The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dyshidrotic eczema On hands
My daughter (18 year old) has Dyshidrotic eczema on her fingers and also on top of right hand. She has tried steroidal creams that help clear it out but it flares up again in a few days. The skin at eczema site is super dry, itchy and has small blisters that can ooze out a liquid if pressed.Overall, as for her personality she is highly academic, outgoing. Her thirst levels have always been low. She gets stressed easily because she likes being organized and ahead of the task in hand.
In her childhood (around 4-10 years old) she has eczema on her arm and leg folds that was cured successfully by antimonium crudum and arsenic alb.
Please recommend a treatment plan for her.
Thank you,
Simran25 on 2024-07-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ HealthyWorld 7 months ago
Simran25 7 months ago
Carcinocn 1000, 2 drops in some water, once in a month.
Kali Ars 30C, 2 drops in some water, thrice daily.
Calc Flour 12x and Kali Sulph 6x, 4 tab from each, 4 times daily
Plz maintain 30 minutes gap from food and drink
Kali Ars 30C, 2 drops in some water, thrice daily.
Calc Flour 12x and Kali Sulph 6x, 4 tab from each, 4 times daily
Plz maintain 30 minutes gap from food and drink
♡ HealthyWorld 7 months ago
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