The ABC Homeopathy Forum
My husband is reaching peak self-destruction suffering BPD & extreme life stressors
I have Ray’s blessing to make this post.We’ve been friends for 22 years, partners for 14 years, married for 5 years.
I will first introduce his struggles from my perspective. While I am limited in speaking for him, he’s in need of my initiative to reach out for guidance.
Next, there will be a Q&A directly answered by him.
He’s willing to participate/provide answers you request of him if we’re fortunate to move forward in this process.
::General Information::
-He struggles greatly with the emotional/interpersonal dysfunction caused by his traumatic, unstable upbringing.
-Psychiatrists have diagnosed this as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
-He is currently, and has been taking Lamotrigine and Venlafaxine for 5 years. These meds are losing helpful effect on max doses.
-Not able to foster any change (as he has done in the past). Understands he’s not functioning, but emotionally paralyzed. At his ‘lowest’. His decline has injured his self-worth, and his poor self-worth adds to the decline. Unsustainable path.
-We are coping with his past incidence of infidelity, that which he deeply regrets and cannot yet embrace as an objective symptom of his internal suffering. He holds this against himself, and my acceptance/forgiveness is not felt for he’s still punishing himself.
-Spiraling quickly due to extreme life changes and stress.
1 year ago we moved cross-country (USA) to live with my parents. We are giving full-time care to my Dad who’s battling cancr, as well as assisting 5 animals and my Mom.
-Just before we moved, Ray’s mother/sister sparked conflict that collectively spun out, and is still left unresolved as Ray knows they aren’t yet equipped for healing and repair.
He’s assimilating into my family, the family he’s chosen, best he can.
Please let me know if I should elaborate more on stressors or circumstance. Thank you for your time and patience with my tendency to share detail. We are very open, and I’m trying to include factors that may help determine direction.
::General symptoms::
-has lost more than 35lbs w/dwindling appetite
-hair overgrown
-showers approx. once a month
-daily tasks are burdensome
-Prefers to stay isolated, though he also feels it’s harming his mental state.
-nightmares; growing in number and intensity
-sex drive is intense and overarching, as it’s been a life-long coping mechanism since childhood. At times, obsessive masturbation and porn indulgence, usually left unsatisfied. Sex drive is linked to rage and shame among other destructive feelings I can’t speak for. I see shame and pain in him for sexuality.
-Longterm sinus infection on his right side
-Gum disease, tooth loss, chronic tooth infections
-Chronic mucous issue in his lungs. He makes great effort to maintain and manage his lung/sinus symptoms with percussion, IR light, and other measures.
::Baseline Questionnaire Q&A::
36 y/o male
-Weather conditions most troubled by:
*Windy weather
*Dry weather
*Sunny weather (outside of Arizona)
-I feel better with/by:
*Open air
*Windy weather
*Open space
*Cold, dry weather
-I am worse with/by:
*Bright light
-I am generally
*Chilly/Hot, 4 out of 10
-I perspire:
*None/Profusely, 3 out of 10
-Any particular area of perspiration:
*Armpits, upper back, middle chest
-Times of day you feel best:
*12am - 2am
*5am - 10am
*2pm - 5pm
*8pm - 11pm
-Times of day you feel worst:
*1am - 5am
*11am - 2pm
*5pm - 8pm
-Which of the following symptoms do you have during sleep?
*Grind my teeth
*Talk in sleep
*Feel excessively cold
*Laughter while sleep
*Get up to urinate frequently
-Which of the following do you greatly crave?
*Sour food
*Ice cream
-How thirsty are you generally?
-What temperature of water do you prefer?
-Which of the following do you greatly worry about on a frequent basis?
*Being selfish
*Not being able to make decisions
-Which of the following do you greatly fear in a frequent basis?
*Being selfish
*My future
*Being alone
*Not being able to make decisions
-The following best describes my personality:
*Aversion to company
*Easily angered
*Feelings of guilt
*Hurried or impatient
*Overly cautious
*Lack of self confidence
-When I think of past emotional *traumatic events, I feel:
-When I think of my problems, I feel:
-My usual feelings about my spouse are:
-My general mood is:
*Other: all options apply cyclically. (Gloomy/morose, apathetic/indifferenf, animated/lively, sad, excited)
-I am generally:
*Talk only when spoken to
*Have an aversion to talking
-I am:
*Somewhat trusting
-Which of the following do you forget frequently/daily?
-How often do you make mistakes with the following on a daily basis?
*Something just told to you
*Words (speaking)
-Which of the following are you overly sensitive to?
*Being made fun of (looking like a fool)
*Seeing others suffer
-How critical are you of others?
*1 out of 10 I think if I’m understanding them.
-How critical are you of yourself?
