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Rough throat with clearing and coughing Page 2 of 2
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Hello doctor,
Here is a change in my throat dryness. It is better for most of the day. After eating a meal especially dinner, I feel dryness just on the right side of the throat as if it is dry and prickly. I took ferrum phos 1/2 hour after dinner and that helped a bit. I noticed that the dryness and prickly feeling is what triggers the cough. Otherwise, I am not coughing all day.
Do you recommend I continue taking ferrum phos 3 doses daily? For how long?
Here is a change in my throat dryness. It is better for most of the day. After eating a meal especially dinner, I feel dryness just on the right side of the throat as if it is dry and prickly. I took ferrum phos 1/2 hour after dinner and that helped a bit. I noticed that the dryness and prickly feeling is what triggers the cough. Otherwise, I am not coughing all day.
Do you recommend I continue taking ferrum phos 3 doses daily? For how long?
Simran25 10 months ago
I asked u to take 2 doses of drosera 30c
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
I don’t have drosera at this time. I am looking to order it soon.
Simran25 10 months ago
I got drosera and took 2 doses of it as prescribed. I am no longer coughing, though there is still some dryness at the back of my throat.
Simran25 10 months ago
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
My dry throat is a lot better (still have it for a bit after meals), but today I am again coughing and clearing my throat as if mucous stuck in the throat. Please recommend.
Simran25 10 months ago
Ok, you pls take kali Mur 6x with Feruum phos 6x,thrice a day for 3 days.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-14 04:56:10]
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-14 04:56:10]
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
Hello doctor,
My throat is much better finally after months of suffering. Thank you!
Do I continue with Ferrum phos?
Also could you please recommend a treatment for my foot fungus (picture attached) and my borderline high cholesterol that I have had since I had my girls. Currently, my sister is in India so I will be able to ask her to get me the medications based on your recommendation.
Thank you!
My throat is much better finally after months of suffering. Thank you!
Do I continue with Ferrum phos?
Also could you please recommend a treatment for my foot fungus (picture attached) and my borderline high cholesterol that I have had since I had my girls. Currently, my sister is in India so I will be able to ask her to get me the medications based on your recommendation.
Thank you!
Simran25 9 months ago
On a different note, my daughter (17 years old) has had eczema on her right hand for the past few months. (See picture attached). The skin at the eczema sight is dry and itchy. She has tried petroleum jelly and Boroline but that has not helped. Could you please recommend a treatment for her?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Simran25 9 months ago
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
I gave my daughter graphites as prescribed for a week. There has been no change or improvements to her rash on her hand. The rash is still itchy, dry and bumpy.
Please recommend.
Thank you!
Please recommend.
Thank you!
Simran25 9 months ago
Yes we will change the remedy, i now combined the other symptoms u mailed me,
The remedy is,
Ars Alb 30c,
Thrice a day for a week and report back
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-26 06:05:11]
The remedy is,
Ars Alb 30c,
Thrice a day for a week and report back
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-26 06:05:11]
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
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