The ABC Homeopathy Forum
First day onset of shingles. No rash has appeared yet, only small square of localised pain at the top of the rib cage under the left breast. Had shingles before so know how it feels. Been under extreme stress latelyEsiasoirc on 2024-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Whynot Ran-b 30c,
As this remedy is often prescribed forcing shingles especially when the pain is localized and burning in nature its also effective stress related conditions and help alleviate anxiety and tension.
The dosage is 5 drops thrice a day for 3 days
As this remedy is often prescribed forcing shingles especially when the pain is localized and burning in nature its also effective stress related conditions and help alleviate anxiety and tension.
The dosage is 5 drops thrice a day for 3 days
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Ok , i think patient should try Staph and if it fails then try Ran-b,
As our aim is to help the patients.
As our aim is to help the patients.
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
Dear anuj but the pain is a concomitant of shingle, and Ran-b deal well with shingle pain, pls dont mind its just a healthy debate.
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-02 06:04:48]
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-05-02 06:04:48]
♡ drsajid 10 months ago
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