The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Low self confidence and social phobia
I am 29 years old. Having low self confidence and unable to eye contact with people. Face social anxiety while making eye contact with people during conversation. During conversation with people I feel perspiration on whole body and body starts shivering with fear.[Edited by Zulqrn on 2024-05-01 07:51:53]
Zulqrn on 2024-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You take Gelsemium 30c, thrice a day for 1 week, you will feel better.
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
Mind; confidence; lack, want of self: LYC(4) ANAC(4) AMBR(4) BAR-C(4) EXCR-CAN(4) SIL(4) DYS-CO(4) HOCH(4) AUR(3) AUR-M-N(4) THUJ(4) GERM(3) HALIAE-LC(3) BAMB-A(3) NAJA(3) KALI-C(3) LANT-P(3) PULS(3) OLND(3) ANG(3) KALI-SIL(3) ARIST-CL(3) HYDROG(3) ARGE-P(3) FERR-M(3) LAVA-E(3) CANTH(3) AGN(3) KOLA(3) SABAD(3) TRITIC-V(3) OZON(3) LAC-C(3) NAT-M(3) AML-N(3) MED(3) SCAN(3) CARC(3) ADAM(3) AMET(3) ARS(3) ARS-S-F(3) BRY(3) CALC(3) CHIN(3) EUR-O(3) FIC(3) GELS(3) HELOD-C(3) BOS-S(3) CAND-A(3) DIOSP-K(3) GALL(3) HURA(3) LAC-EQ(3) MAG-M(3) PETR(3) PH-AC(3) PIC-AC(3) PLAC(3) PLUT-N(3) PYC-S(3) SAC-ALB(3) SOL(3) URO-H(3) arg-n(2) hafn(2) bar-br(2) rhus-t(2) hyos(2) lac-h(2) argo(2) pass-d(2) dros(2) acrid-t(2) calc-p(2) cer-c(2) hema-h(2) lac-rup(2) nitro(2) agar(2) apei-s(2) lat-h(2) stoi-k(2) chely-s-o(2) uran(2) anthop-x(2) arn(2) biti-a(2) cinis-p(2) con(2) emer(2) fic-sp(2) guin(2) impa-r(2) kryp(2) lac-drom(2) leon(2) mim-p(2) myrrh(2) nicc(2) niob(2) ostr-c(2) platan-a(2) sam-co-m(2) sanic(2) scirr(2) vanad(2) buto-u ther beryl phas-c aur-s nux-v staph mand stram thea ign iod adan beryl-n biti-at camph chir-f cygn-c drim-w gav-i heli insul lac-cpr lac-del lepro lsd mant-r nat-glt phase pras-c pter-a salx-f sulph vip bac bar-s clem gink bar-acet nit-ac abel agki-p alab andri-q bar-p cadm-p calc-f calc-m carch-l cer-p electr eps-b erb-c euph-pu eur ferr-p-h glon granit-m ham hell her-s lac-ov lap-a lava-f mori-c neod-f neod-n parac-h pras pras-s santin scler-a scorp seq-g strept stront-m tant ulm-c aloe am-br anh aq-mar buth-aust carb-v caust chlor des-ac foll kali-s mosch ran-b terb-o viol-t zinc act-sp agath-a aids alum alum-s am-c am-m anath aquila-a arbu-m arg-p astac atp aur-i bar bar-f bar-m bell bor bud-d bufo bute-j cact caes-m calc-br calc-sil calen calx-b caras carb-an carb-f cari caul cench cere-b cham choc clad-r cob cocc coli conv corv-c culx-p cupr cygn-c-b dama-d didel-v diox dirc dor dpt eur-c eur-n falco-p ferr-i fic-m form gado-m gado-n gall-ac gard-j graph harp herin hete-m hippo-k ilx-p irid kali-n lac-as lac-f lac-lup lach lamp-c lampr-s lant lant-br lant-c lant-o lim-b-c lith-c m-aust manc mangi melal-a meny merc meteo-a mobil-ph mur-ac musa nat-c nat-p nat-s nat-sil nelu neod neod-c nitro-o onc-t op osm oxyg pall passi perl phala-g phos phyt pier-b plb polyst por-m posit pot-a pras-br pras-f pras-o prot pseuts-m psor pyrit quartz-r rhod rhus-g ros-d ruta sabal sam-p sapph sars scroph-n sep ser-ang sop-m spect spong squil stront-c succ sul-ac sul-i sumb syph tab tax-br telo-s terb terb-m thul-c thul-f thymol titan-c tour-chr tricy-h tub uv-lux verat verb xeno ytte-c yttr-o.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-05-01 17:55:05]
Mind; confidence; lack, want of self: LYC(4) ANAC(4) AMBR(4) BAR-C(4) EXCR-CAN(4) SIL(4) DYS-CO(4) HOCH(4) AUR(3) AUR-M-N(4) THUJ(4) GERM(3) HALIAE-LC(3) BAMB-A(3) NAJA(3) KALI-C(3) LANT-P(3) PULS(3) OLND(3) ANG(3) KALI-SIL(3) ARIST-CL(3) HYDROG(3) ARGE-P(3) FERR-M(3) LAVA-E(3) CANTH(3) AGN(3) KOLA(3) SABAD(3) TRITIC-V(3) OZON(3) LAC-C(3) NAT-M(3) AML-N(3) MED(3) SCAN(3) CARC(3) ADAM(3) AMET(3) ARS(3) ARS-S-F(3) BRY(3) CALC(3) CHIN(3) EUR-O(3) FIC(3) GELS(3) HELOD-C(3) BOS-S(3) CAND-A(3) DIOSP-K(3) GALL(3) HURA(3) LAC-EQ(3) MAG-M(3) PETR(3) PH-AC(3) PIC-AC(3) PLAC(3) PLUT-N(3) PYC-S(3) SAC-ALB(3) SOL(3) URO-H(3) arg-n(2) hafn(2) bar-br(2) rhus-t(2) hyos(2) lac-h(2) argo(2) pass-d(2) dros(2) acrid-t(2) calc-p(2) cer-c(2) hema-h(2) lac-rup(2) nitro(2) agar(2) apei-s(2) lat-h(2) stoi-k(2) chely-s-o(2) uran(2) anthop-x(2) arn(2) biti-a(2) cinis-p(2) con(2) emer(2) fic-sp(2) guin(2) impa-r(2) kryp(2) lac-drom(2) leon(2) mim-p(2) myrrh(2) nicc(2) niob(2) ostr-c(2) platan-a(2) sam-co-m(2) sanic(2) scirr(2) vanad(2) buto-u ther beryl phas-c aur-s nux-v staph mand stram thea ign iod adan beryl-n biti-at camph chir-f cygn-c drim-w gav-i heli insul lac-cpr lac-del lepro lsd mant-r nat-glt phase pras-c pter-a salx-f sulph vip bac bar-s clem gink bar-acet nit-ac abel agki-p alab andri-q bar-p