spectrum. Bloating, difficult gas.


::Synopsis of situation::

Yesterday was his best overall day in a week+, but this evening he is very dazed and sedated. He’s near that twilight state again, but thankfully able to be stirred (unlike the coma-type twilight in the past). ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ moments are unstable and seemingly playing tug of war.



-After getting through the night of April 3rd (the night of his last Morphine dose, and the rapid Ipec 30 dosing to get him through it successfully), he awoke the AM of the 4th feeling notably better and more aware.

-Throughout the 4th he was alert, quicker-witted, display of personality, spirits up again.

-Emotional stress in the afternoon:
Two of our supportive, loving neighbors visited to serve as witnesses for signing his will.

((Our tone was to complete the long-overdue paperwork (that we all need to do) so we can focus on healing/quality of life, all with respect and attn to his difficult, fragile circumstances. I believe it went well, and it appeared he handled it well; support, encouragement, and appreciation.))

-He took a nap after the will-signing, and woke up in early evening feeling “pretty good”, appearing hopeful; had some energy & spirit; expressing gratefulness for your and my work together, and had an appetite for dinner.

-Stomach was “best it felt in a long time”. 4 out of 10 in severity. Gave him evening Nux/Mag phos.

-I opted to treat him with Ipec 30 after his evening Nux dose, as he did have nausea despite the 4/10 rating. After that Ipec dose, he declined in mood and awareness but his stomach was at least stable.

-Ate more food than usual for dinner, and his stomach struggled for it.

-Mood didn’t improve before sleeping. Beef is all he wants, and it wasn’t bothering him recently— but this may have stirred his difficulties with beef again.

-His appetite has been spotty; thankfully he isn’t losing much weight if any.


-Today (April 5th) has been difficult for his stomach. Mental clarity continued into this morning. Stomach remained 7/10 after his first Nux/Mag Phos doses, and then the Ipec 30 dose.

((For the first time since before his Covid spiral he tuned in to the toxic political rhetoric he used to watch (which I’ve always perceived to be driven by unresolved anger/shame/etc. Deeply untrusting of authority, gov’t systems, and political figures))

-Upon taking his second Nux & Mag Phos doses, he verbalized the relief he felt quite suddenly in the minutes following dosing. Mood was lighter than it was this morning. Got his stomach down to a 5/10.

-Stomach sank again an hour later (7/10), so I gave him a second Ipec 30 dose. Stomach improved to a 6/10, but his anxiety increased, heart rate was higher and more erratic, and he was restless and tired at the same time.


-From 4pm on he was sinking in awareness and distracted by anxiety, less able to verbalize his state, sleepy for an hour or two, and now at this point (10:30pm) he has been dazed and sleeping for 4 hours.

-He’s teetering on that twilight state again and his tremors increased a bit. He didn’t take any morphine, but he has his other opiate, phenergen, and baclofen (that we are reducing) as sedating medications. As well as metropolol ever since the Covid affected his heart.



*Could he be developing more sensitivity to these medications that he seemed to tolerate VERY well until recently (like the morphine)?

*Do I give him more Ipec 30 for the twilight despite the possible agitations/reactions? He’s due for his third Nux & Mag Phos doses now.

*Do we still aim for water dosing the Nux 30 as often as possible? At times he prefers the pellets alone, but are we risking effectiveness?
*Do I give him 5 total pellets for a pellet dose? I am reviewing every detail to be sure I am not messing up his progress.

*Unsure if Gasalia worked when we tried it after dinner last night. Any other suggestions for stomach symptom management?

*Until today his heart rate has been stable at 80-85. Today, it’s around 100 and is kind of erratic. I humbly ask if I consider Digitalis 30 in that case?

((For what it’s worth, I have many remedies collected and may have on hand anything you consider.))


I apologize for so much text— I tried to be concise but I feel the need to be precise. i am admittedly stressed. Thank you, thank you for your attention, Doctor.
Cosmosis 10 months ago


*Could he be developing more sensitivity to these medications that he seemed to tolerate VERY well until recently (like the morphine)?

