The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Enlarged Spleen, and low WBC
I have an enlarged spleen with very low white blood counts, very low.Any remedies that can increase WBC and reduce the spleen somewhat, (the spleen does not produce normal red blood cells, and is causing the problem overall). Thanks
larryh1012 on 2024-05-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you have an MD diagnosis? Sometimes a bone marrow biopsy has to be done to see the real cause of this.
♡ simone717 9 months ago
she has a disease called feltys syndrome, which is a secondary illness to rheumatoid arthritis. Feltys is characterized by low wbc, confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy. So, any thoughts?
larryh1012 9 months ago
Hi-this is complicated and needs expertise-preferably a homeopathic MD who has prior experience with this. I suggest you email Dr.Jitesh Sharma(jiteshsharma2007 at gmail dot com)
Dr Jitesh and his father Dr. Deoshlok Sharma have a homeopathic hospital in India. I know the senior Dr. Sharma has treated this syndrome -he is semi retired now but both of them have volunteered their time on this forum for many years.
Forum advice on health (not just homeopathy) can be posted by any person on earth who joins. Many ppl think this is an MD /homeopath forum/you click any user name to see bio and their history on here to see who you are talking to. Also thorough case taking needed here,
When it began, fam history, what treatments are going on, meds etc. Homeopathy works when the remedy can cause similar symptoms in a healthy person. Bc the body will not Allow a similar disease-the body raises life force to clear out the remedy (which is a molecule nano imprint) The life force then clears the real matching disease. There are over 5000 remedies and you can google materia medica of any remedy to see the symptoms it caused on a group of healthy ppl.
This case is probably going to have to be done in layers of remedies.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-05-29 21:07:55]
Dr Jitesh and his father Dr. Deoshlok Sharma have a homeopathic hospital in India. I know the senior Dr. Sharma has treated this syndrome -he is semi retired now but both of them have volunteered their time on this forum for many years.
Forum advice on health (not just homeopathy) can be posted by any person on earth who joins. Many ppl think this is an MD /homeopath forum/you click any user name to see bio and their history on here to see who you are talking to. Also thorough case taking needed here,
When it began, fam history, what treatments are going on, meds etc. Homeopathy works when the remedy can cause similar symptoms in a healthy person. Bc the body will not Allow a similar disease-the body raises life force to clear out the remedy (which is a molecule nano imprint) The life force then clears the real matching disease. There are over 5000 remedies and you can google materia medica of any remedy to see the symptoms it caused on a group of healthy ppl.
This case is probably going to have to be done in layers of remedies.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-05-29 21:07:55]
♡ simone717 9 months ago
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