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PLEASE HELP, our new dog makes me itch

Hi, we got a new dog and I feel like I am allergic to him!!! When i lift him or even feed him I have itching right away specially on my face and head (dermatitis), but sometimes on my feet and hand too! I bough medicated shampoo and conditioner and spray for him and professionally cut and wash him outside, but not much change! I have been told that some people are allergic to pets!!! I feel like it might be parasite or fungus too!!! Please help me and let me know if there is a homeopathic remedy for him or for me or for both! Thank you so much
  maryam on 2024-04-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also I forgot to mention, itchy watery eye, kinda blurry
maryam 10 months ago


anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Hi, I am so sorry, I forgot to check back here, I went to the homeopathy pharmacy 2 weeks ago and they gave me teucrium 200c and I took 3 one time and I got much much better since, my question is can I put one in a glass of water and give a little to my dog and spray the rest on his skin? or its dangerous? please advise, thank you
maryam 9 months ago
Give your dog a dose of SULPHUR 200 and give a feedback.

Continue same remedies and revert after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Oh ok thank you, I have to go and buy one soon! Thanks
Can I give him 1 dose of teucrium 200 now? I don’t think I’ll go to the pharmacy soon! It’s 50 minutes drive
maryam 9 months ago
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Try non medicated shampoo/conditioner- Unscented also. My neighbor could not figure out allergies for herself and new dog. Turned it was the shampoo/conditioners affecting both of them.
simone717 9 months ago
I gave him teucrium for 4 days and don’t see much changes! So I am going to wait 1-2 weeks and give him sulfur 200! Hopefully it’s going to work! Thank you
My friend’s 13 years old dog has hernia and they have suggested surgery! He has to try so hard to poop!! And when he is trying, if he squeezes above the anus he poops! He was on antibiotics for a week but not much changes! Can you suggest something for him? Thank you so much

Doctor said it’s Perineal hernia, thanks
[Edited by maryam on 2024-05-27 02:58:13]
maryam 9 months ago
Thank you, I tried aloe Vera shampoo because someone said it can be dander allergy, but didn’t help that much! Do you know what shampoo they use? Thanks
maryam 9 months ago
My friend’s 13 years old dog has hernia and they have suggested surgery!Surgery is the only option.However give NUX VOM 200 at night and LYCOPODIUM 200 in the morning to relieve the dog of his agony.

SULPHUR 200 for your dog.Dissolve aloe vera gel in some water and apply two to three times a day and see.
anuj srivastava 9 months ago
Hi Maryam,
They are now using Pro pet wash oatmeal shampoo (amazon, made usa)
it has a fruity scent but that disappears-read the reviews )
simone717 9 months ago
Ok I will thank you so much
maryam 9 months ago
Sulphur 200 helped a lot but not completely, now only if I lift him and hug him I get itchy but before it was very intense, even when he was close to me, I would get itchy, do you suggest continue sulphur 200 (3 pellets once a day in his water)? I gave him about a week, thanks
maryam 2 months ago
Continue on alternate days.
anuj srivastava 2 months ago

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