Morphine alone gives relief promptly, but its subsequent effects are very bad.

*Do I give him more Ipec 30 for the twilight despite the possible agitations/reactions? He’s due for his third Nux & Mag Phos doses now.

You can keep repeating IPECAC every 30 to 45 minutes.Dissolve 20 to 30 tabs of MAG PHOS in luke warm water and he can continue sipping it.

*Do we still aim for water dosing the Nux 30 as often as possible? At times he prefers the pellets alone, but are we risking effectiveness?

No issues with pellets.Equally effective.

*Do I give him 5 total pellets for a pellet dose? I am reviewing every detail to be sure I am not messing up his progress.

5 pellet one dose.

*Unsure if Gasalia worked when we tried it after dinner last night. Any other suggestions for stomach symptom management?

Lycopodium as of now.

*Until today his heart rate has been stable at 80-85. Today, it’s around 100 and is kind of erratic. I humbly ask if I consider in that case?

Not required as of now.

((For what it’s worth, I have many remedies collected and may have on hand anything you consider.))
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
I want to thank you so much for your timeliness-
the Lyco 30 and Ipec 30 has him down to a 5/10!!
His anxiety increased a little as it has with Ipec lately, but he is grateful for relief and settling into bed.
I will update as requested or as needed.
Thank you again.
Cosmosis 10 months ago

-We have completed two days of Lyco 30, 3xdaily.

-I’ve given Ipecac 30 as needed consistently and liberally according to nauseas pain. His anxious reaction to Ipec has lessened. As his stomach pain has decreased, though, his shoulder pain has increased to 7/10.

-Mag phos 6x as a sublingual tablet did not seem to help his shoulders’ pain like this saturated water dose. It had given him noticeable relief within minutes (for a 6/10 on pain scale) so we did that again today.

-He is more consistently alert, his memory and alertness are acting with continuity, and his stomach has found more stability at a 5/10. It’s been 5/10 all day even after eating a meal. He is eating consciously slower now to avoid discomfort (and with success). Another example of his growing self-care motivation.


-He is very grateful and hopeful for experiencing progress, even if some changes aren’t pleasant or quick.
-His battle-hardened mentality comes rolling in when he feels your attention to his suffering, combined with the power and potential for change in these remedies.
-He is considering Pranayama tomorrow and the consideration alone is mental progress! He understands progress is slow and grueling and requires sacrifice, and he’s embracing these challenges as he increasingly grasps a sense of purpose.


1. Should we continue Lyco?
2. Might another remedy further the progress offered by Lyco?
3. Could a different Mag Phos potency (or adjustment of any kind) offer more effective shoulder pain relief since we’re seeing this ‘start’ relief but not continue it? ((Though, if it is responsible for other aspects of his overall progress I can understand why we might not want to change it for pain control alone.))

Thank you, always.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Should we continue Lyco? YES.

2. Might another remedy further the progress offered by Lyco?

3. Could a different Mag potency (or adjustment of any kind) offer more effective shoulder pain relief since we’re seeing this ‘start’ relief but not continue it? REPEAT MORE FREQUENTLY.IN LUKEWARM WATER.
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Hello doc!

-The first 2 days we had success with the Lyco 30 (also Mag Phos6x; Ipec 30 as needed).

-On April 7th we achieved a 4/10 on the shoulder AND stomach pain scale.

-April 8th was a very hard day,
and he hasn’t rebounded since.

-Tonight is particularly bad for his mind, his dreams, and his sense of grounding.
It’s clear that while his stomach is the biggest physical issue, his MIND/MOOD is suffering most right now. He now always seems a little preoccupied with fear (as he did a few weeks ago).

::Emotional, physical stress on April 8::

-The next day, April 8th, he had an appt with his pain doctor (whom he deeply respects), and we discussed difficult, burdensome subjects.