*8, 9, 10 out of 10
-Do you experience any of these behaviors (rage, violence, throwing things, cursing, physical abuse, biting) on a frequent basis when you get upset?
*Left blank and unanswered
-Overall my sexual desire is:
4, 5, 6 out of 10. It fluctuates.
::In addition to his questionnaire::
—As his dedicated partner, I have relevant information to fill in that blank: ONLY in conflicts addressing our dysfunctional sex life ((on 3 separate occasions, in the last few months)) he has quickly escalated into rage, cursing, throwing things, and physical violence. He does not look, sound, or speak with familiarity when this happens.
—His most recent episode of reactivity ((3 days ago)) was his most violent, intense, and lasting: starting in evening and continuing to the next day, waking from sleep with this anger still in tact. This needed to be slowly processed throughout that day, and by evening he was level-headed. This event spurred our decision to reach for your help.
::Thank You::
Again- thank you so very much for your time and attention to Ray’s and our universe.
We are capable of the grueling efforts required to heal, grow, and piece ourselves together.
We humbly ask for your chemical guidance to achieve this.
Cosmosis on 2024-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken early morning empty stomach.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
Check out these under-mentioned threads for describing your symptoms.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken early morning empty stomach.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
Check out these under-mentioned threads for describing your symptoms.
While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.
♡ anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Thank you, Doctor!
-He has been taking Silicea 6x and Cal Phos 6x three times daily without disruption.
-He took Nux Vom 200 for 3 nights (March 29th to April 1st), but the Sulphur 200 dose wasn’t taken on day 4 due to our inability to wake up early.
((I apologize I should have reached out the day he missed Sulphur, but I am overwhelmed and struggling with dysfunction. I will be making a post here for myself as well))
-To be clear, I’m reaching out for guidance to get back on track after a 2day disruption between Nux and the potential Sulph.
-Should he take the Sulph 200 tomorrow AM despite the time gap? We now have a manual alarm clock that will help us lol.
-In case this guides your thoughts for him— we are already seeing changes/improvements with this regimen despite our failure.
Ray is longing to cook, is eating more in small amounts throughout the day, he’s expressed a couple goals for his near-future, I see some renewed hope in him, and he is talking about getting a shower. It is just beginning, but verbalizing these things is to be celebrated.
Thank you for your time, and for your references!
I will study them and adjust my form accordingly!
-He has been taking Silicea 6x and Cal Phos 6x three times daily without disruption.
-He took Nux Vom 200 for 3 nights (March 29th to April 1st), but the Sulphur 200 dose wasn’t taken on day 4 due to our inability to wake up early.
((I apologize I should have reached out the day he missed Sulphur, but I am overwhelmed and struggling with dysfunction. I will be making a post here for myself as well))
-To be clear, I’m reaching out for guidance to get back on track after a 2day disruption between Nux and the potential Sulph.
-Should he take the Sulph 200 tomorrow AM despite the time gap? We now have a manual alarm clock that will help us lol.
-In case this guides your thoughts for him— we are already seeing changes/improvements with this regimen despite our failure.
Ray is longing to cook, is eating more in small amounts throughout the day, he’s expressed a couple goals for his near-future, I see some renewed hope in him, and he is talking about getting a shower. It is just beginning, but verbalizing these things is to be celebrated.
Thank you for your time, and for your references!
I will study them and adjust my form accordingly!
Cosmosis 10 months ago
-Should he take the Sulph 200 tomorrow AM despite the time gap? YES.
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
I think the patient will be thankful for a single dose of PHOSPHORUS 1M . give him this remedy a single dose and report back in a week.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-05 14:14:04]
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-05 14:14:04]
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
Thank you both very much!
He is on day 2 of Sulph 200, and the Phos 1m will arrive tomorrow!
One concern: he has had a tooth ache for about 4 days, and he didn’t verbalize it until yesterday when the pain reached moderate levels.
He is using massager vibrations on it to ease some discomfort, rinsing with salt water 3x daily.
Holding cold water in his mouth eases the pain momentarily.
To him it feels like nerve-related pain, and it goes somewhat into his jaw. He has no swelling. Likely coming from a hollow, decayed tooth that was not hurting him previously.
Is this something related to his course of treatment? And/or can it be curbed or treated?
Thank you!!
He is on day 2 of Sulph 200, and the Phos 1m will arrive tomorrow!
One concern: he has had a tooth ache for about 4 days, and he didn’t verbalize it until yesterday when the pain reached moderate levels.
He is using massager vibrations on it to ease some discomfort, rinsing with salt water 3x daily.
Holding cold water in his mouth eases the pain momentarily.
To him it feels like nerve-related pain, and it goes somewhat into his jaw. He has no swelling. Likely coming from a hollow, decayed tooth that was not hurting him previously.
