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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Androgenic Alopecia


I am a male suffering from androgenic alopecia and undergoing homeopathic treatments for the last 1 year but with little improvement. Initially, lycopodium worked wonderfully well for me but as Dr increased the potency it stopped giving good result. I have been given sulphur now but that as well is not working. I find my mental pictures and characteristics fitting very closely to Natrum Muraticum, but I dont know if that will be applicable for me.

My question to homeopathy practioners is, why did lycopodium give remarkabale improvement in the first few months of treatment and then stopped responding. I am under the hands of a very capable homeopath but I cant ask him about these details. If any one knows this, kindly consider to answer.
  abracadabra on 2024-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am under the hands of a very capable homeopath but I cant ask him about these details. YOU SHOULD SEEK RESPONSE FROM HIM.HE SHOULD INCREASE THE POTENCY IF HE FEELS THAT THE PRESENT POTENCY HAS STOPPED WORKING.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
You may need to increase the number of granules per dose and frequency of administration, or change the dilution or remedy.

abracadabra said I am under the hands of a very capable homeopath but I cant ask him about these details.

Why can’t you ask your doctor about the details of treatment?
[Edited by heliodor14 on 2024-06-28 19:01:46]
heliodor14 8 months ago

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