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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema and stiffness of joints

my five year old son is being treated for eczema by a homeopath. he has been under treatment for 3 months now and has bleeding and oozing all over. for the last couple of weeks, he has been complaining of stiffness in his joints. he cant move his neck and turns his entire body to look around. he also cannot move his arms from his elbow joint and finds difficult to walk becoz he says it hurts in his leg/knee joints.

is this normal? i have been applying rhus tox ointment to give him some relief. but i wanted the opinions of the homeopaths in this forum to verify if this is normal in the course of homeopathic treatment or if something is going wrong.

any post/help/suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
thank you.
  nineclouds on 2006-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi nineclouds,

I suffer from eczema too, and when it is really bad, I move around with difficulty.

This is because of the skin...it becomes very dry and hence inflexible. This does hinder movement and I tended to stay still more.
When my eczema was pretty bad, stretching my arms/legs outwards would hurt as the skin around my elbows/knees was very dry and inflexible. Even applying creams did not make a difference as it could not penetrate the skin - the dryness felt like it was from inside. Same with the area around my neck - I could not move my head from side to side, and instead used to move my body.
The only thing I can suggest is to keep on applying un-medicated creams...frequently!

I really hope your son does start to some improvements soon, because I know what he is feeling and experiencing.

Any more question, do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes.
stickyfingaz99 last decade

if joints affected is new symptom --WRONG direction--treatment is suppressive..and stop all meds and skin ointment mentioned..retake case---if symptoms will not abate then need prerscribe for existing symptoms...

if need any help post..ok?
John Stanton last decade
I have had some remarkable success in the treatment of Eczema and the remedy that I used was Arnica 6c in the wet dose which is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water. The bottle is shaken hard 10 times to produce bubbles and a teaspoonful is sipped twice daily after succussion before each dose. Please note that you do not have to make a new bottle of the remedy every time as the bottle should last about 3 months at 2 tsp/day.

Arnica is not listed in the homeopathic text books as the remedy for Eczema and I believe that I am the first person to have used it for this ailment.

Report response in a week.

No coffee cola drinks and sausages, ham and bacon may be used as they all antidote the remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
stickyfinger : thank you for writing. what you wrote is what my son is experiencing right now. being just over 5yr old, its very hard for him, refuses to climb stairs, cannot get up in the car by himself, he is even scared to get down from the chair.....basically any movements of his joints scare him. same with the neck......he cannot look around without moving his entire body.

right now eczema is spreading to his face also, starting from above the eyes.

if he is being treated with the right remedy, how long should it take for him to see some improvement. ever since we started he has been in a state of aggravation and i have NOT seen any improvement. everything is more confusing and frustrating for us coz we DO NOT know the names of the medications.

John : when you say 'retake' case, does it mean that the treatment will start from the beginning......or should it be taken from where it is at this moment. my son is only 5 and a half and this treatment has changed his personality to a very sick/upset/cranky boy. he used to be a very gentle, caring and loving person earlier and now we see him so different.

at this moment i dont know if i am doing things right by going ahead with this homeopath. this forum has helped me a lot by providing a support system and reading other's experiences.

thank you John and all others for listening and writing to me whenever i needed you.
nineclouds last decade
nineclouds---first and priorityis to settle any aggravtion that ma be occuring at this time--this entails case info --characteristic symptoms as they exist now--with of course already knowledge of past health history..

if need me look at case then post details..and we take from there..
John Stanton last decade
Hi nineclouds,

From what I have read about the course of treatment using homeopathy, an aggravation should not last this long or be this severe.

Aggravations will happen if your homeopath has prescribed too heavily (or maybe incorrectly).
According to Hanhnemann, the treatment should be gentle and aggravations should be minimum...he was against his patients experiencing severe aggravations.

Your son should not be suffering like this. As you said, it has changed him and a 5 year old should not be feeling like this. A five year old should be happy and playfuly - not upset and cranky. This may affect his development as a person if he continues to suffer like this.

Maybe you should talk to your homeopath to retake the case. Or maybe consult with another.

All the best to your son.
stickyfingaz99 last decade
To Stickyfingaz and Nineclouds

I would like to remind you that I have already posted the remedy that I have often used with considerable success in the treatment of Eczema which I shall repeat below:

I have had some remarkable success in the treatment of Eczema and the remedy that I used was Arnica 6c in the wet dose which is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water. The bottle is shaken hard 10 times to produce bubbles and a teaspoonful is sipped twice daily after succussion before each dose. Please note that you do not have to make a new bottle of the remedy every time as the bottle should last about 3 months at 2 tsp/day.

Arnica is not listed in the homeopathic text books as the remedy for Eczema and I believe that I am the first person to have used it for this ailment.

Report response in a week.

No coffee cola drinks and sausages, ham and bacon may be used as they all antidote the remedy.

May I suggest that you use this remedy for the patient who in the case of Nineclouds is his 5 year old son and in the case of Stickyfingaz is himself.

