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Weight and GERD Page 2 of 2

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Based on your symptoms and history, it seems that Natrum Phosphoricum (Nat. Phos.) and Arnica have previously worked well for you. Given the recurrence of GERD and weight issues, here’s a suggested plan:

GERD Management:
Natrum Phosphoricum 6x:

Dose: 4 tablets
Frequency: 3 times a day after meals

Arnica 30c:

Dose: 5 drops in water
Frequency: Twice daily
Weight Loss:
While managing GERD, focusing on weight loss through lifestyle changes is crucial. Here are some supportive remedies:

Calcarea Carbonica 30c:

Dose: 5 drops in water
Frequency: Twice daily
Description: It is especially useful for weight gain around the abdomen, along with a tendency to sweat easily and craving for sweets and eggs.

To further help with your symptoms:

Nux Vomica 30c:

Dose: 5 drops in water
Frequency: Once at night
Description: Useful for digestive issues, especially those arising from dietary indiscretions and stress.
drsajid 9 months ago
Hi Dr Sajid,

I already have calcarea carbonica 200, sulfur 200, lycopodium 200 that I have ordered. What do I do with these as per original recommendations from healthyworld.
weightlossninja 9 months ago
Very simple, follow healthyworld prescription, if it does not work then take the 2nd opinion.
drsajid 9 months ago
Thank you Dr.Sajid.

Hi Healthyworld,

Can you please confirm if I should just take all remedies once every week or is it one remedy every week 5 drops in 15 ml water?
weightlossninja 9 months ago
One remedy in a week
HealthyWorld 9 months ago
Hi I would like to know how it worked for your weight loss? any progress? I have a cousin who is same case as yours and I was wondering Id he should follow this course!
lil sis 7 months ago

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