The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Silicea helping with headache but effects dont last long
hi, I get a headache on the right side of the head spreading from the right side of the nape of the neck all the way to the right eye. Aggravates when drinking 2 cups of black tea together. I also have photophobia consistently since past few years, the headache just started becoming more intense in last few days.- I took Silicea 30c 3 times a day for 7 days, however when I stop the remedy, the headache comes back.
- I then started Silicea 200 and took one dose per day for 2 days, however, the effects do not last more than a day or two.
- Is it ok to take Silicea 200c 1 time a day for a few weeks? or
Should I try Silicea 1M next? (I want to be careful, not to overdose).
searchingcure on 2024-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wait for a prescriber. If one has to keep taking a remedy over and over it is called palliation (not a cure) palliation is same as taking western meds that just suppress the problem.
♡ simone717 9 months ago
Hi Simone717, thanks for your reply. I have been concerned that palliation is happening, however, this is the only remedy that has worked so far and this well, as the headache gets completely resolved and eyes feel less stressed out from photophobia.
My photophobia has been around for 5 years after I took a western med for anxiety. Few years ago a homeo dr. prescribed Nux Vom. 1M every hour a total of 6 doses for Photophobia at that time, I took 2 doses and this headache and pain in right eye appeared for the first time, however, after that experience whenever I try Belladonna and Nux Vomica in 30 or 200 it causes the same symptoms i.e. pain in my right eye. I went to another homeo dr. who tried many different remedies (didnt share their names) but none helped at all. Since this is a chronic condition I feel like I may need to give this remedy i.e. Silicea more time may be.
My photophobia has been around for 5 years after I took a western med for anxiety. Few years ago a homeo dr. prescribed Nux Vom. 1M every hour a total of 6 doses for Photophobia at that time, I took 2 doses and this headache and pain in right eye appeared for the first time, however, after that experience whenever I try Belladonna and Nux Vomica in 30 or 200 it causes the same symptoms i.e. pain in my right eye. I went to another homeo dr. who tried many different remedies (didnt share their names) but none helped at all. Since this is a chronic condition I feel like I may need to give this remedy i.e. Silicea more time may be.
searchingcure 9 months ago
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