The ABC Homeopathy Forum
one eye squinting. discharge. and red
hello i was giving calcarea carbonica 6c 2 pellets to my dog for cataracts. the cloudiness was looking smaller or the pupil was being contracted so it looked smaller. another time i looked up that silicea 6c can help with cataracts i didnt want to give her a high dose so i just gave her 1 pellet. and 2 days later her eye is squinting in one eye has a little discharge and some redness. i was wondering if this was from the 1 pellet of silicea 6c. or not and if i should give either a lower dose or another remedy as an antidote. or do i just stop giving it to her. the calcarea carbonica 6c seemed to be working ok. but when i tried giving her 1 pellet of calcarea 9c it didnt do anything visible. we did go to the vet to get some eye drops to help. please let me know if theres any information on this im so worried about her shes a pug and shes so sweetjasonkim on 2024-05-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Cineraria Maritima Without Alcohol Eye Drop-a couple of times every day.Both eyes.
Calc Fluor 6x and Kali Sulph 6x,fifteen tabs of each be dissolved in drinking water every day.
Feedback after 7 days.
Calc Fluor 6x and Kali Sulph 6x,fifteen tabs of each be dissolved in drinking water every day.
Feedback after 7 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 9 months ago
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