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pain, left lower back (kidney or lumbar, not sure) to let testicle 2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lower back/Kidney pain


I am a 52 year old woman experiencing lower back pain in the kidney area. No other general symptoms, but when I do have to urinate I have urgency associated with it. Any help or remedy would be greatly appreciated.
  millizzgmail.com on 2024-04-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is it in left or right kidney?
Any other symptoms?
How is your thirst and urine?
When does it worse or better?
HealthyWorld 10 months ago
Urine doesnt seem discolored. Ive always struggled with staying hydrated although I am trying to drink more water. I do get a bit thirsty sometimes at night.
Im not sure if its both, but I do feel tenderness on what would be my right side.
millizzgmail.com 10 months ago
Gets worse if Im sitting down too long. Better when standing.
[Edited by millizzgmail.com on 2024-04-15 23:01:52]
millizzgmail.com 10 months ago
RE-upping this with my replies.
millizzgmail.com 10 months ago
Arsenicum Album 30C
2 drop in some water, twice daily.

Morning dose, as soon as you get up, before brushing your tooth.
Evening dose: after 12 hours from first dose, make sure that nothing has been taken for 30 minutes before taking the medicines.
[Edited by HealthyWorld on 2024-04-16 05:26:16]
HealthyWorld 10 months ago
Update: went to urgent care. Test urine--- came back fine. Got some bloodwork-- all looked ok, so following up with general doc. Still have general discomfort on right side that extends into the back. Noticed that when doc was pressing down on right side in mid abdomen that there was tenderness. Pain is not excruciating. No extreme thirst- and sleeping well. No pain on urination. Been taking arsenicum album, with little change.
[Edited by millizzgmail.com on 2024-04-20 20:18:43]
millizzgmail.com 10 months ago

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