Is this something related to his course of treatment? And/or can it be curbed or treated?
Thank you!!
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Dear Cosmosis. When u give ur husband the medicine prescribed by me pls do not give anyother homeo med. And give this med atleast 1 hr before or after any meal. As the mental symptoms are very strong. It will take weeks to a couple of months to make a change . so patience is much needed.
Thnx . Drsajid
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-05 14:54:17]
Thnx . Drsajid
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-05 14:54:17]
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
I planned to first ask Dr. Srivastava for his confirmation that Phos 1M either aligns, or is neutral in conjunction with his current approach. If you mean to suggest stopping our current regimen, I can understand why you require it but we’ll have to politely decline.
I see homeopathy to be as much an art as it is science, and there are many ways to practice with success! My family and I have learned to trust Dr. Srivastava’s attentive approach, making his input most valuable in this instance.
We sincerely appreciate your effort and consideration for our struggles. We are very open to discussing strategy with Dr. Srivastava’s input and/or cooperation. :D
Thank you, Dr. Sajid!
I see homeopathy to be as much an art as it is science, and there are many ways to practice with success! My family and I have learned to trust Dr. Srivastava’s attentive approach, making his input most valuable in this instance.
We sincerely appreciate your effort and consideration for our struggles. We are very open to discussing strategy with Dr. Srivastava’s input and/or cooperation. :D
Thank you, Dr. Sajid!
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Dr. Srivastava,
We are on day 2 of the early-AM Sulph 200 with consistency.
*One concern: Ray has had a tooth ache for about 4 days, and he didn’t verbalize it until yesterday when the pain reached moderate levels.
He is using massager vibrations on it to ease some discomfort, rinsing with salt water 3x daily.
-Holding cold water in his mouth eases the pain momentarily.
-To him it feels like throbbing nerve-related pain, and it goes somewhat into his jaw and ear.
-He has no swelling.
-Likely coming from a hollow, decayed tooth that was not hurting him prior to 4 days ago.
Is this something related to the course of treatment?
And/or can it be curbed or treated?
Thank you for your time and attention!
[Edited by Cosmosis on 2024-04-05 18:41:49]
We are on day 2 of the early-AM Sulph 200 with consistency.
*One concern: Ray has had a tooth ache for about 4 days, and he didn’t verbalize it until yesterday when the pain reached moderate levels.
He is using massager vibrations on it to ease some discomfort, rinsing with salt water 3x daily.
-Holding cold water in his mouth eases the pain momentarily.
-To him it feels like throbbing nerve-related pain, and it goes somewhat into his jaw and ear.
-He has no swelling.
-Likely coming from a hollow, decayed tooth that was not hurting him prior to 4 days ago.
Is this something related to the course of treatment?
And/or can it be curbed or treated?
Thank you for your time and attention!
[Edited by Cosmosis on 2024-04-05 18:41:49]
Cosmosis 10 months ago
I hav not anny issue . i am on abc homeopathy since 2006. And i hav not much time for the forum . just logged in after 2016. All doctors on the forum are respectful for me.
My prescription is based on strong mental symptoms .
U are free to take reapected dr srivastavas prescription first. May God cure ur husband. And if u feel that the symptoms are still there then u can give PHOS a chance.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-05 18:46:47]
My prescription is based on strong mental symptoms .
U are free to take reapected dr srivastavas prescription first. May God cure ur husband. And if u feel that the symptoms are still there then u can give PHOS a chance.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-05 18:46:47]
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Dr. Sajid,
I must reply once more and thank you for your gracious donation of time and wisdom to those seeking better quality of life— some wavering on the edge of survival— and many without financial security.
You, Dr. Srivastava, and your colleagues provide an invaluable service. Your contribution to my husband’s case fortifies our confidence that we will find our relief, and I have noted it!
Homeopathy fosters a delicate balance between human characteristics that usually contradict, destabilize, or overwhelm one another.
The list goes on!
This rare community, and the life lessons intrinsic to homeopathy, have sculpted my purpose from what I believed to be my weaknesses.
Thank you for your time indulging me! I will be studying and posting in this forum, learning all I can do for my family’s suffering and growth.
Do something kind for yourself today, and I will too.
We all need that reminder sometimes.
Sincerely grateful,
[Edited by Cosmosis on 2024-04-06 21:30:09]
I must reply once more and thank you for your gracious donation of time and wisdom to those seeking better quality of life— some wavering on the edge of survival— and many without financial security.
You, Dr. Srivastava, and your colleagues provide an invaluable service. Your contribution to my husband’s case fortifies our confidence that we will find our relief, and I have noted it!
Homeopathy fosters a delicate balance between human characteristics that usually contradict, destabilize, or overwhelm one another.
The list goes on!
