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Reflux & Silent Reflux in Infant Nat Phos?

Hi all,
I’ve been reading the forums on here about Nat Phos to assist with infant reflux.
I have given two doses of a quarter tablet of Tissue Salts Nat Phos 6X mixed with my breastmilk today and he has had an episode of projectile and fussiness directly after. Should I continue administering Nat Phos? Are symptoms to get worse before they get better?
Also when do you know to stop giving Nat Phos (when infant has healed)?
[Edited by Ivanamaree on 2024-04-26 07:30:57]
  Ivanamaree on 2024-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop Nat Phos for now, and wait for a day , if symptoms subsides then its good, u can also give the child a single dose of Mag Carb 30c, a drop
drsajid 10 months ago
I gave another dose (1/2 tablet) last night after his 6pm feed and he kept everything down. Just little spit ups. Should I still stop?
I don’t want to keep introducing different things. Nat Phos will be my last attempt at helping his reflux then I will just continue with breastmilk only.
What if symptoms don’t subside after one day of not using?
Ivanamaree 10 months ago

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