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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

PCOS / stubborn weight gain, migraines, anxiety and fears


I’ve been using and studying homeopathy for a little over 2 years now. I’m trying to get to the root of some of the issues I’m experiencing and would love some guidance.

I’m a 33 year old female. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 and the last ultrasound I had was when I was 21 and it showed that I had cysts on my ovaries. I was born and raised in New York but lived in Arizona and did very well in the dryer climate but have lived in the south for 10 years and the humidity makes me miserable. I hate it. I’ve gone through a lot in the last 5 years and have experienced a good deal of trauma. I suffer from migraines before, during and after my period. I’ve found Lachesis to be helpful this last cycle and have only experience slight headaches which are much more manageable than migraines.

I cannot seem to lose weight. I’ve tried everything. I’m 166 pounds and 5’4, muscular build, I carry my weight in my stomach and legs.

I live a very active lifestyle, I exercise daily (a mix of cardio and weight training).

I eat a very healthy diet (organic sources of animal proteins, beans, vegetables, berry smoothies, moderate amount of carbs, no processed foods, occasionally salty chips and pumpkin seeds I love, I don’t love sweets but if I do have any sometimes a almond flour chocolate donut or cookie, a piece of chocolate and honey sweetened black tea with milk). Naturally I crave burgers, Indian food, rice, nachos, French fries, chicken fingers, cheese, and creamy things but I don’t eat these things on a regular basis.

I would love to get to the bottom of this and feel like myself again. I’ve tried everything. Sepia lm6 didn’t do anything as my homeopath put me on that but didn’t notice any shifts. Any and all help would be great!
  Siameseluv444 on 2024-03-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.


Check out these under-mentioned threads for describing your symptoms.


anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Ok I will list all my symptoms:

I perspire and smell like onions even after I’ve showered and I shower 2x daily and scrub my armpits.

I experience loud and boisterous gas after eating certain foods such as fiber, beans and heavy carb meals.

Before my periods I get a slight sore throat, almost cold like symptoms. I have intense PMDD and PMs symptoms such as hot flashes, quick to anger, very snappy and frustrated at others, a short temper/fuse, when the period comes I feel relived of those symptoms and will often thing what was I thinking and what came over me to act in such a way but I can’t control how I feel. I also question my life deeply and want to make so many internal and external changes the weeks before my period. I go into a deep introspective state of mind. I often want things to change in my life drastically. I’m never satisfied with my life. I often feel I’m behind and left behind. I will compare myself to others progression and feel worthless and unworthy.

I often want to self isolate and want to come back home after an outing.

Day 1 of period is very faint and light, barely any blood, no cramping yet but slight headache. Day 2 and 3 of period is heavy, medium clots, cramping, extreme fatigue, I feel very sick. Day 4 period blood stops and returns on day 5 brown and very faint. Migraines will almost always follow 1-3 days after my period.

Migraines: usually in the left side of the head above the eye and back of head, hard to see, hard to stand, throbbing, I can’t move. Lying down sometimes makes it worse. Standing up and movement can distract me for a moment. Fresh air sometimes helps if I can walk.

I hate the feeling of something around my neck and abdomen.

My stomach is where I carry most of my weight and I am always bloated. I go to the bathroom every morning, my stools are between solid and solid/mushy. Not diarrhea but not fully solid. If I drink ginger tea or high fiber I will go to the bathroom at night as well.

Hard to fall asleep sometimes as my mind races and fears come up. I often worry about my loved ones or my cats passing away. I have a lot of fear based thinking and think of the worst and how to prepare (I experienced trauma around this).

I fear I will get poisoned by drugs through my food and will sometimes have out of body experience worrying that something I ingested just poisoned me with a hallucinogenic.

Very tired even after 8-9 hours of sleep. Sometimes my sleep is interrupted and have to get up pee but rarely.

Dreams involve people from my past particularly my ex, revisiting old places I’ve lived, constant dreams of the mountains
Siameseluv444 11 months ago


15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Okay so I’m only taking Nux Vom for 3 nights before bed and then starting Sulphur 30c?

I also end up breaking out in pimples from sulphur…and I’m very sensitive to high doses. Can I dilute Nux vom 30c in water and sip? Will it still have the same effect?

How long should I take the cell salts for? And is it ok taking them combined?

Thank you!
Siameseluv444 11 months ago


How long should I take the TIMELINE DIFFICULT TO PREDICT.

And is it ok taking them combined?YES.
anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Surprised . in my opinion this patient needed only a single dose of LACHESIS 200
and this remedy will clear all the symptoms.
drsajid 10 months ago
Wow! Thank you. I just took Lachesis 200c about 30 mins ago at the onset of a migraine and I will let you know what happens.