If it does not work in the manner that I have indicated, you will at least have the pleasure of telling me that my remedy did not help you as it has done in countless cases that I have treated before.

It is because I feel concerned for Ninecloud's 5 year old that I felt that I should repeat the Arnica cure for Eczema that has helped many.
Joe De Livera last decade

Firstly, I would like say I admire you for the free help you offer to all on this forum - thank you and keep it going.

I have tried your suggestion of Arnica 6c for my eczema for 3 months, but it did not help. I adminstered it as you described - in the wet dose, twice a day. I also tried it with Arnica 30c, but it did not improve my condition. This was my first trial of homeopathic treatment.

But this did not discourage me for homeopathy. Infact, I am more interested with this science, and it has led me to read vast amounts of text on it.
I have had some level of improvement with my current treatment, and hopefully I shall see more.


Maybe you should try Joe's suggestion. But remember you cannot take more than 1 remedy at a time. You will have to stop your son's current treatment.
Although the arnica did not help me, it may help your son. As Joe said, he has had success with Arnica for treating eczema.

Best wishes!
stickyfingaz99 last decade
To Sticky

I have treated may patients who suffered from chronic Eczema and you are the first to report that it did not help you.

It occurs to me that there is some possibility of the Arnica that you purchases may be off spec. If you did not get a recognized brand like Boiron. WHP, Helios, I would recommend that you get another vial of Arnica 6c of any brand listed above and use it in the dry dose 4 pellets under the tongue.

Report response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade

I am glad that many of your patients have benefited from Arnica to treat their eczema. It is truely a distressing chronic ailment.

I did try 2 different brands of Arnica 6c - Nelsons and Boiron. I first started using it in the dry form for 2 weeks with no effect. I then read you encourage the wet dose and tried that. First with 6c and then 30c. I didn't benefit from that either.

I am currently on a different remedy, and as it seems to be helping slowly, I shall not try the Arnica as suggested. Maybe later on if my improvement stops with my current treatment.


If you do try the Arnica on your son, please do let us know of the outcome.
stickyfingaz99 last decade
hello to all of you,

sorry i was so busy with my son so far that i did not get a chance to read these posts.

here is the update.....while continuing with my son's treatment with the homeopath, his condition detoriated further. he could not move his limbs and started crawling. as i had mentioned earlier he could not move his neck also. rhus tox application was not helping either. and then to my horror, eczema flared around his mouth as well. and my son stopped eating coz it was difficult to open his mouth. i had no other option but to take him to his pediatrician and right now he is on some prescription antihistamine which has helped his itching. i am not sure if i am going to continue with this homeopath or not.

i still have faith in homeopathy, dont get me wrong. but my son had reached a stage when he was not talking anymore, he was only crying. he was bleeding all over and his clothes were getting soaked in his oozing. as a mother i could not take it anymore and had to give him some relief.

joe, i am considering your treatment for my son. can i still give him the antihistamine while i give him arnica? i am not going to start it right away coz he needs to control his scratching first.

sticky, thank you so much for understanding. my son has been through hell for the last 6months, he does not smile anymore, sits in a corner by himself and is developing into a mental wreck. he thinks he is ugly coz of all the skin eruptions and refuses to look in the mirror. he is only 5 but has skin like a 80yr old.....all wrinkled and dry. he used to be so happy and playful, now he is such a recluse.

john, i am trying to write a synopsis of my son's case. please hold on for a while.

i hope i can bring him back to what he used to be.
nineclouds last decade
desperation may make even the pope cheat the poor of their food....strong resolve is only way through...no resolve ..at mercy of every ''seller of snake oil'

you post your synopsis---and exhaust all possibilities first before i get envolved..then we have no other interferance ...if other possibity seem work --then no need i getenvolved...
John Stanton last decade
To Nineclouds

As you have read from Sticky's post Arnica 6c has not helped him and he has changed to another remedy which is giving him some relief. I hope that this relief continues as I am only too aware of the intense suffering that Eczema can cause which in other cases I have treated has been resolved very quickly.

In the case of your little boy I would still recommend you use it even though you will not be able to stop the antihistamine which is essential to help him in the state he is in now.

If it does not help him in say 2 weeks you can then consider another remedy. All I can state is that I have many patients who were helped by Arnica 6c, some in just 3 days when a positive response was noticed.

We can only hope and pray that your son can also benefit from this remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
You need to stop working with this homeopath. John Stanton has good advice. You can do permanent damage to your son with homeopathy. With eczema the only aggravation should be worsening of the skin because of exteriorization, and if that happens you need to stop dosing until it goes through the aggravation and then improves. Then when the improvement stops you dose again. Potency for eczema should not be higher than 6C and in a liquid dose put into a cup or two...
Do not dose again with an aggravation. Wait!!!!
maryo last decade
U r son is suffering from Psoraisis associated Arthritis. Leave Homeopathy immediately and at once see a specialist.If you love ur child.

This is no time for experiments.
drprodip last decade

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