This rare community, and the life lessons intrinsic to homeopathy, have sculpted my purpose from what I believed to be my weaknesses.
Thank you for your time indulging me! I will be studying and posting in this forum, learning all I can do for my family’s suffering and growth.
Do something kind for yourself today, and I will too.
We all need that reminder sometimes.
Sincerely grateful,
[Edited by Cosmosis on 2024-04-06 21:30:09]
Cosmosis 10 months ago
Hello, Doc.
We completed the 4 days of Sulph 200, discontinued it (the last dosing on the 8th) and we discontinued the silica & cal phos until we have your guidance. I lapsed in not reaching out proactively and I’m striving to do better moving forward.
::Sulph 200::
The last day of the Sulph 200, we missed it in early morning- and Ray took the remedy at 3pm with the intention of upkeep, not knowing the effect it could have on his sleep.
Since then, he had been very resistant to sleep and laying down, quite hyperactive, and constantly chatty. He’s mindful of his manic-like state (i.e. “I don’t even know what I’m saying” following strange, random expressions), but not mindful of the affect his volume and energy is having on those around him. He and I are communicating and tending to our connection through it all.
He is adamant about cooking or baking for us this week, and it’s a loving, nurturing side of him I have missed.
His sleep was disrupted and irregular following the final Sulph 200 dose (that was mistakenly taken late that day) it felt like he was choosing not to sleep; didn’t want to lay down— tonight he is sleeping incrementally, but he is wanting to stay up when he wakes up despite being quite tired.
He hasn’t gotten a shower yet but he has groomed and cared for himself in other ways this week while intending to take one any day now. He resolved the knots in his awesomely curly hair, he’s cleaned his face, changed his clothes, and we’re discussing how to resolve the chronic skin infections I failed to mention.
::Tooth infection::
His tooth infection is processing. Coffea Cruda 30 and Plantago 6c have helped the pain. I gave him two doses of Hepar Sulph 30 yesterday and today as swelling rolled in and increased quickly. The swelling has reduced 70% since.
((I could only gather the pellets for Plantago 6c so far. Both Plantago and kreosotum Q tinctures will come in the mail next week.))
I will elaborate on the nuances of his physical symptoms tomorrow. I’ve delayed this post for 2 days in hopes I could discuss with Ray the details of his infections//symptoms, but caregiving for my dad had taken priority. My dad’s condition is looking better, so tomorrow we will make that time.
If you don’t respond to this for now I’ll assume you need those details for prescribing, and I’ll do that as soon as possible. I figured this information could be valuable enough to send beforehand.
Thank you, thank you.
Please forgive my scattered nature at the moment.
We completed the 4 days of Sulph 200, discontinued it (the last dosing on the 8th) and we discontinued the silica & cal phos until we have your guidance. I lapsed in not reaching out proactively and I’m striving to do better moving forward.
::Sulph 200::
The last day of the Sulph 200, we missed it in early morning- and Ray took the remedy at 3pm with the intention of upkeep, not knowing the effect it could have on his sleep.
Since then, he had been very resistant to sleep and laying down, quite hyperactive, and constantly chatty. He’s mindful of his manic-like state (i.e. “I don’t even know what I’m saying” following strange, random expressions), but not mindful of the affect his volume and energy is having on those around him. He and I are communicating and tending to our connection through it all.
He is adamant about cooking or baking for us this week, and it’s a loving, nurturing side of him I have missed.
His sleep was disrupted and irregular following the final Sulph 200 dose (that was mistakenly taken late that day) it felt like he was choosing not to sleep; didn’t want to lay down— tonight he is sleeping incrementally, but he is wanting to stay up when he wakes up despite being quite tired.
He hasn’t gotten a shower yet but he has groomed and cared for himself in other ways this week while intending to take one any day now. He resolved the knots in his awesomely curly hair, he’s cleaned his face, changed his clothes, and we’re discussing how to resolve the chronic skin infections I failed to mention.
::Tooth infection::
His tooth infection is processing. Coffea Cruda 30 and Plantago 6c have helped the pain. I gave him two doses of Hepar Sulph 30 yesterday and today as swelling rolled in and increased quickly. The swelling has reduced 70% since.
((I could only gather the pellets for Plantago 6c so far. Both Plantago and kreosotum Q tinctures will come in the mail next week.))
I will elaborate on the nuances of his physical symptoms tomorrow. I’ve delayed this post for 2 days in hopes I could discuss with Ray the details of his infections//symptoms, but caregiving for my dad had taken priority. My dad’s condition is looking better, so tomorrow we will make that time.
If you don’t respond to this for now I’ll assume you need those details for prescribing, and I’ll do that as soon as possible. I figured this information could be valuable enough to send beforehand.
Thank you, thank you.
Please forgive my scattered nature at the moment.
Cosmosis 10 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.