I didn’t feel anything from the nux vom or sulphur

How frequent should I take Lachesis and what type of things should I notice after this single dose given?
[Edited by Siameseluv444 on 2024-04-05 19:23:00]
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
You can repeat Lachesis 200 after 7 days. And its selected for whole of ur body. U will note all of ur symptom change. Like mental and physical symptoms altogether.
drsajid 10 months ago
Ok thank you. I’ll report after 1 week.
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
Dr Sajid here is my report after 1 week

Day 1: Lachesis: lots of loud, boisterous gas later in the night, extreme fatigue and tiredness, slightly anxious and feeling a little anxious to be outside in public. Slight and dry cough felt like something stuck in throat. Tossing and turning

Day 2: less fatigue, more energy. Slightly better mood. I slept more deep but still tired upon waking up in the morning. Still sleeping very late. Less bloating, more energy. Restless at night tossing and turning

Day 3: tosses and turned all night. Very tired and grumpy all day. Felt very fatigued around 5-6pm. Some pain in ovaries. A little weepy at night when watching a show. Lots of loud gas and farting. Not feeling tired around midnight and couldn’t sleep.

Day 4-5 I took Kali phos 6x before bed to sleep night through and I sleep more deep. Breast was tender and sore bc period is about to begin and I went to doctor to get checked bc I was worried I have a lump and he said no lump.

Day 6-7: left side of breast/body was aching/some pains, very irritable and moody, having major cravings for spicy food, samosa, Indian food, chips, more carbohydrates, headache beginning
[Edited by Siameseluv444 on 2024-04-11 02:36:12]
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
Now u take a single dose of Lycopodium 200 one dose and then wait for 7 days.
U will feel better and better .
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-11 05:31:58]
drsajid 10 months ago
I can only get my hands on lycodpodium 30c can I use that instead? My period should be starting any day now but I have a sore throat and always get a sore throat before period. Any recommendations? I’m also still having a hard time falling asleep
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
Take a dose of layco 30. And for ur sore throat before periods. Take Mag Carb30c , thrice a day
drsajid 10 months ago
Ok thanks.

Dr Sajd,
My period is delayed. I have all the symptoms of period coming and I track my period every month and I’m going on 29 days now. I’m not pregnant but this is common for me. What can I do to induce? I
[Edited by Siameseluv444 on 2024-04-18 17:40:38]
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
My period is delayed. I have all the symptoms of period coming and I track my period every month and I’m going on 29 days now. I’m not pregnant but this is common for me. What can I do to induce?
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
Repeat Lachesis 200c 1 dose
drsajid 10 months ago
Ok I took it again. I hope it comes soon.

I got the order of lycopodium in 200c, when should I take that?
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
I think i need a detailed history of your symptoms. Pls tell me about ur all complaints. Ur liking dislikings. Any mental symptoms like fear delusions etc. Food cravings and aversions. Aggravation and amelioration. Cold and hot weather effect on u and ur symptoms. Thirst and appetite. Food cravings. Etc
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-04-19 17:20:47]
drsajid 10 months ago
Oh ok in our previous message you said to take Lycopodium 200c

My symptoms:
-delayed period and when delayed I am very irritated, angry, impatient and short fused.
-my body feels like it’s going to explode if I don’t get my period and feel very aggravated bc I have PMs symptoms and no period. My period is relieved of these symptoms when it comes.
-2 weeks before my period are the worst feeling in my body - very hungry - want to eat potatoes, cheese, some chocolate but not a lot, rice, carbs
-my body feels like it swells and I feel heavier
-weight gain in midsection and high cortisol
-exercise daiily but can’t loose weight
-very very hard to sleep before period, very bloated, loud consistent gas and bloating. Insomnia, my mind is thinking so much before and I have my worries of everything at this hour before bed.
-I am happy in the dry air and cooler weather. Hot and humid I am very irritated and moody, complaining a lot, I am fatigued and tired
-smelling from underarm even after shower - strong odor
-odor in vagina like fishy too
-bowel movements 2x daily but smelling
-fears of something happening to my cats, very nervous about this. Also nervous that someone could poison me bc I used to smoke marijuana and I stopped 3 years ago and now I am paranoid to ever be high again bc of a bad experience
-stress and always worrying
[Edited by Siameseluv444 on 2024-04-19 18:17:07]
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
If u hv taken Lyco then for now take
1- Sulphur 200c. 1 dose daily before breakfast for 3 days.
2- Zinc Met 30c thrice a day for 3 days.
3- kali phos 6x. 4 tablets thrice a day and continue taking this cell salt for 7 days.
drsajid 10 months ago
Ok, can I use sulphur 30c? I just purchased the lyco 200c
Can I want 2 weeks to these remedies?
Siameseluv444 10 months ago
U can take Sulphur30c.
drsajid 10 months ago
Hi Doctor,

What is the best cell salts I can take for weight loss caused by a hormonal imbalance? I have cellulite in stomach and legs, I get very puffy bloated and swell up when travel but I also am like that when not traveling. I can’t seem to lose weight even thought I eat healthy and exercise daily I tried the remedies but they don’t work. I have problem with losing weight
Siameseluv444 9 months ago
You pls take Puls 200c, twice a week, and cell salts,
Calc phos 6x
Nat Mur 6x
Ferr Phos 6x
2 tablets of each dissolved in little water thrice a day
Take this medication for atleast 1 month to see the results,
It will help to reduce the weight, and for next month i will change the medication .
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-03 05:48:43]
drsajid 9 months ago

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