-He opted to walk with his cane instead of using a wheel chair. To my surprise he did so safely and confidently, but it wore him out combined with the emotional overwhelm.

-Now he’s been slowly, steadily backsliding since the afternoon of April 8th. I continued our regimen hoping to get his body back on track after the overwhelm, but we’re not seeing any improvement.

((Every time we succeed in supporting his symptoms- and he feels well enough to tend to heavy, important matters- it breaks him again; and I personally believe his soul is ‘resistant’ to feeling well. I hope this can help inform his case))

::Remedies’ effectiveness::

-The Ipec starts to improve his stomach, and won’t maintain the improvement. He’ll say his stomach is at a “6 and improving”, or that it’s stabilizing after a dose. Then I’ll dose him again consistently, but it won’t move. If we do get to a 5/10 it doesn’t stick even with continued doses. Today we got to 8 doses of Ipec 30 and his stomach wouldn’t budge from 6/10.

-He sips the Mag Phos 6x and we’re still unsure how/if it’s making a difference. It seems to relax him but his mood is too heavy.

-On the plus side, his stomach’s pain ceiling is now a 6 instead of an 8. He doesn’t seem to go above that, and we both consider it an improvement.

-His shoulders are stuck at a 7/10.

::Since stopping Nux::

This may be an inaccurate correlation, but certain things have slowly-but-surely worsened since stopping the Nux.

-His mood, his dreams, and his shoulder pain. He’s a bit more drowsy overall, and he’s stuttering a little. A symptom he had and defeated a few weeks ago.

-His dreams are his absolute biggest complaint the last 2 days especially, even above his stomach. He just woke up tonight saying “okay these dreams are getting WHACKY….” rubbing his face with worried expression.

-He’s lucid, but not very grounded— afternoon into evening has been best time of day for consistent mood, less drowsiness, and confidence in his sense of purpose.

-When drowsy state grips him his dreams will at times invade our conversation. He’ll notice that his dream punched through into his words, and he’ll snap back into gear. Usually light-hearted about it (willing to be vulnerable). Lately he’s been asking what is real and what was a dream if he’s unsure. That awareness and outreach is a definite improvement, but again he’s dozing more often and his dreams are twisting up his feelings and mood.


*Could the ineffectiveness of the remedies be due to the weight of this depressive phase since the 8th? ((He’s still very cooperative, but I can see and feel the heft of depression he was enduring weeks ago)). How can we explore overcoming this mental block?

*If ^that’s irrelevant, how can we rebound from these intolerable issues left by ceasing Nux?

*Do you see a use for Kalmia Latifolia? I have 12c. I’ll always put your guidance over my anxious whims. I can’t help but search and study.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
[Edited by Cosmosis on 2024-04-11 06:18:51]
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Since stopping ::---NUX RESTART.STOP LYCO.



anuj srivastava 10 months ago

I cannot express how much we appreciate your responses.

He has been a smoker for 40 years and continues to smoke, yes.

I agree very much; I understand; and I WILL EMPHASIZE PRANAYAM! :D my Mom and I have offered to do it with him and we will see how today goes considering the change!

Thank you!
Cosmosis 10 months ago
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
We’ve seen improvement since yesterday; 5/10 stomach, much better appetite and able to digest without consequence; but shoulders are stuck at 7/10. Mood stabilizing some.

Tonight he seems to be affected by the new opiate prescribed. Clearly an issue and will be retooled.
-I’m doing Ipec 30 every 10min with some signs of success, but he’s in and out of dreams and dozing.
-we’re 4 doses in, and he’s finally able to lean back against a propped pillow instead of sitting up/leaning forward

*Can I continue dosing Ipec 30 freely until we get more grounding?
*Any suggestions otherwise?
Cosmosis 10 months ago

new opiate prescribed.NAME?
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
the order I put in for it last month got cancelled.

Xtampza, and he has been taking OxyContin.
Cosmosis 10 months ago

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