cadm-p calc-f calc-m carch-l cer-p electr eps-b erb-c euph-pu eur ferr-p-h glon granit-m ham hell her-s lac-ov lap-a lava-f mori-c neod-f neod-n parac-h pras pras-s santin scler-a scorp seq-g strept stront-m tant ulm-c aloe am-br anh aq-mar buth-aust carb-v caust chlor des-ac foll kali-s mosch ran-b terb-o viol-t zinc act-sp agath-a aids alum alum-s am-c am-m anath aquila-a arbu-m arg-p astac atp aur-i bar bar-f bar-m bell bor bud-d bufo bute-j cact caes-m calc-br calc-sil calen calx-b caras carb-an carb-f cari caul cench cere-b cham choc clad-r cob cocc coli conv corv-c culx-p cupr cygn-c-b dama-d didel-v diox dirc dor dpt eur-c eur-n falco-p ferr-i fic-m form gado-m gado-n gall-ac gard-j graph harp herin hete-m hippo-k ilx-p irid kali-n lac-as lac-f lac-lup lach lamp-c lampr-s lant lant-br lant-c lant-o lim-b-c lith-c m-aust manc mangi melal-a meny merc meteo-a mobil-ph mur-ac musa nat-c nat-p nat-s nat-sil nelu neod neod-c nitro-o onc-t op osm oxyg pall passi perl phala-g phos phyt pier-b plb polyst por-m posit pot-a pras-br pras-f pras-o prot pseuts-m psor pyrit quartz-r rhod rhus-g ros-d ruta sabal sam-p sapph sars scroph-n sep ser-ang sop-m spect spong squil stront-c succ sul-ac sul-i sumb syph tab tax-br telo-s terb terb-m thul-c thul-f thymol titan-c tour-chr tricy-h tub uv-lux verat verb xeno ytte-c yttr-o.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-05-01 17:55:05]
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Dear , dont worry, Gels will noy fail bc this remedy has a key symptom for the individuals who experience social anxiety, fear and low self confidence especially when interacting with others
Note. The patient has not mentioned a general lack of confidence but it is especially when interacting with others.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-01 18:06:44]
Note. The patient has not mentioned a general lack of confidence but it is especially when interacting with others.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-01 18:06:44]
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
You mean that gelsemium is enough in case of low self confidence and social phobia while interacting with people.I have same case.
Am I right?
Am I right?
Zulqrn 10 months ago
I am getting treatment from a homeo doctor. It has been two weeks. At first there was a slight difference, but then the condition has become the same. This doctor gave me a lot of medicine.
Zulqrn 9 months ago
Have u taken Gels?
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
No that doctor has not given me gelsemium
Zulqrn 9 months ago
I am surprised , u are under treatment of a doctor already, if u are not satisfied then why u hv not taken the remwdies prescribed on this forum
♡ drsajid 9 months ago
A few months ago I started gelsemium and it was much better then I lost my job and went into depression and my confidence level was even worse than before.
Zulqrn 9 months ago
And now I am getting treatment from a doctor but there is no significant difference and that doctor gives a lot of medicines
Zulqrn 9 months ago
I suggest you follow drsajid. Your homeopath is not giving you results. If you are still depressed tell dr sajid your symptoms-of depression in detail- You may need to get that under control first before the anxiety-.
♡ simone717 9 months ago
Dr. I have low self esteem issues since my childhood and I cant make eye contact with anyone. And my heart wants to somehow run away from this party and hide somewhere else, and besides, I am very shy to talk to anyone or speak my mind in any party.
Zulqrn 9 months ago
You said gelsemium was working until you lost your job and became depressed with lower confidence. What caused your job loss? Are you depressed now? Depression can mean low energy, wanting to sleep constantly, feeling hopeless, -remedies need to match what is going on.
♡ simone717 9 months ago
Now my job is back and depression is gone but self esteem is gone now
Zulqrn 9 months ago
I suggest you Follow Drsajid prescription and take Gelsemoim 30c 3x a day for a week and then report back to him. It’s important to remember all this is not who you are. It’s not your fault you had traumatic childhood. This is how the nervous system /memory system overrides bc anything that brings up the past abuse sets off these reactions. Do not judge yourself.
♡ simone717 9 months ago
I started after your suggestion gelsemium but it was not giving me results then I started gelsemium and anacardium both with 30c and I am feeling better now.
Zulqrn 9 months ago
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